What Does Jesus Tell About Himself?

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What does Jesus tell about

Recall the 4 reasons for the
1. Jesus saved humanity by reconciling humanity with God.

Jesus paid the debt caused by Original sin!

2. Jesus revealed God’s love for humanity.

God loves humanity so much that He became one of us!

3. Jesus became our model of holiness.

Jesus was the perfect man!
4. Jesus made it possible for us to share in the very divine life
of the Trinity.

Humanity is better off now than before the fall!!!

It took the Church hundreds of years and several heresies to
find the precise language to describe the incarnation of Jesus.

What they finally decided was this:

Jesus is one divine person

with two natures;
one human, one divine.

This makes it possible to say that Jesus is both

100% God and 100% man…
…remember, if he was 50% God and 50% man, than
only 50% of man has been redeemed!
To further clarify….

1. Jesus is not just a human being with special

grace or abilities.

2. Jesus is not just a divine person who took

on a human form so as not to frighten people.

At the moment of the incarnation, the Eternal Son

remained fully what he was and is (God) and
became what until that moment he was not (man).
Jesus showed his divinity in many ways…

His intimate knowledge of

the Father and the Spirit


Forgiving Sins

His Resurrection
Jesus showed his humanity as well…

He breathed the same air that we breath!

He had a mom
and a dad…

He had friends…
He also experienced every emotion we
could ever experience…
These things I have spoken to you,
Happiness that my joy may be in you, and that
your joy may be full. Jn 15:11
Pain My soul is very sorrowful,
even to death Mk 14:34

Loss While
the Jn
11:1 Scripture tells us
that Jesus was hungry and thirsty.
Jesus was tempted by the devil…but
Rise, let us be going; see, my unlike us, he never sinned.
betrayer is at hand Mk 14:42
What kind of evidence can you find
in the Scripture?

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