Performance Appraisal: Presented by Arun Lal V.L. Hithesh Krishnan
Performance Appraisal: Presented by Arun Lal V.L. Hithesh Krishnan
Performance Appraisal: Presented by Arun Lal V.L. Hithesh Krishnan
Presented by
Arun Lal V.L.
Hithesh Krishnan
Performance appraisal
Evaluating an employee’s current or past
performance relative to the person’s
performance standards.
Performance appraisal is the process of
obtaining, analyzing and recording
information about the relative worth of an
Performance appraisal
It is a process to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of the employee.
“Differentiate between individuals”
For e.g.
The assumed distribution exist as
excellent 10%, good 20%, average 40%,
below average 20%, unsatisfactory 10%.
Critical incidents method
It focuses on certain critical behavior of an
employee that make all the difference
between effective & non-effective
performance of a job.
Such incidents are recorded by the superiors
as and when they occur.
Advantage is that the evaluation is based on
actual job behavior, giving job related
feedback to the ratee is easy.
Behaviorally anchored rating scales
Sometimes called behavioral expectation scales.
Are rating sales whose scale points are determined
by statements of effective & ineffective behaviors.
The rater is expected to indicate which
behavior on each scale describes employees
Developed to provide results which
subordinates could use to improve
Field review method
This is an appraisal by someone outside the
assessee’s own department.
The outsider reviews the employee records
and holds interviews with the ratees and his
or her superior.
The method is primarily used for making
promotional decisions at the managerial
Performance tests and observations
Here employee assessment may be based
upon a test of knowledge or skills.
The test may be oral, written or actual
demonstration of skills.
The test must be reliable and valid.
The performance test are apt to measure
potential more than actual performance.
Confidential records
Are maintained mostly in govt. departments.
A typical confidential report should have 14 items:
ability to work with others
technical ability
ability to understand new material
ability to reason
originality and resourcefulness
areas of work that suits the person best
Essay method
The rater must describe the employee within a
number of categories such as:
1. The rater’s overall impression of the employees
2. The promotability of the employee.
3. The jobs that the employee is now able or
qualified to perform.
4. The strength and weakness of employee.
5. The training and development required by the
Its extremely useful in filling information gaps
about the employees.
The strength of the essay method depends
on the writing skills and the analytical ability
of the writer.
It consumes much time because the rater
must collect the information necessary to
develop the essay.
Cost accounting method
It evaluates performance from the monitory
returns the employee yields to his or her
The performance of the employee is
evaluated based on the relationship between
cost & benefit.
Comparative evaluation approach
It compare one worker’s performance with
his or her co-workers.
Usually conducted by supervisors.
This can result in a ranking from best to
They are useful in deciding promotions &
Paired-comparison method
Appraiser compares each employee with
each other employee, one at a time.
For e.g. there are 5 employees named A, B,
C, D & E. The performance of A is compared
with the performance of B & a decision is
made about who is better. Then A is
compared with C D & E in that order. The
same procedure is repeated for other
The number of comparisons may be calculated
with the help of the formulae:
N (N-1) / 2
where N= No. of employees to be
Future oriented appraisals
Performance can be assessed by focusing on
employee potential or setting future performance
The commonly used future oriented techniques
1. MBO
2. Psychological appraisals
3. Assessment centers
4. 360 degree appraisal
MBO process seems to be most useful with
managerial personal and employees who
have a fairly wide range of flexibility & self-
control in their jobs.
. It is a process by which the superiors and
subordinate managers of an organization
jointly identify common goals.
Disadvantages of M.B.O
Takes more time
Incompatibility due to the higher expectations
of the supervisor.
Psychological appraisals
The Psychologist evaluate the employee’s
intellectual, emotional, motivational & other related
characteristics that suggest individual potential &
may predict future performance.
The quality of the appraisal depends largely
on the skills of the Psychologist.
The approach is slow & costly.
Assessment centers
It’s a central location where managers may
come together to have their participation in
job related exercises evaluated by trained
Its now used for evaluating executive or
supervisory potential.
The problem with the assessment centers is
their cost.
360 degree appraisal
Here multiple raters are involved in
evaluating performance.
Its understood as systematic collection of
performance data on an individual or group,
derived from supervisors, team members,
colleagues & self.
Its effective in identifying and measuring inter
personal skills, customer satisfaction & team
building skills.
What should be rated?
One of the steps in designing an appraisal
programme is to determine the evaluation
criteria .It is obvious that the criteria
should be related to the job.
The six criteria for assessing
performance are:
1. Quality: employee should care upon
the quality of work.
2. Quantity: The amount produced, expressed
in monetary terms, number of units, or number
of competed activity cycles.
3. Timeliness: The degree to which an activity
is completed or a result produced, at the
earliest time desirable from the standpoints of
both coordinating with the outputs of others
and of maximizing the time available for other
4. Cost of Effectiveness: the degree to which
the use of the organizations resources
e.g. human, monetary, technological and
material) is maximized in the sense of getting
the highest gain or reduction in loss from each
unit or instance of use of a resource.
5. Need for supervision: The degree to
which a job performer can carry out a
job function without either having to
request supervisory assistance or
requiring supervisory intervention to
prevent an adverse outcome.
6. Interpersonal impact: The degree
to which a performance promotes
feeling of self-esteem, goodwill
and cooperation among co-
workers and subordinates
Appropriate weightages
Weightages depend on the Department and
nature of work
From subordinates (10% to 20%)