Nagindas Khandwala College of Commerce, Arts and Management Studies

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Group Members

Ankita Chawda – 110

Vidhi Dawda – 116
Jash Dedhia – 118
Yash Kesaria – 143
Rohan Chudasama – 161
Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an
individual's like or dislike for an item.

Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an

"attitude object": i.e. a person, behavior or event.

Attitudes develop on the ABC model (affect,

behavioral change and cognition).

Most attitudes in individuals are a result of

observational learning from their environment.
Attitude formation
Unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change as
a function of experience.

Tesser (1993) has argued that hereditary variables may

affect attitudes - but believes that they may do so

For example, if one inherits the disposition to become

an extrovert, this may affect one's attitude to certain
styles of music.
Professional attitude
A professional is punctual (to class and laboratory meetings)
because he/she respects the valuable time of others.

A professional follows the supervisor’s instructions.

A professional in the field respects private and public property.

A professional is observant and sees what needs to be done.

A professional helps maintain a safe workplace with a civilized

Develop your positive attitude!
Listen to internal dialogue of the employer.

Develop a strong communication with the employer.

Help someone out.

Allow yourself to be loved.

 Remember that the mainstream media focuses on

information that leads to fear, negative thoughts and
Negative attitude
A negative attitude is self-defeating.

They are people with poisonous attitudes and behavior

patterns who negatively influence the people around them.
Basically they are unhappy people who resist the positive
efforts of others.

Managers often hesitate to terminate them if they are

productive or have special skills/experience.

Negative employee attitudes and beliefs need to be

addressed because they can create a long term culture of
failure that infects even new employees.
Acknowledge Negativity
You can't ignore negativity and expect it to go away.  If
you do not  acknowledge it, then staff will feel that you
are out of touch, and will not  be confident in your

However, when acknowledging  employees' negative

feelings, try asking for suggestions regarding what to 
do about them.
A Few More Quick Tips
Hold a strategic planning session to focus on a positive
future (but make  sure it is well facilitated). 

Encourage staff to find creative ways to make the work

environment more  enjoyable. 

Encourage staff to be involved in decision-making and

delegate where  possible. 

Introduce a "work-smart" program to dehassle the

Conclusion of negativity
It is not uncommon for organizations to go through
periods of negativity.   Managers play important roles
in determining if that negativity will  increase, or
whether the trough is relatively short.  Above all,
remember  that it is the little things that you do, day in
and day out, that make the  difference.
Traits of People Who Have A Positive Attitude At Work
People who have a positive attitude at
work make it really obvious to those
around them because of several traits
that they share.
These people:
are considered to be stars in the company. They offer
outstanding work and can be counted on to hold up their end
of the bargain.
appear to work hard and it is apparent that they actually care
about what they do.
are reliable. They know that talk is cheap. When these people
say it, they do it.
may not always agree with you, but they aren’t disagreeable.
They don’t disagree just for the sake of starting an argument.
aren’t whiners. They don’t complain a lot.
they don’t just show up to work, sit down in their chair and
start making personal calls and reading the newspaper.
Thank You!!!

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