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Questionnaire and Form Design

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Chapter X

Questionnaire and
Form Design
Chapter Outline
1) Overview
2) Questionnaire & Observation Forms
i. Questionnaire Definition
ii. Objectives of a Questionnaire
3) Questionnaire Design Process
4) Specify the Information Needed
5) Type of Interviewing Method
6) Individual Question Content
i. Is the Question Necessary?
ii. Are Several Questions Needed Instead of One
Chapter Outline (cont.)
7) Overcoming Inability to Answer
i. Is the Respondent Informed?
ii. Can the Respondent Remember?
iii. Can the Respondent Articulate?
8) Overcoming Unwillingness to Answer
i. Effort Required of the Respondent
ii. Context
iii. Legitimate Purpose
iv. Sensitive Information
v. Increasing the Willingness of Respondents
9) Choosing Question Structure Chapter Outline (cont.)

i. Unstructured Question
ii. Structured Question
10) Choosing Question Wording
i. Define the Issue
ii. Use Ordinary Words
iii. Use Unambiguous Words
iv. Avoid Leading or Biasing Questions
v. Avoid Implicit Alternatives
vi. Avoid Implicit Assumptions
vii. Avoid Generalizations & Estimates
viii.Dual Statements: Positive & Negative
Chapter Outline (cont.)
11) Determining the Order of Questions
i. Opening Questions
ii. Type of Information
iii. Difficult Questions
Layout of Form
iv. Effect on Subsequent Questions
Layout of Form
v. Logical Order Question 1
12) Form & Layout Question 2
Question 3
13) Reproduction of the Questionnaire Question 4

14) Pre-testing
15) Observation Forms
16) International Marketing Research
Chapter Outline (cont.)
17) Ethics in Marketing Research
18) Internet & Computer Applications
19) Focus on Burke
20) Summary
21) Key Terms and Concepts
22) Acronyms
RIP 10.1
Youth Research Achieves Questionnaire Objectives
Youth research (YR) of Brookfield, Connecticut, conducts an omnibus survey of
children every quarter. Typically, YR interviews 150 boys and girls between ages
6 and 8, along with 150 boys and girls between ages 9 and 12. YR uses mall
intercepts of mothers to recruit for its one-on-one interviews, which last eight
minutes. The study obtains children’s views on favorite snack foods, television
shows, commercials, radio, magazines, buzzwords, and movies.
10.1 contd.

YR intentionally keeps its questionnaire to eight minutes because of attention

span limits of children. YR President Karen Forcade notes that some clients
attempt to meet all their research objectives with one study, instead of
surveying, fine-tuning objectives, and re-surveying. In doing so, these clients
overlook attention limits of young respondents when developing questionnaires.

“The questionnaires keep going through the

approval process and people keep adding
questions, ‘Well let’s ask this question, let’s add
that question, and why don’t we talk about this
also,” Forcade said. “And so you end up
keeping children 25 minutes in a central
location study and they get kind of itchy.” The
response error increases and the quality of data
Forcade notes other lessons from interviewing children. When asking questions,
interviewers should define the context to which the questions refers. “It involves
getting them to focus on things, putting them in a situation so that they can
identify with it,” Forcade said. “For example, when asking about their radio
listening habits we said, ‘What about when you’re in Mom’s car, do you listen to
radio?’ rather than, ‘How often do you listen to radio? More than once a day,
once a day, more than once a week?’ Those are kind of big questions for little
Questionnaires designed by
Youth Research to obtain
children views on favorite
snack foods, television shows,
commercials, radio,
magazines, buzzwords, and
movies attempt to minimize
response error.
Fig. 10.1 Questionnaire Design Process
Specify the Information Needed

Specify the Type of Interviewing Method

Determine the Content of Individual Questions

Design the Question to Overcome the Respondent’s Inability and

Unwillingness to Answer

Decide the Question Structure

Determine the Question Wording

Arrange the Questions in Proper Order

Identify the Form and Layout

Reproduce the Questionnaire

Eliminate Bugs by Pre-testing

Fig. 10.2 Flow Chart for Questionnaire Design
Ownership of Store, Bank,
and Other Charge Cards
Purchased Products in a Specific Department
Store during the Last Two Months

Yes No

How was Payment made? Ever Purchased in a

Department Store?
Credit Cash

Store Bank Other
Charge Charge Charge
Card Card Card
Intentions to Use Store, Bank,
and other Charge Cards
RIP 10.2 Example of a Precoded Survey

The American Lawyer

A Confidential Survey of Our Subscribers
(Please ignore the numbers alongside the answers. They are only to help us in
data processing.)
1. Considering all the times you pick it up, about how much time, in total, do you
spend in reading or looking through a typical issue of THE AMERICAN
Less than 30 minutes.....................-1 11/2 hours to 1 hour 59 minutes.........-4

30 to 59 minutes............................-2 2 hours to 2 hours 59 minutes...........-5

1 hour to 1 hour 29 minutes..........-3 3 hours or more.................................-6

Table 10.1 Questionnaire Design Checklist

Step 1. Specify The Information Needed

Step 2. Type of Interviewing Method

Step 3. Individual Question Content

Step 4. Overcome Inability and Unwillingness to Answer

Step 5. Choose Question Structure

Step 6. Choose Question Wording

Step 7. Determine the Order of Questions

Step 8. Form and Layout

Step 9. Reproduce the Questionnaire

Step 10. Pretest

Table 10.1 Questionnaire Design Checklist

Step 1 Specify the Information Needed

1. Ensure that the information obtained fully addresses all the
components of the problem. Review components of the problem and
the approach, particularly the research questions, hypotheses, and
characteristics that influence the research design.
2. Prepare a set of dummy tables.
3. Have a clear idea of the target population.

Step 2 Type of Interviewing Method

1. Review the type of interviewing method determined based on
considerations discussed in Chapter 6.
Table 10.1 Contd.
Step 3 Individual Question Content
1. Is the question necessary?
2. Are several questions needed instead of one to obtain the
required information in an unambiguous manner?
3. Do not use double-barreled questions
Step 4 Overcoming Inability and Unwillingness to Answer
1. Is the respondent informed?
2. If respondents are not likely to be informed, filter questions that
measure familiarity, product use, and past experience should be asked
before questions about the topics themselves.
3. Can the respondent remember?
4. Avoid errors of omission, telescoping and creation.
5. Questions which do not provide the respondent with cues can
underestimate the actual occurrence of an event.
6. Can the respondent articulate?
Table 10.1 Contd.
Step 4 Overcoming Inability and Unwillingness to Answer
7. Minimize the effort required of the respondents.
8. Is the context in which the questions are asked appropriate?
9. Make the request for information seem legitimate.
10. If the information is sensitive:
a. Place sensitive topics at the end of the questionnaire.
b. Preface the question with a statement that the behavior of interest is
c. Ask the question using the third-person technique.
d. Hide the question in a group of other questions which respondents are
willing to answer.
e. Provide response categories rather than asking for specific figures.
f. Use randomized techniques, if appropriate.
Table 10.1 Contd.
Step 5 Choosing Question Structure
1. Open-ended questions are useful in exploratory research and as opening
2. Use structured questions whenever possible.
3. In multiple-choice questions, the response alternatives should include the
set of all possible choices and should be mutually exclusive.
4. In a dichotomous question, if a substantial proportion of the respondents
can be expected to be neutral, include a neutral alternative.
5. Consider the use of the split ballot technique to reduce order bias in
dichotomous and multiple-choice questions.
6. If the response alternatives are numerous, consider using more than one
question to reduce the information processing demands on the
Table 10.1 Contd.
Step 6 Choosing Question Wording
1. Define the issue in terms of who, what, when, where, why, and way (the
six Ws).
2. Use ordinary words. Words should match the vocabulary level of the
3. Avoid ambiguous words: usually, normally, frequently, often,
regularly, occasionally, sometimes, etc.
4. Avoid leading questions that clue the respondent to what the answer
should be.
5. Avoid implicit alternatives that are not explicitly expressed in the
6. Avoid implicit assumptions.
7. Respondent should not have to make generalizations or compute
8. Use positive and negative statements.
Step 7 Determine the Order of Questions Table 10.1 Contd.

1. The opening questions should be interesting, simple, and non-

2. Qualifying questions should serve as the opening questions.
3. Basic information should be obtained first, followed by classification,
and, finally, identification information.
4. Difficult, sensitive, or complex questions should be placed late in the
5. General questions should precede the specific questions.
6. Questions should be asked in a logical order.
7. Branching questions should be designed carefully to cover all possible
8. The question being branched should be placed as close as possible to
the question causing the branching, and (2) the branching
questions should be ordered so that the respondents cannot anticipate
what additional information will be required.
Step 8 Form and Layout Table 10.1 Contd.
1. Divide a questionnaire into several parts.
2. Questions in each part should be numbered.
3. The questionnaire should be pre-coded.
4. The questionnaires themselves should be numbered serially.
Step 9 Reproduction of the Questionnaire
1. The questionnaire should have a professional appearance.
2. Booklet format should be used for long questionnaires.
3. Each question should be reproduced on a single page (or double-page
4. Vertical response columns should be used.
5. Grids are useful when there are a number of related questions which
use the same set of response categories.
6. The tendency to crowd questions to make the questionnaire look
shorter should be avoided.
7. Directions or instructions for individual questions should be placed as
close to the questions as possible.
Step 10 Pre-testing Table 10.1 Contd.
1. Pre-testing should be done always.
2. All aspects of the questionnaire should be tested, including question
content, wording, sequence, form and layout, question difficulty, and
3. The respondents in the pretest should be similar to those who will be
included in the actual survey.
4. Begin the pretest by using personal interviews.
5. Pretest should also be conducted by mail or telephone if those methods
are to be used in the actual survey.
6. A variety of interviewers should be used for pretests.
7. The pretest sample size is small, varying from 15 to 30 respondents for
the initial testing.
8. Use protocol analysis and debriefing to identify problems.
9. After each significant revision of the questionnaire, another pretest
should be conducted, using a different sample of respondents.
10. The responses obtained from the pretest should be coded and analyzed.

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