(C501) (Team Nexus) Assignment 1

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Course code: C501
Assignment 1

Prepared by:
1) Md. Sofihkul Islam (ZR5)
Batch: 51E
2) Md. Hasnat Khan Rezvi (ZR9)
Date: 19-03-2014 3) Md. Zobaer Islam (ZR10)
4) Mohsin Md. Abdul Karim (ZR13)
5) Sajid Rabbani (ZR21)
Familiar Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

1. We must terminate all deficit financing. 1. We must not spend more than our

2. We must endeavor to correct this 2. We must try to correct this problem by

problem by expediting delivery. ensuring quick delivery.

3. A proportionate tax consumes a 3. A fixed-rate tax consumes a definite

determinate apportionment of one's portion of one's monetary flow.
monetary flow.
4. Business has an inordinate influence on 4. Business has an excessive influence on
governmental operations. governmental operations.

5. It is imperative that consumers be 5. Let consumers be free to select their

unrestrained in determining their choices.
6. Mr. Sanchez terminated Kevin’s 6. Mr. Sanchez fired Kevin for low
employment as a consequence of his performance.
ineffectual performance.
Familiar Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

7. Our expectations are that there will be 7. We can predict a rise in commodity
increments in commodity value. price.

8. Can we ascertain the types of 8. Can we make sure the types of loyal
customers that have a predisposition to customers for our present credit offer?
utilize our instant-credit offer?
9. The preponderance of the 9. The majority of the businesspeople we
businesspeople we consulted envisions consulted views signs of improvement
signs of improvement from the current from the current stop of economic
siege of economic stagnation. inactivity.
10. if liquidation becomes mandatory, we 10. If encashment becomes mandatory.
shall dispose of these assets first. We shall get rid of these assets first.

11. Recent stock acquisitions have 11. Recent stock buying have brought the
accentuated the company's current company's current financial crisis into
financial crisis attention.
12. Mr. Coward will serve as intermediary 12. Mr. Coward will work as middle man in
in the pending labor-management policy. the pending labor-management policy.
Familiar Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

13. Ms. Smith's Idiosyncrasies supply 13. Ms. Smith's habits supply adequate
adequate justification for terminating her explanation for dismissing her
employment. employment.
14. Requisites for employment by his 14. Essentials for employment by his
company have been enhanced. company have been increased.

15. The unanimity of current forecasts is 15. The agreement of current forecasts is
not incontrovertible evidence of an not undeniable evidence of an
impending business acceleration. approaching business acceleration.
16. People's propensity to consume is 16. People's tendency to consume is
insatiable. limitless.

17. The company must desist from its 17. The company must stop spending
deficit financing immediately more than its income immediately

18. The antiquated merchandising 18. The old advertising plan is ineffective
strategy is ineffectual in contemporary in current business operations.
business operations
Familiar Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

19. Percentage return on common 19. Stockholders received payment of

stockholder's equity averaged 23.1 for the 23.1 percent of the value of their share.
20. The company's retained earnings last 20. The company's net income was more
year exceeded $2,500,000. than $2,500,000 last year.
Concrete Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

22. We have found that young men are 22. We have found that men of 20 to 25
best for this work. years of age are best for this work.

23. She makes good grades. 23. She gets an A in every courses.

24. John lost a fortune in Las Vegas. 24. John lost $1000 in Las Vegas.

25. If we don’t receive the goods soon, we 25. If we don’t receive the goods within
will cancel. next Sunday, we will cancel.

26. Some years ago she made good 26. Three years ago she made 1 million
money dollars.

27. His grade on the aptitude test was not 27. His grade on the aptitude test was a
high. C.
Concrete Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

28. Here is a product with very little mark 28. Here is a product with only 10% mark
up. up.

29. The cost of the online subscription was 29. The online subscription fee was $1
reasonable. only.

30. We will need some new equipment 30. We will need three pieces of
soon. equipment on next Sunday.
Limited Passive Voice
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence
31. Our action is based on the assumption 31. We take this action assuming that it
that the competition will be taken by surprise will surprise the competition

32. It is believed by the typical union member 32. The typical union member believes
that his or her welfare is not considered to be that management does not consider his
important by management or her welfare to be important.
33. You were directed by your supervisor to 33. Your supervisor directed you to
complete this assignment by noon. complete this assignment by noon.
34. It is believed by the writer that this 34. The writer believes that this
company policy is wrong. company policy is wrong.
35. The union was represented by Cecil 35. Cecil Chambers were representing
Chambers. the union.
36. These reports are prepared by the 36. The salespeople prepare these
salespeople every Friday. reports every Friday.
37. Our decision is based on the belief that 37. We take our decisions believing
the national economy will be improved. that the national economy will be
Precise Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

49. Performance during the fourth quarter 49. Performance during the fourth quarter
was (average) (mediocre) was average (medium), mediocre (below
medium level and rarely acceptable)
50. This merchandise is (old) (antique) 50. This merchandise is old (back-dated),
(secondhand) (pre-owned) (used). antique (very old), secondhand (previously
used), pre-owned (already owned).
51. The machine ran (continually) 51. The machine ran continually (with
(continuously). pause), continuously (without pause).

52. The mechanic is a 52. The mechanic is a woman.


53. His action (implies)(infers) that he 53. His action implies that he accepts the
accepts the criticism. criticism.

54. Her performance on the job was 54. Her performance on the job was good.
(good) (top notch) (excellent) (superior)
Precise Words
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

55. On July 1 the company will (become 55. On July 1 the company will
bankrupt) (Close it door) (go under) (fail) become bankrupt.

56. The staff members (think) (understand) 56. The staff members think
(know) the results were satisfactory (believe), understand (believe with
some supporting reason), know
(have valid reason) the results were
57. I cannot (resist) (oppose) her appointment 57. I cannot resist (stop doing
something) , oppose (be against) her
58. Did you (verify) (confirm) these figures? 58. Did you verify (prove with logic),
confirm (make sure) these figures

59. This is an (effective)(effectual)(efficient) 59. This is an efficient (giving

plan. maximum output with minimum
wastage of resource), effective
(producing the most desired result)
Avoid Discriminatory Lang.
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

68. Any worker who ignores this rule will 68. Workers who ignore this rule will have
have his salary reduced. their salaries reduced.

69. The typical postman rarely makes 69. Typical postmen rarely make mistakes
mistakes in delivering his mail. in delivering their mails.

70. A good executive plans his daily 70. Good executives plan their daily
activities. activities.

71. The committee consisted of a 71. The committee consisted of a

businessman, a banker, and a lady lawyer. businessperson, a banker, and a lawyer.

72. A good secretary screens all telephone 72. Good secretaries screen all telephone
calls for her boss and arranges his calls for their bosses and arrange their
schedule schedules.
73. An efficient salesman organizes his 73. Efficient salesmen organize their calls
calls and manages his time. and manage their time.
Avoid Discriminatory Lang.
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

74. Two Representatives of our company 74. Two Representatives of our company
attended the conference: a Hispanic attended the conference: an engineer and
engineer and one of our younger a manager.
75. Three people applied for the job, 75. Three people applied for the job.
including two well-educated black women.

76. Handicap parking spaces are strictly 76. Handicap parking spaces are strictly
for use by the crippled. for use by the disabled persons

77. He is one of the best gay designers in 77. He is one of the best designers in the
the city city.
Conversational Style
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

1. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your 1. I received your July 7 letter.

July 7 letter.

2. Anticipating your reply by return mail, I 2. Expecting your reply mail, I remain...

3. Attached please find the receipt 3. Attachment is the receipt you requested
requested in your May 1st inquiry. on May 1st.

4. You are hereby advised to endorse the 4. Please endorse and return the enclosed
enclosed proposal and return same to the proposal.
5. This is to advise that henceforth all 5. Submit two copies of all invoices.
invoices will be submitted in duplicate.

6. Kindly be advised that permission is 6. Permission is granted to delay

hereby granted to delay remittance until remittance until the 12th
the 12th
Conversational Style
Wrong Sentence Right Sentence

7. Replying to your letter of the 3rd, we 7. It is a great pleasure to accept your

deem it a great pleasure to accept your offer to serve on the committee.
kind offer to serve on the committee.
8. Please be advised that, with regard to 8. We received $312 against the above
above invoice, this office finds that invoice at delivery date.
partial payment of $312 was submitted on
delivery date.
9.I am submitting under separate cover 9. I am sending the report you requested
the report you requested separately.

10. In reply to your letter of May 10, 10. Previously, we funded your
please be informed that this office organization.
heretofore has generously supported
funding activities of your organization.
11. Kindly advise the undersigned as to 11. Please let me know if you will attend
your availability for participation in the the program or not.

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