Chapter 1 Traffic

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PM. Hj Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Muti

HP 013-7306511

Email : [email protected]
 Traffic system components.
 Fundamental theory of traffic flow.
 Statistics and traffic data analysis.
 Traffic signal control system.
 Road geometry design.
Road traffic system consists of road users ,
vehicles and road network that interact
between one and another.

It is important to study each of these

elements for the planning, design, and
analysis of an efficient, safe road traffic
1) Road Users
 Consist of drivers, passengers, motorcyclists,
cyclists and pedestrians.

 Characteristics and behaviour of a driver are

influenced by three factors:
1. Physical
2. Environment
3. psychology
Physical Factors
 Two main factors considered are:

1. Perception–reaction Time
2. Driver personality
3. Sensing
Perception–Reaction Time of a driver
It is a combination of four consecutive tasks:
1. Perception
2. Identification
3. Emotion
4. Volition
Perception-Reaction time of a driver varies and is
influenced by factors such as:
Age, fatigue, complexity of a situation, drivers physical
characteristics, alcohol or drugs, etc.

Average time: 0.5 – 3.0 seconds

Driver personality
- Deals with the driver natural abilities , learned
capabilities and his or her motives and attitudes.
- Attitudes often determine how a driver reacts to a
driving situation.
- Motives may associated with fear of injury and feelings
of social responsibility.
- However driving personality can be modified seriously
and quickly by the use of drugs , alcohol , illness ,
exhaustion and discomfort .
The driver receive information regarding the safe
control of the vehicle through feeling ,seeing ,hearing ,
and smelling.
feeling – forces acting on a vehicle , such as gravity ,
acceleration and speeding.
seeing – vision is most important means of acquiring
accurate information to view objects and traffic a
control messages. The most acute vision is within a
narrow cone 3 to 5 degree.
hearing and smelling – about vehicle engine , tires ,
warning sounds and other traffic sound . Fire and
burning engine.
Environmental Factors
These include:

 Weather & lighting

 Traffic volumes
 Road geometry
 Road surface condition
 Control and directional messages
Human psychological factors
 Motivation
 Emotion
 Skill and habits
 Knowledge
 attitudes
2) Vehicles
 Characteristics of vehicles on roads vary in terms of
shape, dimension, performance, etc.

 Road must be designed to cater almost all types of

vehicle dimensions.
 Braking distance
 Turning radii
 Acceleration
Vehicle attributes
 Mechanical control
 Comfort
 Protection ( safety)
 Information sources ( gap)
3) Roadway
The geometric design of highways includes the visible
elements of the roadway. It deals with grade profile ,
horizontal alignment , sight distances and
Geometric design of all roads need to be standardized
for reasons ;
1. To provide a uniformity in the design of roads
according to their performances.
2. To provide a consistent , safe and reliable road
facilities for traffic movement.
3. To provide a guideline on road design decision.
Elements of design roaduser and vehicle interaction
Sight distance
Sight distance of sufficient length must be provided so
that the drivers can operate and control their vehicles
safely. Sight distance is the length of a roadway ahead
visible to the driver.

 The distances required by a vehicle to stop.

 The distances required for passing and overtaking
Stopping sight distance
The minimum sight distance provided to enable a
vehicles travelling at the design speed to stop before
reaching an object along its path.

Stopping sight distance is the summation of two

distances : reaction distance and brake distance.

SSD = vt + v²/254f
v = vehicle speed or design speed
f = coefficient of friction between tires and road
surface .
Standard formula for SSD ,

D = 0.28Vt + V²/ 254f

where ,
V = km/hr
t = sec.
Example , t = 1.5sec ,v = 90km/hr
D = 0.28 x 90 x 1.5 + (90x90 )/ 254 x0.12
D = 37.8 + 265.7 = 304 meters.
SSD reduction in speed from V km/hr to U km/hr
and with effect of road gradient.

SSD = 0.28Vt + ( V² - U² ) / 254 ( f± g )

Say V = 90km/hr , U = 50km/hr and t = 1.5sec
f = 0.12 and g = 0%
SSD = 0.28 x 90 x 1.5 + ( 90² - 50² ) / 254 x 0.12
SSD = 37.8 + 183.7 = 222 meters
f , depends on the composition and tires tread and
condition of road surface . Normally lower coefficients
of friction on wet surface as compared to dry road
Example :
An alert driver with the reaction time of 1.5 sec is
driving downhill on a 4% grade at 60 km/hr on a dry
road surface when suddenly a person steps from
behind a parked car in the driver path at a distance of
230 meters.
 can the driver stop in time if, f = 0.12 ( dry surface)
 can the driver stop in time if , f = 0.10 ( rainy day)
D1 = 0.28 x 60 x 1.5 + (60 x 60)/ 254 ( 0.12-0.04 )
D1 = 202 meters.
the driver will be able to stop in time
D2 = 0.28 x 60 x 1.5 + ( 60 x 60 ) / 254 ( 0.10- 0.04 )
D2 = 261 meters.
the driver will not be able to stop in time.
Hence , the driver reaction time , the condition of
road surface and weather play an important role in this
1)Road signs along a highway are design to be
recognized and read by a driver from a distance of 120
 Proposed the location of a directional sign to be
located in the upstream of an exit ramp to allow a safe
reduction of speed from 90km/hr to 50km/hr , for a
given perception-reaction time of 1.5 sec , a coefficient
of friction of 0.3 and a level highway section. ( 111.3 m)
 Using a neat sketch , show clearly the layout of the
highway section and the location of the exit sign in
advance of the exit ramp. ( about 8-10 meters in the
upstream of the exit ramp)
Two drivers have reaction of 2.5 sec. One is obeying a
90km/hr speed limit and the other is travelling
illegally at 115km/hr.
 How much distance will each of the two drivers cover
during reaction times? ( 62.5 m , 79.9m)
 Base on the given reaction time , explain the effect of
speed on the distance travelled.
 Why is it important to consider driver´s reaction time
in traffic engineering.
Common Traffic Parameters that are
of traffic engineers / planners
interest include:
 Traffic Flow or Volume
 Speed
 Density or Concentration
 Headway
(1) Traffic Flow or Volume (q)
Define as the number of vehicles
passing a specific reference point on
a road section within a specified
period of time.
Traffic Flow or Volume (q)
The count can be directional or all
Typical units:
vehicles/hour (hourly traffic) (vph),
vehicles/day (daily traffic),
vehicles/year (annual traffic), etc.
Traffic flow data is usually collected to
obtain factual data concerning the
movement of vehicles at selected points
on the street., example:
(a) Annual Traffic total traffic volumes are used for;
 To compute accident rates per 100,000
 To indicate trends in traffic volume.
 Estimate road user cost.
(b) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) &
Annual Average Daily Traffic
 Highway planning activities for new facility or
 Highway programming to determine the need and
priority of road improvements.
 To measure the present demand for services by the
 Evaluate the present traffic flow with respect to the
existing road network.
Hourly traffic volume (pcu/hr)
 Determination of peak hourly volumes.
 Geometric design with respect to no of lanes ,
channelization , intersection and other similar
features of the roadway.
 Determination of road capacity.
 Planning and location of traffic control devices such as
traffic signals , traffic signs and markings.
 Justification and planning in enforcement. Such as
speed limit .
Method for conducting traffic volume

 manual counts.
 mechanical traffic counters.
 photographic techniques.
The following table contains two sets of one-week
traffic counts data obtained on a stretch of rural road.
 Compute the ADT for both datasets ( 12,300
vehicle/day ,11,957 vehicle/day)
 Explain why both ADT´s are different.
 Estimate AADT for the road section.( 12,128 vehicle
day March 2009 October 2009
(veh/day) (veh/day)

Monday 12500 10300

Tuesday 10500 12000
Wednesday 15200 13000
Thursday 13400 14500
Friday 16000 15200
Saturday 10500 8500
Sunday 8000 10200
Traffic composition:
Vehicular traffic consists of various types of vehicle
– i.e. various sizes, performances, and
A vehicle is converted into an Equivalent Passenger
Car unit (PCU or UKP) For consistency in
interpreting road traffic performance, congestion,
road geometry and traffic signal analysis and
Equivalent pcu ( passenger car unit )
urban rural
 Car/ taxi 1.0 1.0
 Light vehicles, 2.0 2.0
small van
 Medium vehicles , 2.5 2.5
medium lorries.
 Heavy vehicles & lorries, 3.0 3.0
 Motorcycle 1.0 0.75
jadual 1
Example application of PCU values:

 Traffic volumes on a section of rural road during morning peak hour is

500 veh/h and during the evening peak hour is also 500 veh/h.

Can you comment on the traffic flow conditions for both situations? (e.g.
which peak hour traffic would you think is the busiest or congested
condition compare to the other?)

It would be difficult for us to say which peak hour is representing the
congested situation as both traffic volumes are equal in terms of veh/h.
If information of traffic compositions for both peak-hours are available as
For AM Peak: 50% cars, 20% medium lorries, 10% buses, and 20% m/cycles.
For PM Peak: 30% cars, 25% medium lorries, 15% heavy lorries, 15% buses,
15% m/cycles.

Can you describe the differences between the two peak hour traffic in
terms of traffic flow conditions?

Answer: see jadual 1 assumed bandar.

Let us express the peak hour traffic in terms of pcu/h, i.e.

AM Peak: (0.5x1+0.2x2.5+0.1x3.0+0.2x0.75) x 500 = 1.45 x 500 = 725

PM Peak: (0.3x1 + 0.25x2.5 + 0.15x3.0 + 0.15x3.0 + 0.15x0.75) x 500 =
1.94x500 = 967 pcu/h
This shows that the evening peak hour traffic is busiest compare
to the morning traffic.
Traffic volume in rural road is 350 vehicle/hr. Traffic
compositions are 200 cars , 50 medium lorries ,50
buses and 50 motorcycles . Calculate the traffic volume
in pcu/hr. ( 535 pcu/hr)
Calculate the traffic volume if the traffic compositions
are 200 cars , 100 buses and 50 medium lorries.
Traffic survey have been conducted on two rural road
segments for a period of 3 hours. The summary of the
data is given below. The passenger car equivalent
value for small van is 2.0 , medium lorry is 2.5 , large
truck and bus are 3.0 and motorcycle is 1.0. Analyse
the data and :
 Compute the average hourly traffic volume at both
locations in term of veh/hr.
 Express the average hourly traffic volume in terms of
 Compare the traffic flow conditions at both location.
traffic counts

Types of vehicles number of vehicles

location 1 location 2
Car ,taxi 800 900
Small van 100 20
Medium lorry 20 20
Large truck 40 80
Bus 20 60
Motorcycle 300 200
Total number of vehicles at location 1 = 1280 vehicles.
Total number of vehicles at location 2 = 1280 vehicles.
 Average hourly volume ;
location 1 = 1280/3 = 426.7 veh/hr.
location 2 = 1280/3 = 426.7 veh/hr.
 Average hourly volume in pcu/hr;
location 1, 800 x 1.0 + 100 x 2.0 + 20 x 2.5 + 40 x 3.0 +
20 x 3.0 + 300 x 1.0 = 1530/3 = 510 pcu/hr.
location 2 , 536.7 pcu/hr.
Exercise 1.
Traffic flow along an urban roadway is 600
vehicles/hour. Traffic compositions are 150
motorcycles , 50 buses , 40 medium lorries , 60 small
van and the rest are cars and taxis . Change the unit
into pcu/hr. ( 782.50 pcu/hr)
Exercise 2.
Average traffic flow along the highway in January 2010
was 47230 vehicles / day . Traffic compositions was
recorded where 83% cars , 2% buses , 5% small lorries ,
7% heavy lorries and the rest was taxis . Convert the
traffic flow in pcu/day. ( 58093 pcu/day )
(2) Speed (u)
Speed is defined as the distance travelled per unit
time. The parameter is usually used to describe the
quality of journey and the performance of road
network in accommodating traffic demand.

Types of speed:
 spot speed,

 journey speed,

 running speed,

 time mean speed, and

 space mean speed.

(a) Spot Speed
This speed is the instantaneous speed of
a vehicle passing a point on the roadway.
If the data for a group of vehicles is
collected properly, results from the sample
should represent the speed
characteristics of the entire population of
vehicles passing the site.
Definition of spot speed (cont’d)

Time taken from A to B = t

A Distance = S B
speed 
Speed = Distance/Time, i.e.

If S  100 meters, then the speed measured is known as Spot Speed.

Typical use of Spot Speed data:
 To establish speed trends
 Traffic control planning
- establish speed limits
- determine safe speeds at curves
- establish proper location for traffic signs
- establish lengths of no–passing zones
- evaluate intersection sight distance
 Before–and–after studies
 Accident analysis
 Geometric design – i.e. road alignments and
stopping sight distance
speed class (km/hr) no of vehicles
( frequency)
30-35 6
35-40 13
40-45 25
45-50 34
50-55 31
55-60 27
60-65 8
total no of vehicles = 144
speed group mean speed frequency %frequency
(km/hr) (km/hr) v f
30-35 32.5 6 4.2
35-40 37.5 13 9.0
40-45 42.5 25 17.4
45-50 47.5 34 23.6
50-55 52.5 31 21.5
55-60 57.5 27 18.6
60-65 62.5 8 5.7
Mean speed = total ( f x v ) / total ( f )

Total , f = 144
Total , f x v = 7040
Mean speed = 7040/144 = 49 km/hr.

Speed distribution curve and histogram of spot

speed data are important to determine for road
planning and operation.
From the speed distribution curve , we can obtain
the values of 85% percentile , 50% percentile ( median
) and 15% percentile.
 85% percentile - 85% of all the vehicles travelling
below this speed value.
 50% percentile – speed at the centre of the curve or
 15% percentile – 15% of the vehicles travelling below
this speed value.

Average mean speed , Vt = sum of fV/f

average speed of all vehicles travelling passing at a
1) Histogram
Frequency (numbers)

speed class (km/h)

2) Speed distribution curve

Cumulative frequency, %

Speed (Xi), km/h
Exercise 1 on spot speed:
Table below shows the summary of spot speed for 200
vehicles on a section of rural highway during
weekdays. Analyze the data and :

 Plot the cumulative frequency ( speed distribution

curve) and histogram of the data;
 Calculate the average mean and median of the spot
speed and show on the cumulative curve. ( 55km/hr,
 The speed at 85% percentile and the speed median.
Table summary of spot speed data
Speed class (km/hr) % frequency
30-35 2
35-40 7
40-45 10
45-50 18
50-55 20
55-60 14
60-65 11
65-70 8
70-75 4
75-80 3
80-85 2
85-90 1
Exercise 2 on spot speed.
Table below shows the summary of spot speed for 178
vehicles during a normal weekday. Evaluate the data
and plot:
 Plot the cumulative frequency curve and the histogram
of the data.
 Calculate the mean and median of the spot speed and
show them on the cumulative frequency curve.
 Propose the appropriate speed limit for the road
Speed class (km/hr) frequency
20-25 3
25-30 12
30-35 19
35-40 32
40-45 36
45-50 25
50-55 20
55-60 15
60-65 8
65-70 5
70-75 2
75-80 1
(b) Journey speed & Running Speed
Journey speed is the distance divided by total journey
time. Total journey time includes all delays due to traffic.

Journey speed = distance/total journey time

Running speed is the distance divided by running time, i.e.

total journey time minus delays. (Running time is the time
that the vehicle is actually in motion.)

Running speed = distance/(total journey time – delays)

Both speeds are usually as a result of travel time and delay

study – used to evaluate road performance.
Evaluate journey & running speeds for the following situation &
interpret the result:

J1 J2 J3 J4 J5

8 km

Average Total travel time including delay due to traffic = 32 minutes

Average Delays at each junction: J1 = 5 min, J2 = 5 min, J3 = 3 min, J4 = 4 min,
& J5 = 6 min.

Average Journey Speed = 8km x (1 h x 60 min) /32 min = 15 km/h.
Average Running Speed = 8km x (1 h x 60 min)/(32 – 23)min = 53.3 km/h.
Since Journey speed  running speed  drivers experience heavy traffic flow &
inefficient traffic control system at junctions. System requires improvements.
A journey time study using a test-car method was
carried out on a 8 km segment between A and B of
urban street having three junctions along the way.
The data were obtained for five numbers of test
 Average journey speed of the traffic stream in km/hr.
 Average running speed of the traffic stream in km/hr.
 Average delay based on running speed if the free flow
speed limit is 60 km/hr.
Test no point A point B stop delay at each junction
( minutes)
J1 J2 J3
1 8:00 am 8:25am 6 3 6
2 9:00 am 9:32am 4 6 8
3 10:10 am 10:30am 4 2 6
4 10:45 am 11:10am 5 4 4
5 11:30 am 11:55am 5 5 4
average journey time = 25.4 minutes.
average running time = 25.4 – 14.4 = 11 minutes.
average journey speed of traffic stream = 8 x 60/25.4
= 18.9 km/hr.
average running speed of traffic steam = 8 x 60/11
= 44km/hr.
speed limit 60km/hr , running time
8/60 x 60 = 8 minutes.
average delay = 11-8 = 3 minutes.
Exercise :
Below shows the results from a journey and delay study
using a test car . The distance and journey time show
cumulative values from the beginning of the route.
total distance = 4.4km.
total journey time = 5 min. 40 sec.
total delay = 50 sec.
 Calculate the journey speed for the route.
 Calculate the running speed for the route.
 Describe the application of both parameters in road
traffic analysis.
Time mean speed , Vt is the average speed measure
at an instant of time over a space.

Vt = total speed of all vehicles/ no of vehicles

Space mean speed , Vs is average speed measure at an

instant time over a space.

Vs = total distance of all vehicles / total time of all

Determine the Vs and Vt from the following data,
speed ( km/hr ) : 60 , 55 , 50 , 100 , 84 , 65 , 75 , 70 , 94
, 58 , 105 , 72 , 60 , 90 , 80.
solution ;
Vs = total distance/total time
assuming distance is L,
Vs = (15 x L ) / L( 1/60 + 1/55 …….. 1/80)
Vs = 71 km/hr.
Vt = average of all speed,
Vt = 60 + 50 + ……..+ 90 + 80) / 15 = 74.5 km/hr.
Determine Vt and Vs from the data below ,
distance = 100 meters
vehicle travel time ( sec)
1 8.5
2 7.9
3 7.0
4 6.0
5 5.2
6 4.2
(3) Density (k)
Concentration or density of traffic is the number
of vehicles in a given length of roadway or a
lane, i.e. vehicles/km.

It is also a common parameter used to describe

road performance.
(4) Headway (h)
It is defined as the time between successive
vehicles past a point. Headway and spacing
(which is the distance between successive
vehicles past a point) are microscopic
measures of flow as they apply to pairs of
vehicles in the traffic stream.

Headway if measured in terms of time, or

Spacing if measured in terms of distance

Reference point
(4) Headway (h) (cont’d)

These parameters are important in

determining the number of gaps in a traffic
stream for vehicles or pedestrians to cross
and for measuring operations at junctions.
To summarise,
Basic Traffic Stream Parameters are:

Typical Typical
Parameter Symbol units Reciprocal Symbol Units

Flow q veh/h Headway h sec/veh

Speed u km/h Travel time T sec/km

Density k veh/km Spacing s m/veh

1. What is the average headway of vehicles if the traffic
volume in a lane is 1800 veh/h assuming there is no
m/cycle in the system? What is the average inter-
vehicle spacing if the average vehicle’s speed is 60
h = 1/q = 1 x 3600 sec/1800 = 2 sec.

How to compute Spacing? Headway = 2 sec. u = 60 km/h

u = 60 km/h Spacing = ?? meter

Reference point
Flow rate = Speed x Density
(i) u-k relationship

 uF 
uF u  uF    k
 kJ 
Stable flow
uC = uF/2 ------- Unstable flow
u (km/h)

k (veh/km) kC = kJ/2 kJ
(ii) q-u relationship
 kJ  2
q  u  kJ   u
uF  uF 

theoretical flow
uC = uF/2
u (km/h)


q (vph) q1 qC
(iii) q-k relationship
 uF  2
maximum q  k  uF    k
qC theoretical flow  kJ 

q (vph)

k1 k2

k (veh/km) kC = kJ/2 kJ
Traffic volume during a stable free-flowing condition is 600 veh/h with an
average speed of 75 km/h. Estimate the average speed of traffic under
congested situation for the same volume of traffic if speed & density are
linearly related. The maximum free-flow speed for the road section is 90

First, sketch the parabolic curve for q–u relationship.

(ii) q-u relationship q1 = 600 veh/h; uf = 90 km/h

Point A represent the stable flow
A region with the corresponding
speed u1 = 75 km/h.
maximum capacity

uC = uF/2 Point B represent congested flow

for q1 = 600 veh/h.
u (km/h)

B  u2 = 90-75 = 15 km/h
q (vph) q1 qC
Example 1.7
Vehicles in a traffic stream moved at an average headway of 2.2
sec. The average speed is 80 km/h. Estimate the flow rate &
density of that traffic stream.
Using q = uk = 1/h, then
q = 1/h = 1/(2.2/3600) = 1636 veh/h.

Using q = uk, then k = q/u

 density of the flow, k = 1636/80 = 20.45 veh/km
Example 1.8
Free-flow speed of vehicles on a road section is 88 km/h. Jammed
density is 228 veh/km. Estimate the traffic density on the road if
traffic flow is at a maximum level. Estimate also the possible
maximum flow for the road section and the average speed of
vehicles at that maximum traffic volume.

Density when traffic flow reaches the maximum volume,
kc = kj/2 = 228/2 = 114 veh/km.

Expected maximum flow, qc = ufkj/4 = (88 x 228)/4

= 2508 veh/h

Average speed at qc, uc = uf/2 = 88/2 = 44 km/h

Example 1.0
The mathematical relationship between speed and
density obtained from actual data is u = 88-0.63k
km/hr. Estimate for the road segment:
 Jammed density , Kj.
 Maximum theoretical flow , Qc.
 The average speeds of vehicles and traffic flow
conditions if traffic volume is 1000 veh/hr .
 Sketch the speed-flow curve indicating all important
values obtained above.
Solution :
 Compute the jammed density,
compare the given equation with the standard form of
equation for speed- density relationship,
u = 88-0.63k
u = Uf – ( Uf/ Kj ) k….
so , free flow speed , Uf = 88 km/hr.
Kj = 88/0.63 = 140 veh/km.
 Maximum theoritical flow , Qc
Qc = Vf/2 x Kj/2 = 88/2 x 140/2 = 3080 veh/hr.
 when q = 1000 veh/hr , u = ?
use speed flow relationship,
q = Kj u- ( Uf/Kj ) u²
1000 = 140 u – ( 1/0.63) u²
1.587 u² - 140u + 1000 = 0,
solve for u, u = 80.38 km/hr or 7.84 km/hr.
speed under stable flow is 80.38 km/hr.
speed under unstable flow is 7.84 km/hr.
Example 2.0
On a length of two-lanes per direction divided
highway, the capacity was 4000 veh/hr and the
average stationary headway was 10 m. In a given hour,
3000 vehicles were counted at a specified point along
this highway section. The speed density relationship is
assumed linear . Evaluate the data to calculate the
following information.
 Jammed density ( Kj )
 Free flow speed ( Uf )
 Average densities of vehicles and traffic flow
conditions if traffic volume is 3000 veh/hr and sketch .
Solution :
 Kj = i/Hj = 1/10 x100 x 2 = 200 veh/km/ 2 lane.
 Uf = ?
Qc = Kj/2 x Uf/2
4000 = 200/2 x Uf/2
Uf = (4 x 4000 ) /200 = 80 km/hr.
 when q = 3000 veh/hr. densities ?
Q = Uf x k – ( Uf/Kj ) x k²
3000 = 80 x k – ( 80/200 ) x k²
k1 = 150 veh/km/2 lane , k2 =50 veh/km/2lane.
Data collected on a stretch of highway reveals that the free-flow speed is 90
km/h, jammed density is 112 veh/km/lane, and the observed maximum flow
is 2000 veh/h/lane.

a) Establish the mathematical relationships between

flow & speed for the given characteristics.
b) Estimate the average speed & density when the flow
is at the maximum theoretical flow. ( 45 km/h, 56
c) Estimate the maximum theoretical flow and why it
is different from the observed flow.
d) Estimate the average speeds of vehicles if traffic
flow is 1000 veh/h.
As part of traffic management measure, it is proposed
to ban the private car from entering the city road. It
has been observed that the maximum free speed is 50
km/hr. At a given hour, the present flow is 1200
veh/lane and the percentage traffic composition are
75% private cars, 20% commercial vehicles and 5%
buses. The average occupancy of the vehicle is 2
person/car and 35 person per bus . After the private
cars are banned, 50% of the persons travelling by cars
transfer to buses, the average occupancy of the vehicles
remaining the same. The average space occupied by
each type of vehicles when at stationary is 7 m for
private car , 12 m for commercial vehicles and 10 m for
buses. Assuming speed and density to linear.
 Analyse the maximum capacity of the road and speed
of traffic before the imposition of the ban on private
 Analyse the maximum capacity of the road and the
speed of traffic after the imposition of the ban on
private car.
 Explain the effectiveness of this measure.
( first find the Kj before and find the Q max then find
the speed before imposition after that find new Kj and
find Qmax then find the speed after imposition)
Kj = 1000 / (7 x 0.75 + 12 x 0.20 + 10 x 0.05 )…..veh/km.

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