Underwater Communication
Underwater Communication
Underwater Communication
Milica Stojanovic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Future systems / requirements
• Today: point-to-point acoustic links
• Future: autonomous networks for ocean observation
• Examples of future networks:
– ad hoc deployable sensor networks
– autonomous fleets of cooperating AUVs
•Types of nodes:
–fixed, slowly moving, mobile
–sensors, relays, gateways
•Types of signals, system requirements:
–low/high rate (~100 bps-100kbps)
–real-time/non real-time
–high/moderate reliability
–stand alone
–integrated (e.g., cabled observatories)
NSF ITR: “Acoustic networks, navigation and sensing
for multiple autonomous underwater robotic vehicles.”
• Channel characteristics
• Signal processing: bandwidth-efficient
underwater acoustic communications
• Example: application to oil field monitoring
• Future research
Communication channel / summary
Physical constraints of acoustic propagation:
• limited, range-dependent bandwidth
• time-varying multipath
• low speed of sound (1500 m/s) B>1/Tmp
Worst of both radio worlds
(land mobile / satellite)
System constraints:
• transducer bandwidth
• battery power
tt(1±v/c) • half-duplex
Signal processing
for high rate inp.1 com-
data est.
acoustic inp.2 biner forward data out
+ _ decision
communciations forward
Bandwidth-efficient modulation (PSK, QAM)
•phase-coherent detection: feedback
•synchronization inp. K filter
•equalziation coefficients
•multichannel combining
sync. adaptation algorithm
(JASA ‘95, with J.Proakis, J.Catipovic)
New England Continental Shelf
Real-time underwater video?
Underwater image transmission: sequence of images (JPEG) at < 1 frame/sec
MPEG-4 : 64 kbps (video conferencing)
Can we achieve 100 kbps over an acoustic channel?
•Mobile communications
AUV to AUV at 5 kbps
•Multi-user communications
five users, each at 1.4 kbps in 5 kHz band
WHOI micro-modem:
Research in signal processing •Fixed point DSP
Goals: low rate FSK (~100 bps) w/noncoherent detection
•low complexity processing •Floating point co-processor
•improved performance high rate PSK (~5000 bps) w/coherent detection
•better bandwidth utilization (adaptive DFE, Doppler tracking, coding)
Specific topics: • 4-channel input
•spread spectrum communications (CDMA, LPD) •10-50 W tx / 3W rx (active)
•multiple tx/rx elements (MIMO) •1.75 in x 5 in.
•multi-carrier modulation (OFDM) Commercial modems: Benthos, LinkQuest.
Example: Application to oil-field monitoring
Q: Is real-time supervisory control of the AUV possible?
AUV to base range ~ 60 m.
A:Not over long distances, where the propagation delay
is many seconds, but possibly over short distances. acoustic link delay = 40 ms
cabled link delay = negligible
Bonus: The available acoustic bandwidth is much greater
over short distances. acoustic band ~ several 100 kHz
bit rate > 100 kbs : well within
current video compression technology
Open problems and future research
Experimental networks:
Fundamental questions: System specification:
Statistical channel modeling typical vs. application-specific (traffic patterns, performance requirements)
Network capacity optimization criteria (delay, throughput, reliability, energy efficiency)
Concept demonstration:
Research areas: simulation
Data compression in-water
Signal processing for communications: prototypes
adaptive modulation / coding
channel estimation / prediction
System integration:
multiple in/out channels (tx/rx arrays)
Cabled observatories
multi-user communications
Integration of wireless communications:
communications in hostile environment
cabled backbone + mobile nodes = extended reach
Communication networks:
Wireless extension: acoustical and optical
network layout / resource allocation and reuse
network architecture / cross layer optimization
network protocols: all layers
Approximation: N(f)=Kf-b
noise p.s.d. decays at b=18 dB/dec
Signal to noise ratio (SNR)
SNR(d,f) ~ - 10∙klog d - d∙10 log a(f) - b∙10log f
deep ocean
constant temperature (4 deg. C) continental rise
pressure increases
Sound speed increases with temperature, pressure, salinity.
surf shallow deep
Mechanisms of multipath formation
Deep water: a ray, launched at some angle, bends towards Shallow water: reflections at surface have little loss;
the region of lower sound speed (Snell’s law). reflection loss at bottom depends on the type
Continuous application of Snell’s law ray diagram (trace). (sand,rock, etc.), angle of incidence, frequency.
c distance
tx tx rx
Time variability:
•Inherent: internal waves, changes in fine vertical structure
of water, small-scale turbulence, surface motion
•Motion-induced: v/c~10-3 at v~few knots, c=1500 m/s!
Propagation speed
Nominal: c=1500 m/s (compare to 3∙108 m/s!)