Fish and Wildlife

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Chapter 12

Water, Fish, and Wildlife

Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Early Fish and Wildlife Protection
• Early laws on fish and wildlife protection
dealt mainly with hunting and fishing rights
• Laws to protect fish and wildlife began in
mid 1900’s
• At that time it was recognized that some
species were declining rapidly
– Bald eagle, the national symbol, was rarely
seen except in Alaska
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• Bald Eagle Protection Act passed in 1940
• Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in
– She had been a zoology professor at U. of
Maryland and an aquatic biologist with the
Bureau of Fisheries
– Showed that DDT and other long-lasting
pesticides were causing decline in bald
eagles and other birds
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• Environmental movement strengthened in
the 1960’s
• Time of political and social unrest
– Vietnam War
– Civil Rights movement
– Human Rights movement
– Women’s Rights movement
• First Earth Day was in 1970
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• Wild and Scenic Rivers Act was passed in
• Protects “free-flowing” rivers from dam
• Currently there are 160 reaches of
streams protected
• Protected reaches are listed on the web:
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
passed in 1970
– Required Environmental Impact Statements
(EIS) be prepared for federal projects such as
– Required annual report to Congress on status
of environment
– Led to the establishment of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency later in
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• Endangered Species Act (ESA) passed in 1973
• Two categories of species recognized:
– Endangered – Plants and animals (vertebrate and
invertebrate) in danger of extinction in the foreseeable
future throughout all or a significant portion of their
– Threatened – Species likely to become endangered in
the foreseeable future
• Goal is to increase the populations of these
– Includes securing habitat to aid recovery
Fish and Wildlife Protection
• ESA applies to federal agencies
– No federal action can jeopardize a listed
species or adversely affect habitat
– Particularly affects COE and USBR water
• Also applies to individuals
– Prohibits the taking (killing, harming, or
harassment) of listed species
• Individuals can sue federal government for
failure to follow ESA
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Environmental –
Important to maintain
foodweb of plants and
animals. Loss of critical
elements of web
(keystone species) could
cause total disruption of
natural environment
– Examples: gopher tortoises
and cave bats

Keystone: arch collapses without

the keystone at the top
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Economic – Plant and animal species such as
salmon provide economic benefits to businesses
such as commercial fisheries and tourism
• Medicine – Approximately 50% of prescribed
medicines derived from plant and animal
• Agriculture – Wild strains of crop species are
gene-pool source for improved varieties with
greater resistance to disease, drought tolerance,
and other desirable traits
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Recreation – Ecotourism, such as bird and
whale watching, is important economically
and as a quality of life issue
• Religious/spiritual/aesthetic – Many feel
that stewardship of nature’s resources
greatly enhances quality of life
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Some of the greatest biodiversity in North America is in
southeastern streams
– Mississippi River provided an escape route south from glaciers
– Many species ended up in tributaries
– 18 of the top 20 watersheds in continental U.S. with greatest
number of endangered species are in Tennessee, Ohio,
Cumberland, and Mobile River basins
• Snail darter is still on the endangered species list in
Why Save Endangered Species?
• Endangered species include darters and
mussels in Georgia
• Mussel mantles are extraordinary example
of evolution
Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Wetlands and Wildlife
• Estimated that more than 11% of U.S. landmass
was wetlands before Europeans arrived
• Native Americans valued wetlands and hunting
beaver was prohibited in many tribes
• Early legislation aimed at draining wetlands
– Swamp Acts of 1849, 1850, and 1860
• Estimated that over 50% of original wetlands
have been drained
Wetlands and Wildlife
• Much of the Midwest
agricultural area was
originally wetlands
• Drains were installed
by early settlers
• Area is so flat that
there are few streams
• Drains lead to
underground injection
wells, not streams
Wetlands and Wildlife
• U.S. policy on wetlands changed
drastically in the 1970’s
– Clean Water Act
– Endangered Species Act
– National Environmental Policy Act
• Wetland functions
– Critical habitat for many species
– Filter for pollutants
– Groundwater recharge or discharge areas
Wetlands and Wildlife
• More than 1/3 of endangered/threatened
species live only in wetlands
• Nearly ½ of these species use wetlands in
some stage in their life cycle
• Current U.S. policy for federally funded
programs is “no net loss of wetlands”
• Clean Water Act requires permit from COE
and EPA for development that will impact
Wetlands and Wildlife
• Mitigation programs are used where
development is approved
– For every acre of wetland destroyed up to 2 acres of
new wetland must be restored, created, or enhanced
– Wetlands must be within the general vicinity of the
wetlands destroyed
– Must function in perpetuity
• Some states and private contractors are
developing mitigation banks to make new
wetlands available for mitigation
– Questions about how suitable mitigated wetlands are
Wetlands and Wildlife
• Recent court case has limited definition of
– Ruling was that for wetlands to be protected
by Clean Water Act they had to be connected
to streams or groundwater
– Isolated wetlands (that might have important
wildlife functions) did not have a role in water
quality/quantity processes
Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Columbia River Basin
• Columbia River Basin is North America’s
4th largest watershed
– Columbia River and Snake River
• 18 mainstem dams, 10 of these are
federal irrigation/hydroelectric projects
– 9 operated by COE
– 1 operated by USBR
– Includes Grand Coulee Dam, largest
hydroelectric producer in North America
Columbia River Basin
• 5 species of salmon live along the
Columbia River system
– Chinook (king salmon), coho, chum, sockeye,
and pink
• Also steelhead trout, shad, smelt, and
– Steelhead trout same as freshwater rainbow
trout but spends part of it’s life at sea
– Unlike salmon they do not die after spawning
Columbia River Basin
• Salmon life cycle
– Hatch in gravel bottoms of freshwaters streams of
Columbia River Basin
– Spend up to 2 years maturing in streams which
provide protective habitat
– Then travel downstream to Pacific where they spend
4-5 years following North Pacific currents
– When spawning time arrives travel back up Columbia
to spawn and die at the same site where they were
– Spawning grounds may be 2,000 miles upstream
Columbia River Basin
• Salmon evolution (article by Lichatowich1)
– Ancestral salmon were a freshwater species
– About 15 million years ago salmon started making
short feeding forays into estuaries that were rich in
– Evolved a salt-pump in their gills that allowed them to
move to full-strength seawater
– Gorged themselves on rich oceanic pastures and
returned to home waters much larger than freshwater
– Anadromous: Fish that hatch in freshwater, migrate to
ocean to grow and mature and return to freshwater to
1Jim Lichatowich, A Natural History of Pacific Salmon,
Columbia River Basin
• Salmon evolution continued (article by
– Return of salmon each year to Columbian
Basin represented a huge input of nutrients
and energy harvested from ocean
– At least 22 species of mammals and birds
feed on salmon carcasses (brown bears to
– Nutrients are also taken up by streamside
shrubs and trees
1Jim Lichatowich, A Natural History of Pacific Salmon,
Columbia River Basin
• Over fishing in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s
caused serious decline in salmon numbers
• As dams were built on the Columbia these
limited migration to spawning grounds and
return to sea
– Fish ladders used to provide route around dams for
salmon going upstream
– Barges and tanker trucks used to transport mature
salmon downstream
– Bypass lines installed for downstream travel
– Limited success
Columbia River Basin
• Annual salmon runs declined from 6
million to 9,000 fish in Yakima River
• Grand Coulee Dam completed in 1941
– Too high for fish ladders
– 1,000 miles of spawning grounds in upper
Columbia lost
Columbia River Basin
• Fish hatcheries were established to
replenish wild salmon
• Research showed disadvantages of fish
– Fish try to return to hatchery to spawn
– Hatchery fish do not learn how to hide from
– Genetic diversity important for survival is lost
Columbia River Basin
• Some groups are advocating breaching dams on
the lower Columbia
• Hydroelectricty produced by dams played a
critical role during WWII
– Aluminum production requires a lot of electricity
– War planes were produced by Boeing and others
• Today there is excess hydroelectric capacity
• Is providing cheap irrigation water to farmers
worth decline in salmon populations?
Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Platte River Basin
• Platte River is “a mile wide and an inch
– Braided river with numerous channels and
sand bars
– Due in part to high flows from snow melt in
the Rockies
– Ideal habitat for endangered birds migrating to
and from Canada
Platte River Basin
• Sandhill Crane
• Each year 80% of
species converge on
150-mile section of
Platte River during
• Also hundreds of
thousands of ducks
and geese
Platte River Basin
• Whooping crane
• Approximately 400
birds are left
• Shallow water with
good visibility of
approaching prey is
ideal feeding ground
Platte River Basin
• Many cities along Front Range of Rockies
get their water from reservoirs on National
Forest land in the headwaters of the South
Platte River
– Greeley, Fort Collins, Boulder, and Denver
• In late 1980’s cities filed with U. S. Forest
Service for renewal of 30-yr permits
• NEPA (passed in 1970) required
Environmental Impact Statement
Platte River Basin
• USFS concluded that reservoirs reduced
flow and affected habitat of endangered
migratory birds in the Platte River Basin
• Permits would not be renewed without a
one-for-one replacement of water
– For every acre-foot of water stored in CO, one
acre-foot of water would have to be released
to critical habitat in central NE
Platte River Basin
• Cities protested
• Years of negotiations followed
• 1997 agreement was signed between
governors of CO, WY, and NE and U.S.
Department of Interior
– Plan designed to restore critical habitat
– Once this is done, limited water development
will be allowed upstream
Platte River Basin
• Elements of plan:
– Increase flow in critical habitat area by
130,000 to 150,000 acre-ft in the next 10 yr
– Reserve storage in two reservoirs to be used
to maintain flow during critical periods
– Ultimately, 417,000 acre-ft of additional flow
will be available for “environmental flows”
Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Florida vs. Georgia
• Long running court case over flow in the
Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river
• Only recently has the Endangered Species Act
become an issue in the conflict
– Three species of mussels and Gulf sturgeon
endangered according to US Fish and Wildlife
– Mussels filter water of pollutants and serve as food
source for raccoons, otters, and muskrats

Atlanta Journal Constitution, Oct 28, 2007

Florida vs. Georgia

Fat threeridge mussel
Florida vs. Georgia

Gulf sturgeon
Florida vs. Georgia
• Interim operating plan is being used to control
discharge from Jim Woodruff dam at FL-GA line
• USFWS estimated in 2006 that mussels would
survive with a minimum flow of 5,000 cubic feet
per second (cfs)
• This flow was set many years ago by Corps of
Engineers for reasons other than mussels
– Records dating back to 1929 show that river never fell
below this level even in a drought
– Only 4 rivers in U.S. have greater flow (Mississippi,
Columbia, Mobile, and Susquehanna)
Florida vs. Georgia
• To maintain 5,000 cfs at GA-FL line Corps of
Engineers must release about 1,500 cfs from
Lake Lanier
• Part of the reason for maintaining flow is Plant
Scholz, a coal-fired power plant just below FL-
GA line that requires cooling water
– At lower flows water uptake is difficult
– Uses 130 million gpd to cool steam
– Serves 19,000 customers and is critical to maintaining
electrical grid in local area
Florida vs. Georgia
• Little is known about water needs of
• FSWS doing more studies to see if
mussels are present at deeper depths in
• Mussels may serve as indicator species
for environmental flow
– If they disappear it may indicate that flows are
too low for entire ACF ecosystem
Chapter Headings
• Fish and wildlife protection
• Wetlands and wildlife
• Case studies
– Columbia River Basin
– Platte River Basin
– Florida vs. Georgia
• Environmental Flows
Environmental Flows
• Rivers for Life: Managing Water for People and
– Published in 2003
– Sandra Postel and Brian Richter
• Most of our rivers no longer have “natural flow”
• Maintaining environmentally-friendly flow more
than guaranteeing a minimum flow
• Australia and South Africa leaders in this area or
• Also called “ecosystems services”
Flood stage in Murray-Darling Basin
Australia, December, 2003
Environmental Flows
• Process for determining desired flows
– Assemble scientists with knowledge about individual
– Determine what are the key high and low flow needs
of each species
– Guiding principle: getting close to natural flow will be
• Develop a plan
• Use adaptive management in implementing plan
– Monitor to see if it’s working; if not modify plan
Chapter Summary
• Endangered Species Act passed in 1972
• Destruction of habitat is the main cause of
• Wetlands are critical habitat
• Salmon are threatened in Columbia River
• Plan to restore flow in Platte River to
protect habitat for migratory birds
• Environmental flows more than a minimum
Chapter 12 Quiz
• What are 3 reasons for saving endangered
• What are some practices that are used to try and
lessen the effect of dams on migration of wild
Pacific salmon in the Columbia and Snake River
• What is a “keystone species”?
• What does the endangered species act have to
do with the Florida vs. Georgia conflict over flow
in the Apalachicola River?

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