Midi Presentation

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Pablo Amorocho Barreto, Jeronimo Aramburo Otero & David

García García.
▪ Midi is an acronym for Musical
Instruments Digital Interface.

▪ It’s a way to connect devices that

make and control sound

▪ This devices such as synthesizers,

samplers and computers connect with
each other using Midi messages.
▪ The classic MIDI instrument is the electronic keyboard, that
acts both as an instrument and a device (synthesizer).

▪ The keyboard itself produces audible sound, but when

connected to MIDI it sends only the coded information.

▪ Many conventional instruments have been converted into

synthesizers, like the guitar, that instead of frets it has
sensitive pads.

▪ Its a Multi-track recording software or sequencing software, replicates the tools

and functions of a professional recording studio on a home computer.

▪ It is called sequencer because the software records a time-stamped sequence of

MIDI events and plays them back in the same exact order.
▪ MIDI connections is to play back and record MIDI data from a device.
▪ The name of the connection between different MIDI devices is Daisy Chain.
▪ There are 3 MIDI ports:
1. MIDI in
2. MIDI out
3. MIDI thru
▪ Example: connect the MIDI output port of the MIDI device to the MIDI input port of
the audio hardware. This way, the MIDI device sends MIDI data to be played back
or recorded inside the computer.
▪ There are different types of connections: the USB connection, The thunderbolt and
MIDI connection.
▪ There are two types of tools: The grabber tool and the selector tool.
▪ Both tools are used for: making selections, moving notes, change a notes length
and separating notes
▪ Editing MIDI values are:
1. Velocity
2. MIDI volume.
3. MIDI mute.
4. MIDI pan.
5. Pitch bend.
6. Instrument
▪ What is the full name of midi? (midi is the acronym)
▪ What is the reason the sequencer is named like that?
▪ What does the sequencer replicate?
▪ What is the classic MIDI instrument?
▪ When you play in a keyboard connected to MIDI, what happens with the sound?
▪ What is the name of the connections between MIDI devices?
▪ How many types of MIDI connects they are and what is their name?
▪ Name 3 MIDI tools.
▪ Eichenberger, D. (2014). What is MIDI and How Can I Use It?. Seymour Duncan. Retrieved 28 November
2017, from https://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/the-tone-garage/what-is-midi-and-how-can-i-use-it
▪ Falconer, J. (2009). MIDI Editing in Pro Tools. Music & Audio Envato Tuts+. Retrieved 28 November 2017,
from https://music.tutsplus.com/tutorials/midi-editing-in-pro-tools--audio-2329
▪ Introduction to MIDI and Computer Music: The MIDI Standard. (2017). Indiana.edu. Retrieved 28 November
2017, from http://www.indiana.edu/~emusic/361/midi.htm
▪ MIDI Connections. (2017). Steinberg.help. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from
▪ Midi Devices. (2005). Tonalsoft.com. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from http://tonalsoft.com/pub/pitch-
▪ MIDI Tools | Mountain Utilities. (2017). Mountainutilities.eu. Retrieved 28 November 2017, from
▪ Ross, D. How MIDI Works. HowStuffWorks. Retrieved 28 November 2017,
from https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/midi3.htm

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