Basic Management Accounting Concepts

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2 -4

1. Describe theAfter
cost assignment
studying thisprocess.
2. Define tangible and intangible
chapter, you shouldproducts and
explain why therebeare different
able to: product cost
3. Prepare income statements for manufacturing
and service organizations.
4. Outline the differences between functional-
based and activity-based management
accounting systems.
2 -5

CostI see… It’s aordollar

is the cash cash-equivalent value
sacrificed for goods
measure of the and services that is
expected to bring
resources used atocurrent orExactly
future what is
benefit atogiven
achieve meant by “cost”?
the organization.
2 -6

A cost object is any item such as products,

customers, departments, projects, activities, and
so on, for which costs are measured and assigned.
Example: A bicycle is a cost object when you are
determining the cost to produce a bicycle.

An activity is a basic unit of work performed

within an organization.
Example: Setting up equipment, moving materials,
maintaining equipment, designing products,
2 -7

Akuntansi manajemen dibuat untuk mengukur dan

membebankan biaya kepada entitas yang disebut objek biaya

Objek biaya dapat berupa produk, pelanggan,

departemen, proyek, aktivitas, dsb.
activity adalah orang-orang dan / atau peralatan
yang melakukan kerja bagi orang lain. Oki
aktivitas adalah unit kerja yang dilakukan dalam
sebuah organisasi
2 -8

Example: Setting up equipment,

moving materials, maintaining
equipment, designing
products, etc.
2 -9

Traceability is the ability to assign a cost to a

cost object in an economically feasible way by
means of a cause-and-effect relationship.
Direct costs are those costs that can be easily
and accurately traced to a cost object.

Example: If a hospital is the cost object,

the cost of heating and
cooling the hospital is
a direct cost.
2 -10

Traceability adalah kemampuan untuk

membebankan biaya ke objek biaya dengan
cara yang layak secara ekonomi berdasarkan
hubungan sebab akibat
Semakin besar biaya yang dpt ditelusuri ke
objeknya, semakin akuran pembebanannya

Example: If a hospital is the cost object,

the cost of heating and
cooling the hospital is
a direct cost.
2 -11

Indirect costs are those costs that cannot be

easily and accurately traced to a cost object.
Example: The salary of a plant manager, where
departments within the plant are defined
as the cost objects.
2 -12

Tracing is the actual assignment of costs to a cost

object using an observable measure of the resources
consumed by the cost object.

Penelusuran adalah pembebanan aktual biaya ke

objek biaya, dengan menggunakan ukuran yg dpt
diamati atas sumber daya yg dikonsumsi oleh objek
2 -13

Tracing costs to cost objects can occur in the

following two ways:
Direct tracing is the process of identifying and assigning
costs that are exclusively and physically associated with a
cost object to that cost object.
Driver tracing is the use of drivers to assign costs to cost
objects. Drivers are observable causal factors that
measure a cost object’s resource consumption.
2 -14

Tracing costs to cost objects can occur in the

following two ways:
Direct tracing adalah proses pengidentifikasian dan
pembebanan biaya yang berkaitan secara khusus dan fisik
dengan suatu objek
Driver tracing adalah penggunaan penggerak untuk
membebani biaya ke objek biaya Drivers atau penggerak
adalah faktor penyebab yang dapat diamati dan yang
mengukur konsumsi sumber daya objek biaya
2 -15

Oki penggerak adalah faktor yang menyebabkan

perubahan dalam penggunanan sumber daya, dan
memiliki hubungan sebab akibat dengan biaya yang
berhubungan dengan objek biaya
Meminimalkan Biaya Material Handling 2 -16

dan atau perpindahan bahan :

Memilih lokasi yang tepat

Merevisi tata letak pabrik
Menentukan jalur distribusi produk yang efisien.
Misal di nkalimantan alternatif naik kapal
Memaksimalkan fasilitas distribusi dengan sistem
stok barang. misal perlu 400 antar 500. jadi
setelah 4 kali, yang kelima sudah tertabung 4x100
Bekerjasama dengan perusahaan lain
2 -17

Jalan malam, biar tidak ada kutipan DISHUB

Lewat jalan tol
Mencek kondisi kendaraan sebelum berangkat
sehingga lancar
Sesuai alat angkut dengan yang mau diangkut
Mencek barang yang akan diangkut, jangan ada
yang ketinggalan
2 -18

Cost Assignment Methods

Cost of Resources

Direct Driver
Tracing Tracing

Physical Causal Assumed

Observation Relationship Relationship

Cost Objects
Interface of Services with 2 -19

Management Accounting
Services cannot be stored.
No patent protection.
1. Intangibility Cannot display or
Services benefits expire
communicate services.
2. Perishability quickly. directly
Price difficult to set.
involvedmay be repeated
3. Inseparability often for oneofcustomer.
production service.
Centralized mass
4. Heterogeneity production
Wide of in
variation services
products possible.
Derived Properties
Interface of Services with 2 -20

Management Accounting
No inventories.
Strong ethical code.
1. Intangibility Price difficult to set.
Demand for more accurate
No inventories.
2. Perishability Costs often accounted
cost for
Need assignments.
standards and
for by customer type.
consistent high quality.
3. Inseparability Demand for and
Productivity measure-
ment and control
measurement andof
4. Heterogeneity quality to
control maintain
must be
Total quality manage-
Impact on Management
Accounting ment critical.
2 -21

Product cost is a cost assignment that

supports a well-specified managerial
object. Thus, what product cost means
depends on the managerial objective
being served.
2 -22

Product cost adalah pembebanan biaya

yang mendukung tujuan manajerial
yang spesifik. Jadi biaya produk
tergantung pada tujuan manajerial
yahng ingin dicapai
2 -23


Service Develop

Distribute Produce

Product Costing Definitions 2 -24

Value-Chain Operating Product Traditional Product

Product Costs Costs Costs
Research and

Production Production Production

Marketing Marketing

Customer Customer
Service Service
Pricing Decisions Strategic Design Decisions External Financial
Product-Mix Decisions Tactical Profitability Reporting
Strategic Profitability Analysis
2 -25

Direct materials are those materials that are directly

traceable to the goods or services being produced.
Steel in an automobile
Wood in furniture
Alcohol in cologne
Denim in jeans
Braces for correcting teeth
2 -26

Direct labor is the labor that is directly traceable to

the goods or services being produced.
Workers on an assembly
line at Chrysler
A chef in a restaurant
A surgical nurse attending
an open heart operation
Airline pilot
2 -27

Overhead are all other production costs.

 Depreciation on building
and equipment
 Maintenance
 Supplies
 Supervision
 Power
 Property taxes
2 -28

Noninventoriable (period) costs

are expensed in the period in
which they are incurred.

 Salaries and commissions of

sales personnel (marketing)
 Advertising (marketing)
 Legal fees (administrative)
 Printing the annual report
2 -29

Prime Cost :
Direct Materials Costs + Direct Labor Costs

Conversion Cost:
Direct Labor Costs + Overhead Costs
2 -30

Manufacturing Organization 2 -31

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2004
Sales $2,800,000
Less cost of goods sold:
Beginning finished goods inventory $ 500,000
Add: Cost of goods manufactured 1,200,000
Cost of goods available for sale $1,700,000
Less: Ending finished goods inventory 300,000 1,400,000
Gross margin $1,400,000
Less operating expenses:
Selling expenses $ 600,000
Administrative expenses 300,000 900,000
Income before taxes $ 500,000
Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured 2 -32

For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

Direct materials:
Beginning inventory $200,000
Add: Purchases 450,000
Materials available $650,000
Less: Ending inventory 50,000
Direct materials used $ 600,000
Direct labor 350,000
Manufacturing overhead:
Indirect labor $122,500
Depreciation 177,500
Rent 50,000
Utilities 37,500
Property taxes 12,500
Maintenance 50,000 450,000
Total manufacturing costs added $1,400,000
continued on next slide
2 -33

Total manufacturing costs added $1,400,000

Add: Beginning work in process 200,000
Total manufacturing costs $1,600,000
Less: Ending work in process 400,000
Cost of goods manufactured $1,200,000

Work in process consists of all

partially completed units found in
production at a given point in time.
Service Organization 2 -34

Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2004
Sales $300,000
Less expenses:
Cost of services sold:
Beginning work in process $ 5,000
Service costs added:
Direct materials $ 40,000
Direct labor 80,000
Overhead 100,000 220,000
Total $225,000
Less: Ending work in process 10,000 215,000
Gross margin $ 85,000
Less operating expenses:
Selling expenses $ 8,000
Administrative expenses 22,000 30,000
Income before income taxes $ 55,000
Functional-Based 2 -35

Management Model
Cost View


Operational View

Efficiency Performance
Analysis Analysis

Activity-Based 2 -36

Management Model
Cost View


Process View

Driver Performance
Analysis Analysis
Why? What? How Well?

Products and
2 -37

Functional-Based Activity-Based
1. Unit-based drivers 1. Unit- and nonunit-based
2. Allocation-intensive 2. Tracing intensive
3. Narrow and rigid product 3. Broad, flexible product
costing costing
4. Focus on managing cost
4. Focus on managing
5. Sparse activity information activities
5. Detailed activity
6. Maximization of individual information
unit performance
7. Use of financial measures of 6. Systematic performance
performance maximization
7. Use of both financial and
nonfinancial measures of
2 -38

Chapter Two

The End
2 -39

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