05 Iipm Nota Entrepreneurship

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[email protected]
Shuhaimi Haji Mohd Sauh
012 2095086
Course Outline
• What is an entrepreneur?
• How to become an entrepreneur?
• How to develop a successful business ideas?
• How to get started?
• Managing and growing an entrepreneurial firm.
Program Kelas – Hari 1
• Pagi
• Icebreaking – interests and sweet memories, BIGwhy, Dream.
• Knowledge ???Brain colour??
• Pengenalan usahawan
• Peluang, Idea dan Usahawan
• Petang
• Idea dan Pelan Perniagaan/Business Plan
• Continuous Assessment
• Test: 15%
• Business Plan Report: 15% (Group)
• Business Plan Presentation: 5% (Group)
• Assignment (Group): 15% - Faktor kejayaan Usahawan Kecil &
Sederhana (SMEs)
• Short Essay: Keusahawanan dalam Islam (Individu: 5%) –
Submission: last day (2pages)
• Class Works: 5%

• Final: 40%
Group Assignment:
• Faktor2 kejayaan Usahawan SME
• Pengenalan
• Jenis2 SMEs dan sumbangan kepada ekonomi negara
• Faktor2 kejayaan usahawan SMEs
• Case study: Success story
• Kesimpulan
• Min: laporan 5 muka surat (tidak termasuk cover page & table of
contents + photo usahawan + carta perniagaan & rujukan).
• Submission: 1 week before final Exam
Background, interests and sweet memories, Dream,
Pengenalan diri, lagu pilihan, pengalaman and
kenangan manis,
Apa itu ilmu?
Bagaimana kita TAHU kita ada ILMU?
Brain Colour
• Definasi • Proses keusahawanan
• Usahawan • Jenis2 usahawan:
• Faktor keturunan atau • Peniaga/businessman
boleh dilatih • Social entrepreneur
• Ciri2 usahawan • Intrapreneur
berjaya • Technopreneur
• Usahawan

Potensi RM
Diri (Peluang)
Keusahawanan – Maznah Hamid
• “seseorang yang merancang, mengurus, menyelenggara
dan melaksanakan usaha-usaha yang berhubungkait
dengan ekonomi; khususnya mereka yang mengelola,
memiliki, mengurus dan berkeupayaan menghadapi
risiko, rintangan, saingan serta apa jua cabaran di dalam
dunia keusahawanan.”
• Entrepreneurs assemble and then integrate all the resources
needed –the money, the people, the business model, the
strategy—needed to transform an invention or an idea into a
viable business.
Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
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Four Primary Characteristics

Mitos Keusahawanan
• Entrepreneurs are born, not made
• Entrepreneurs are gamblers
• Entrepreneurs are motivated primarily by money
• Entrepreneurs should be young and energetic
• Entrepreneurs love the spotlight.

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process

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Step 1 Step 2
Developing Successful Business Ideas
Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process
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Step 3 Step 4
Ice breaking
• Pilih ahli kumpulan
• Idea perniagaan
• Tubuh sebuah syarikat
• Perkenalkan ahli lembaga pengarah
• Perkenalkan perniagaan syarikat anda
Idea Perniagaan
Idea, Peluang dan Perniagaan
• Idea dan kreativiti
• Peluang – solve problem apa – berapa besar
• Kenal pasti idea ATAU peluang perniagaan – How to
• 3 tahun – RM1million atau RM100,000
• Strategi dan PELAN PERNIAGAAN (Business Plan)
• Cara Berfikir:
• Berfikir kerana ingin tahu
• Berfikir secara objektif
• Berfikir positif
• Berfikir ikut “rasa hati”
PIKIR OBJEK thinking
• Berfikir rasional
• Berfikir secara konsep
• Berfikir secara analogi
• Berfikir dengan persepsi
Diagram Proses Pemikiran
• Membaca, melihat
INPUT • Mimpi dan ingatan


Idea vs Opportunity
• An idea is a thought, an impression or a notion.
• Opportunity is a favourable set of circumstances that
creates a need for a new product, service or business.
• Entrepreneur: recognizes a problems or an opportunity
gap (window of opportunity) and creates a business to fill
• 4 qualities of an opportunity:
• Attractive
• Durable
• Timely
• Anchored in a product/service or business that create or add value
for its buyer or end user.
Idea vs Opportunities
• Three ways to identify an opportunity
• Observing trends: PESTEL
• Solving a problem
• Findings gaps in the market place
• Techniques for generating ideas
• Brainstorming
• Focus group
• Internet
• Supplier/customer/business associates

Feasibility Analysis

Role of feasibility analysis in developing successful business ideas

Entiti Perniagaan
• Sole proprietorship (Pemilik tunggal)
• Partnership /Perkongsian
• Sendirian Berhad
• Syarikat Berhad
• Koperasi
Why prepare? Purpose?
Group Exercise
Business Plan
• Ringkasan Eksekutif
• Tujuan Business Plan
• Maklumat Syarikat
• Pelan Pemasaran & Analisa Pasaran
• Pelan Operasi dan Pengurusan
• Projeksi Perniagaan
• Kesimpulan
Hari Ke-4
• Pembentangan Business Plan
• Strategi Perniagaan
• Organisasi Perniagaan (Management and Leadership)
• Pengurusan Kewangan & Dana perniagaan
• Islam, Etika dan Perniagaan
Pembentangan Pelan Perniagaan
• 8.45am – 9.am: Kumpulan 1
• 9.am – 9.15am: Kumpulan 2
• 9.15am – 9.30am; Kumpulan 3
• 9.30am – 10.00am: Q&A
• 10.00am -10.30am: Rehat
• 10.30am -11am: Nursery Tour
• 11am – 11.15am: Kumpulan 4
• 11.15am -11.30am: Kumpulan 5
• 11.30am – 12am: Q&A
• 12.00noon -1.00pm: Ulasan
Area Score (%)

Project Viability 10%

Product Feasibility 10%

Marketing and Business Strategy 10%

Financial Projection 10%

Overall Performance 10%

Total 50%
Program Kelas – Hari 2
• Pagi
• Marketing and Sales
• Petang
• Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan
Jualan dan Pemasaran (Discussion)
• Definasi
• Sales – AIDA, FB dan VAK (model) – Role Play
• Marketing – STP dan 4P’s
• Digital marketing
What is Marketing?

• Process by which individuals and

groups obtain what they need and want
through creating and exchanging
products and value with others.

• More simply: Marketing is the delivery

of customer satisfaction at a profit.
What Is Marketing?
The Marketing Process
Market Segmentation
Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan
and Program
The marketing mix: set of tools (four Ps) the firm uses to
implement its marketing strategy. It includes product, price,
promotion, and place.
Integrated marketing program: comprehensive plan that
communicates and delivers the intended value to chosen
Marketing strategies
• Global vs. “Regular” Marketing
- Scope of activities are outside the home-country
What is Strategy?
• Strategy vs goal
• Strategy vs vision /mission/aspiration
• Strategy vs action
• Strategy vs operation excellence
• What is strategy?
Persekitaran Perniagaan
Persekitaran Perniagaan and Pengurusan
Strategik (Strategic Management)
Kenapa Perlu Strategi Perniagaan?

Business Competitive
Environment Advantage
Strategi Perniagaan
• Tujuan perniagaan: to make money (IBADAH) + pulangan
• Tanggungjawab: Pulangan kepada pelabur (dividen)
• Strategi: impak (above-average performance – ROA,
ROE, Sales growth)
• Kenapa perlu untung dan “growth”?
• Sustainability (mampan), pertumbuhan penduduk
• 3 strategi utama: differentiation (perbedaan), niche (fokus)
dan low cost (kos rendah)
CONTOH: Bangunkan Strategi
• Syarikat Penerbangan, Sos, Minlon
• Mydin vs Jusco
• Tadika

• Pau:
• Ragi
• Landscape
• Sambal bilis
• Susu
Strategic Management
• Definition:
• Art & science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating, cross-
functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its
• Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position.
Involving a different set of activities.
• Strategy is making trade-offs in competing.
• The essence of strategy is choosing what NOT to do.

• In essence, the strategic plan is a company’s game plan.

Corporate strategy and business strategy.
• 3 phases:
• Strategy formulation,
• Strategy implementation and
• Strategy evaluation.
Strategic Process
Membangunkan Strategi
• Strategy is about
“choice” you make to be
unique. Value
• Industry structure /porter Chain
5 forces: look at business
attractiveness and what
drive the profitability of a
• Strategic positioning:
how to be different from
your rivals Industry Strategic
• Value chain: how to Structure Positioning
configure your organization
(primary and supporting
authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This
document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated,
forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in
FIGURE 3.3 whole or part.

The Five-Forces Model

of Competition: A Key
Analytical Tool

authorized for sale or distribution in
any manner. This document may not
be copied, scanned, duplicated,
forwarded,4.3 A Representative
distributed, or posted on Company Value Chain
a website, in whole or part.
3 Generic Strategies

Internal and External Growth Strategies

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Internal Growth Strategies External Growth Strategies

Involve efforts taken Rely on establishing

within the firm itself, relationships with third
such as new product parties, such as mergers,
development, other acquisitions, strategic
product related alliances, joint ventures,
strategies, and licensing, and
international expansion. franchising.

Internal and External Growth Strategies

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What is a Business Model?

• Model
• A model is a plan or diagram that’s used to make or describe
• Business Model
• A firm’s business model is its plan or diagram for how it
competes, uses its resources, structures its relationships,
interfaces with customers, and creates value to sustain itself
on the basis of the profits it generates.
• The term “business model” is used to include all the activities
that define how a firm competes in the marketplace.

Dell’s Business Model

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• It’s important to understand that

a firm’s business model takes it
beyond its own boundaries.
• Almost all firms partner with
others to make their business
models work.
• In Dell’s case, it needs the
cooperation of its suppliers,
customers, and many others to
make its business model
Dell’s Business Model
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Dell’s Approach to Selling PCs versus Traditional Manufacturers


The Importance of Business Models

Having a clearly articulated business model is important
because it does the following:

• Serves as an ongoing extension of feasibility analysis. A business

model continually asks the question, “Does this business make
• Focuses attention on how all the elements of a business fit
together and constitute a working whole.
• Describes why the network of participants needed to make a
business idea viable are willing to work together.
• Articulates a company’s core logic to all stakeholders, including
all employees.
Management and Leadership
What is Leadership? What is Management?
Leadership Definitions
 The behaviour of an individual .. directing the
activities of a group towards a shared goal.
(Hemphill and Coon, 1957)
 Is “ the influential increment over and above
mechanical compliance with the routine directives of
the organization. (Katz & Kahn, 1978)
 Is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate
and enable others to contribute toward the
effectiveness and success of the organization
(House et al., 1999)
 Is the process of making sense of what people are
doing together so that people will understand and be
committed.” (Drath & Palus, 1994)
• Is the process of influencing others to understand and agree what
needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating
individual and collective efforts to accomplished shared objectives.
Kotter (1990)
Leadership vs Management
 Management seeks to Leadership seeks to
produce predictability and produce organizational
order by (1) setting change by (1) developing
operational goals, vision of the future and
establishing action plans strategies for making
with timetables, and necessary changes, (2)
allocating resources; (2) communicating and
organizing and staffing explaining the vision, and
(establishing structure, (3) motivating and inspiring
assigning people to job); people to attain the vision.
and (3) monitoring results In short, management is
and solving problems. about coping with
complexity. Leadership, by
contrast is about coping
with change.
Leadership & Management
 Manager value stability, order and efficiency, whereas
Leaders value flexibility, innovation and adaptation.
 Manager are concerned about how things get done and
they try to get people to perform better. Leaders are
concerned with what things mean to people, and they try
to get people to agree about the most important things to
be done.
 Bennis and Nanus (1985) Managers are people who do
things right; and Leaders are people who do the right
What is Management?

• It is a set of activities and tasks undertaken by

one or more persons for the purpose of
planning & controlling the activities of others
in order to achieve an objective or complete
an activity that could not be achieved by
others acting independently.

Koontz, H., C. O’Donnell and H. Weihirch, Management, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,N. Y., 1980
What is Management? (Contd.)
• Components of Management:
• Planning
• Organizing
• Staffing
• Directing (Leading)
• Controlling
What is Management? (Contd.)

• Planning
• Pre-determining course of action to achieve the objectives
• Organizing
• Establishing relationship among work units and granting
responsibility and authority to obtain the objectives
• Staffing
• Selecting and training people
• Directing (Leading)
• Creating an atmosphere that will assist & motivate people to
achieve the desired end results
• Controlling
• Establishing, measuring, and evaluating performance of
activities towards planned objectives
Managerial Skills
• Robert L. Katz identified three kinds of skills for
administrators*. The fourth may be added to it.
• Technical skills
• Human skills
• Conceptual skills
• Design skills

*in “Skills of an Effective Administration” 1955, and “Retrospective Commentary”, 1974, both printed in Harvard
Business Review
Managerial Skills (Contd.)
• Technical skills
• Knowledge of & proficiency in activities involving
methods, processes & procedures.
• Working with tools & specific techniques.
• Human skills
• Ability to work with people.
• Cooperative effort, team work.
• Creating a conducive environment for people/ workers.
Managerial Skills (Contd.)

• Conceptual skills
• Ability to see the “big picture”.
• Ability to recognize significant elements in a
situation & to understand the relationship among
• Design skills
• Ability to solve problems that will eventually benefit
the enterprise.
• The skill to design effective & practical solutions to
problems rather than becoming “problem watcher”
• Important for upper level managers.

Financial Management
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• Financial Management
• Financial management deals with two things: raising money
and managing a company’s finances in a way that achieves
the highest rate of return
• Chapter 10 focuses on raising money. This chapter focuses
primarily on:
• How a new venture tracks its financial progress through preparing,
analyzing, and maintaining past financial statements.
• How a new venture forecasts future income and expenses by preparing
pro forma (or projected) financial statements.

Financial Management
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The financial management of a firm deals with questions

such as the following on an ongoing basis:

• How are we doing? Are we making or losing money?

• How much cash do we have on hand?
• Do we have enough cash to meet our short-term obligations?
• How efficiently are we utilizing our assets?
• How does our growth and net profits compare to those of our industry peers?
• Where will the funds we need for capital improvements come from?
• Are
there ways we can partner with other firms to share risk and reduce the
amount of cash we need?
• Overall, are we in good shape financially?

Financial Objectives of a Firm

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Financial Objectives of a Firm

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• Profitability
• Is the ability to earn a profit.
• Many start-ups are not profitable during their first one to three years
while they are training employees and building their brands.
• However, a firm must become profitable to remain viable and provide a
return to its owners.
• Liquidity
• Is a company’s ability to meet its short-term financial
• Even if a firm is profitable, it is often a challenge to keep enough
money in the bank to meet its routine obligations in a timely manner.

Financial Objectives of a Firm

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• Efficiency
• Is how productively a firm utilizes its assets relative to its
revenue and its profits.
• Southwest Airlines, for example, uses its assets very productively. Its
turnaround time, or the time its airplanes sit on the ground while they
are being unloaded and reloaded, is the lowest in the airline industry.
• Stability
• Is the strength and vigor of the firm’s overall financial
• For a firm to be stable, it must not only earn a profit and remain liquid
but also keep its debt in check.

The Process of Financial Management

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• Importance of Financial Statements

• To assess whether its financial objectives are being met, firms
rely heavily on analysis of financial statements.
• A financial statement is a written report that quantitatively describes a
firm’s financial health.
• The income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash
flows are the financial statements entrepreneurs use most commonly.
• Forecasts
• Are an estimate of a firm’s future income and expenses, based
on past performance, its current circumstances, and its future

The Process of Financial Management

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• Forecasts (continued)
• New ventures typically base their forecasts on an estimate of
sales and then on industry averages or the experiences of
similar start-ups regarding the cost of goods sold and other
• Budgets
• Are itemized forecasts of a company’s income, expenses, and
capital needs and are also an important tool for financial
planning and control.

The Process of Financial Management

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• Financial Ratios
• Depict relationships between items on a firm’s financial
• An analysis of its financial ratios helps a firm determine
whether it is meeting its financial objectives and how it stakes
up against industry peers.
• Importance of Financial Management
• Many experienced entrepreneurs stress the importance of
keeping on top of the financial management of the firm.

Historical Financial Statements

Three types of historical financial statements

Financial Statement Purpose

Reflects the results of the operations of a firm over a

Income Statement specified period of time. It records all the revenues and
expenses for the given period and shows whether the
firm is making a profit or is experience a loss.

Balance Sheet Is a snapshot of a company’s assets, liabilities, and

owners’ equity at a specific point in time.

Summarizes the changes in a firm’s cash position for

Statement of cash flows a specified period of time and details why the changes

Historical Income Statements


Historical Balance Sheets

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Historical Balance Sheets

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Liabilities and Shareholder’s Equity


Historical Statement of Cash Flows


Ratio Analysis

• Ratio Analysis
• The most practical way to interpret or make sense of a firm’s
historical financial statements is through ratio analysis, as
shown in the next slide.
• Comparing a Firm’s Financial Results to Industry
• Comparing a firm’s financial results to industry norms helps a
firm determine how it stakes up against its competitors and if
there are any financial “red flags” requiring attention.

Historical Ratio Analysis

Payback Period
This is one of the most common evaluation criteria used by engineering
and resource companies.
The Payback Period is simply the number of years required for the cash
income from a project to return the initial cash investment in the project.
The investment decision criteria for this technique suggests that if the
calculated payback is less than some maximum value acceptable to the
company, the proposal is accepted.
The following example illustrates five investment proposals having
identical capital investment requirements but differing expected annual
cash flows and lives.
Calculation of the payback period for a given investment proposal.
a)Prepare End of Year Cumulative Net Cash Flows
b)Find the First Non-Negative Year
c)Calculate How Much of that year is required to cover the previous period
negative balance
d)Add up Previous Negative Cash Flow Years

Initial Annual Net Cash Flows

Investment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Alternative A
(45,000) 10,500 11,500 12,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500 13,500

a End of Year Cummulative Net Cash Flow

(45,000) (34,500) (23,000) (10,500) 3,000 16,500 30,000 43,500 57,000 70,500 84,000
Pay Back Period
Fraction of First Positive Year 0.78 c) 0.78 = 10,500/13,500
Pay Back Period 3.78 d) 3 + 0.78
Payback Period
Breakeven Point
The basics of break-even point
 Businesses must make a profit to survive
To make a profit, income must be higher than
expenditure (or costs)
The Break-even point occurs where total
revenue equals total costs – the firm, in this
example would have to sell Q1 to generate
sufficient revenue to cover its costs.
Breakeven point is identified as QBE. Determined
using linear or non-linear math relations for
revenue and cost
13-3 © 2012 by McGraw-Hill All Rights Reserved
Cost-Revenue Model ― One Project
Quantity, Q — An amount of the variable in
question, e.g., units/year, hours/month
Breakeven value is QBE

Fixed cost, FC — Costs not directly dependent on the variable, e.g.,

buildings, fixed overhead, insurance, minimum workforce cost
Variable cost, VC — Costs that change with parameters such as
production level and workforce size. These are labor, material
and marketing costs. Variable cost per unit is v
Total cost, TC — Sum of fixed and variable costs, TC = FC + VC

Revenue, TR — Amount is Profit, P — Amount of

dependent on quantity sold revenue remaining after costs
Revenue per unit is r P = R – TC = R – (FC+VC)
© 2012 by McGraw-Hill All Rights Reserved
Breakeven for linear R and TC

Set TR = TC and solve for


rQ = FC + vQ


When variable cost, v, is

lowered, QBE decreases
(moves to left)
13-5 © 2012 by McGraw-Hill All Rights Reserved
Example: One Project Breakeven Point

A plant produces 15,000 units/month. Find breakeven level if

FC = $75,000 /month, revenue is $8/unit and variable cost is
$2.50/unit. Determine expected monthly profit or loss.

Solution: Find QBE and compare to 15,000; calculate

QBE = 75,000 / (8.00-2.50) = 13,636 units/month
Production level is above breakeven Profit
Profit = R – (FC + VC)
= rQ – (FC + vQ) = (r-v)Q – FC
= (8.00 – 2.50)(15,000) – 75,000
= $ 7500/month

13-6 © 2012 by McGraw-Hill All Rights Reserved

• Syarikat Raja Muda Sdn Bhd mengeluarkan sejenis alat
pengisar buah yang dijual di pasaran pada harga RM50
seunit. Kos berubah seunit alat pengisar buah itu ialah
RM20 dan jumlah kos tetap ialah RM 9,000. Kira margin
keuntungan dan titik pulang modal (break-even analysis)

• Sekiranya, modal permulaan Syarikat Raja Muda Sdn

Bhd RM100, 000 dan keuntungan tahunan RM25,000.
Kira peratus ROE (return on equity/pulangan atas modal)
The Importance of Getting Financing or

• Understanding the Alternatives for Financing or

• Few people deal with the process of raising investment capital
until they need to raise capital for their own firm.
• As a result, many entrepreneurs go about raising capital
haphazardly because they lack experience.
• To be successful in this area, it is important for entrepreneurs
to understand the role of investment capital in the success of a
new businesses, and the options available to entrepreneurial
firms for obtaining financing or funding.
Why Most New Ventures Need Funding

Figure 10.1
Three Reasons Start-Ups Need Funding
Sources of Personal Financing
(1 of 3)

• Sources of Personal Financing

• Typically, the seed (or initial) money that gets a company off
the ground comes from the founders themselves—from their
personal savings, mortgages, and credit cards.
• All founders contribute sweat equity to their ventures, which
represents the value of the time and effort that a founder puts
into a new firm.
• Love Money
• Friends and family are the second source of funds for many
new ventures. This form of contribution is often called “love
Sources of Personal Financing
(2 of 3)

• Love Money (continued)

• Love money can consist of outright gifts, loans, or
investments, but often comes in the form of forgone or
delayed compensation or reduced or free rent.
• Bootstrapping
• Another source of seed money for new ventures is
• Bootstrapping is the use of creativity, ingenuity, and any means
possible to obtain resources other than borrowing money or
raising capital from traditional sources.
Sources of Personal Financing
(3 of 3)

There are many ways entrepreneurs bootstrap to raise money or cut costs. Some of the
most common examples include the following:

• Minimizing personal expenses and putting all profits back into the

• Avoiding unnecessary expenses, such as lavish office space or furniture
• Establishing partnerships and sharing expenses with partners
• Leasing equipment rather than buying
• Sharing office space or employees with other businesses
• Utilizing the services or a university or community incubator
• Buying items cheaply but prudently through discount outlets or online
auctions, such as eBay, rather than at full-price stores
Preparing to Raise Debt or Equity Financing
(1 of 3)

Figure 10.2
Preparation for Debt or Equity Financing
Preparing to Raise Debt or Equity Financing
(2 of 3)

Two most common alternatives for raising money

Alternative Explanation
Equity funding means exchanging partial ownership in a firm,
usually in the form of stock, for funding. Angel investors, private
Equity funding placement, venture capital, and initial public offerings are the
most common sources of equity funding. Equity funding is not a
loan—the money that is received is not paid back. Instead,
equity investors become partial owners of a firm.

Debt financing is getting a loan. The most common sources of

Debt financing debt financing are commercial banks and the Small Business
Administration (through its guaranteed loan program).
Preparing to Raise Debt or Equity Financing
(3 of 3)

Table 10.1
Matching a New Venture’s Characteristics with the Appropriate Form of
Financing or Funding
Preparing An Elevator Speech
(1 of 2)

• Elevator Speech (pitch)

• An elevator speech is a brief, carefully constructed statement
that outlines the merits of a business opportunity.
• Why is it called an elevator speech?
• If an entrepreneur stepped into an elevator on the 25th floor of a building and found that
by a stroke of luck a potential investor was in the same elevator, the entrepreneur would
have the time it takes to get from the 25th floor to the ground floor to try to get the
investor interested in his or her opportunity. This type of chance encounter with an
investor calls for a quick pitch of one’s business idea. This quick pitch has taken on the
name “elevator speech.”
• Most elevator speeches are 45 seconds to two minutes long.
Preparing an Elevator Speech
(2 of 2)

Table 10.2
Guidelines for Preparing an Elevator Speech
Quiz, business plan presentation and
perniagaan dalam Islam
Perniagaan dalam Islam
Perniagaan Dalam Islam
• “Tidak Aku jadikan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk beribadat
kepada Aku” (Az-Zariat: 56)
• Ibadat: Ibadat asas dan ibadat umum
• 5 syarat:
• Niat mesti betul
• Perkara yang dibuat sah mengikut syariat
• Perlaksanaan mesti mengikut syariat
• Natijah mesti betul
• Tidak meninggalkan perkara asas (ibadat asas)

• Al Baqarah: 275 – Allah the Almighthy has allowed (halal) and

forbidden riba
• Al Jumuah :10 – When your prayer is over, spread over the
earth and
Islamic Western New IE perspective
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
(Kabir Hassan and (Kabir Hassan and
Hipler) Hipler)
Motivated by needs Often motivated chiefly Entrepreneurship as
of society and desire by individual utility Ibadah and amal for
to satisfy religious (wealth) maximization akhirah and fardu
obligation kifayah and pahala
Engage in productive Often secular in nature Entrepreneurship
ventures involving activities are governed
the creation of real by Shariah include
goods and services financing, selling,
Financed through Altruistic goals often advertising
interest free profit secondary
loss sharing Zakat, infaq and
Speculation and Debt and equity Sadaqah
excessive risk taking financing
is prohibited Akhlaq of an
Shariah compliant Speculation and risk- entrepreneur
taking permitted Tawakal, doa, redha
Perniagaan Dalam Islam
• 3 teras perniagaan
• Teras bisnes
Bisness • Usahawan & Strategi
Usahawan • Rezeki dan Ujian
& Strategi

Rezeki &
Teras bisnes
• Kualiti usahawan
• Produk / Servis
• Strategi perniagaan
• Kewangan syarikat
• Pemasaran produk/servis
• Kepimpinan & Pengurusan
Rezeki & Ujian
• Hakikat Ujian dan Ikhtiar – mentor, thinking &
• Solat Sunat & Taqwa – Imu & amal vs (Riba)
• Zakat dan sedekah
• Amalan utama: Bismillahirahmanirahim
(48x,11x,21x), Surah utama (Quran), zikir utama
• Siratulrahim; zakat dan sedeqah
• Haji dan Umrah
• Sabar,Solat dan Doa
Final Exam (40%)
• Section A (10%) - Fill in the blank
• Section B (15%) – True and False
• Section C (75%) – 4 questions
[email protected]
012 2095086

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