SQ Transformation
SQ Transformation
SQ Transformation
A transformation is a repository object that generates, modifies or passes
Transformations in a mapping represent the operations the Integration service
performs on the data. Data passes through transformation ports that you link
in a mapping or mapplet.
Transformations can be active or passive.
An active transformation can change the number of rows that pass through
it, such as Filter transformation that removes rows that do not meet the
filter condition.
A passive transformation does not change the number of rows that pass
through it, such as Expression transformation that performs a calculation
on data and passes all rows through the transformation.
Transformations can be connected or unconnected to the data flow.
An unconnected transformation is not connected to other transformations in the
mapping and is called within another transformation. And returns a value to that
Active Transformation
Aggregator – Performs aggregate calculations
Filter – Filters data
Joiner – Joins data from different databases or flat-file systems
Normalizer – Source Qualifier for COBOL sources. Can also use in the
pipeline to normalize data from relational or flat-file
Rank – Limits records to a top or bottom range.
Router – Routes data into multiple transformations based on group conditions
Sorter – Sorts data based on sort key.
Source Qualifier – Represents the rows that the Integration service reads
from a relational or flat-file source when it runs a session.
SQL – Executes SQL queries against a database.
Union – Merges data from different databases or flat-file systems.
Update Strategy – Determines whether to insert, delete, update or reject
Active Transformation
Application Source Qualifier – Represents the rows that the IS reads from an
application such as an ERP source, when it runs a session.
Custom – Calls a procedure in a shared library or DLL
Java – Executes user logic coded in Java. The byte code for the user logic is
stored in the repository.
XML Generator – Reads data from one or more input ports and outputs XML
through a single output port.
XML Parser – Reads XML from one input port and outputs data to one or
more output ports.
XML Source Qualifier – Represents the rows that the Integration Service reads
from an XML source when it runs a session.
Passive Transformation
Expression – Calculates a value.
External procedure– Calls a procedure in a shared library or in the COM
layer of windows
HTTP – Connects to an HTTP server to read or update data.
Input – Defines mapplet input rows. Available in the mapplet designer.
Input – Defines mapplet output rows. Available in the mapplet designer.
Java – Executes user logic coded in Java. The byte code for the user logic is
stored in the repository.
Sequence Generator – Generates primary keys.
SQL – Executes SQL queries against a database.
Stored Procedure – Calls a stored procedure.
Unstructured Data – Transforms data in unstructured and semi-structured formats.
Creating a Transformation
You can create transformations using the following designer tools.
Mapping Designer: Create transformations that connect sources to
targets. Transformations in a mapping cannot be used in other mappings
unless you configure them to be reusable.
Transformation Developer: Create individual transformations, called
reusable transformations, that use in multiple mappings.
Mapplet Designer: Create and configure a set of transformations, called
mapplets, that you use in multiple mappings.
Creating a Transformation
To create a transformation:
Use the same procedure to create a transformation in the Mapping
Designer, Transformation Developer and Mapplet Designer.
To link ports, drag between ports in different mapping objects. The Designer
validates the link and creates the link only when the link meets validation
Source Qualifier Transformation
SQ Transformation
Transformation Type: (Active and Connected)
When you add a relational or a flat file source definition to a mapping, you need to
connect it to a Source Qualifier transformation.
The Source Qualifier transformation represents the rows that the Integration
Service reads when it runs a session.
Use the Source Qualifier transformation to complete the following tasks
Join data originating from the same source database. You can join two or more
tables with primary key-foreign key relationships by linking the sources to one
Source Qualifier transformation.
Filter rows when the Integration Service reads source data. If you include a filter
condition, the Integration Service adds a WHERE clause to the default query.
Specify an outer join rather than the default inner join. If you include a user-
defined join, the Integration Service replaces the join information specified by the
metadata in the SQL query.
Specify sorted ports. If you specify a number for sorted ports, the Integration
Service adds an ORDER BY clause to the default SQL query.
SQ Transformation
Select only distinct values from the source. If you choose Select Distinct, the
Integration Service adds a SELECT DISTINCT statement to the default SQL query.
Filter rows when the Integration Service reads source data. If you include a filter
condition, the Integration Service adds a WHERE clause to the default query.
Create a custom query to issue a special SELECT statement for the Integration
Service to read source data. For example, you might use a custom query to
perform aggregate calculations.
Some databases require you to identify datetime values with additional punctuation, such as
single quotation marks or database specific functions.
For example, to convert the $$$SessStartTime value for an Oracle source, use the following
Oracle function in the SQL override:
to_date (‘$$$SessStartTime’, ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss’)
For Informix DATETIME ($$$SessStartTime) YEAR TO SECOND
SQ Transformation
Parameter and Variables
You can use parameters and variables in the SQL query, user-defined join, source
filter, and pre- and post-session SQL commands of a Source Qualifier
Use any parameter or variable type that you can define in the parameter file.
You can enter a parameter or variable within the SQL statement, or you can use a
parameter or variable as the SQL query. For example, you can use a session
parameter, $ParamMyQuery, as the SQL query, and set $ParamMyQuery to the SQL
statement in a parameter file.
The Integration Service first generates an SQL query and expands each parameter
or variable. It replaces each mapping parameter, mapping variable, and workflow
variable with its start value. Then it runs the query on the source database.
When you use a datetime mapping parameter or variable, or when you use the
built-in variable $$$SessStartTime, change the date format to the format used in
the source. The Integration Service passes datetime values to source systems as
strings in the SQL query.
To ensure the format of a datetime parameter or variable matches that used by the
source, validate the SQL query.
SQ Transformation Properties
SQ Transformation Properties
SQ Transformation Properties
Default Query:
For relational sources, the Integration Service generates a query for each Source Qualifier
transformation when it runs a session.
The default query is a SELECT statement for each source column used in the mapping. In other
words, the Integration Service reads only the columns that are connected to another
Although there are many columns in the source definition, only three columns are connected
to another transformation. In this case, the Integration Service generates a default query that
selects only those three columns:
SQ Transformation Properties
Viewing the Default Query
SQ Transformation Properties
You can alter or override the default query in the Source Qualifier transformation by changing
the default settings of the transformation properties.
Do not change the list of selected ports or the order in which they appear in the query. This
list must match the connected transformation output ports.
When you edit transformation properties, the Source Qualifier transformation includes these
settings in the default query.
However, if you enter an SQL query, the Integration Service uses only the defined SQL
statement. The SQL Query overrides the User-Defined Join, Source Filter, Number of Sorted
Ports, and Select Distinct settings in the Source Qualifier transformation.
SQ Transformation Properties
Joining Source Data:
Use one Source Qualifier transformation to join data from multiple relational tables. These
tables must be accessible from the same instance or database server.
When a mapping uses related relational sources, you can join both sources in one Source
Qualifier transformation. During the session, the source database performs the join before
passing data to the Integration Service. This can increase performance when source tables are
Use the Joiner transformation for heterogeneous sources and to join flat files.
Default Join:
When you join related tables in one Source Qualifier transformation, the Integration Service
joins the tables based on the related keys in each table.
This default join is an inner equijoin, using the following syntax in the WHERE clause:
Source1.column_name = Source2.column_name
Note: When you enter a source filter in the session properties, you override the customized SQL
query in the Source Qualifier transformation.
SQ Transformation Properties
Entering a Source Filter:
Steps To enter a Source Filter:
Open the Source Qualifier transformation, and click the Properties tab.
Click the Open button in the Source Filter field. The SQL Editor dialog box appears..
Enter the syntax for the source filter.
Include the table name and port name. Do not include the keyword WHERE in the filter.
Enclose string mapping parameters and variables in string identifiers. Alter the date format
for datetime mapping parameters and variables when necessary.
Click OK to return to the Edit Transformations dialog box, and then click OK to return to the
SQ Transformation Properties
Using Sorted Ports:
Points to remember:
When you use sorted ports, the Integration Service adds the ports to the ORDER BY clause in
the default query.
The Integration Service adds the configured number of ports, starting at the top of the Source
You might use sorted ports to improve performance when you include any of the following
transformations in a mapping:
Aggregator. When you configure an Aggregator transformation for sorted input, you can
send sorted data by using sorted ports. The group by ports in the Aggregator
transformation must match the order of the sorted ports in the Source Qualifier
Joiner. When you configure a Joiner transformation for sorted input, you can send sorted
data by using sorted ports. Configure the order of the sorted ports the same in each
Source Qualifier transformation.
You can also use the Sorter transformation to sort relational and flat file data before
Aggregator and Joiner transformations.
SQ Transformation Properties
Using Sorted Ports:
Steps To use sorted ports:
Open the Source Qualifier transformation, and click the Properties tab.
Click in Number of Sorted Ports and enter the number of ports you want to sort.
The Integration Service adds the configured number of columns to an ORDER BY clause,
starting from the top of the Source Qualifier transformation. The source database sort order
must correspond to the session sort order.
Click OK to return to the Edit Transformations dialog box, and then click OK to return to the
Tip: Sybase supports a maximum of 16 columns in an ORDER BY clause. If the source is Sybase, do
not sort more than 16 columns.
SQ Transformation Properties
Select Distict:
Points to remember:
If you want the Integration Service to select unique values from a source, use the Select Distinct
You might use this feature to extract unique customer IDs from a table listing total sales. Using Select
Distinct filters out unnecessary data earlier in the data flow, which might improve performance.
By default, the Designer generates a SELECT statement. If you choose Select Distinct, the Source
Qualifier transformation includes the setting in the default SQL query.
To use Select Distinct:
Open the Source Qualifier transformation in the mapping, and click on the Properties tab.
Check Select Distinct, and Click OK.