4.pressman CH 8 Analysis Modeling
4.pressman CH 8 Analysis Modeling
4.pressman CH 8 Analysis Modeling
Analysis Modeling
- Requirements analysis
- Flow-oriented modeling
- Scenario-based modeling
- Class-based modeling
- Behavioral modeling
A Set of Models
• The requirements modeling action results in one or more of the following types
of models:
• Scenario-based models of requirements from the point of view of various
system “actors”
• Data models that depict the information domain for the problem
Requirements Analysis Purpose
• Provides the developer and customer with the means to assess quality
once the software is built
Overall Objectives
Analysis Rules of Thumb
• The analysis model should focus on requirements that are visible within the
problem or business domain
– The level of abstraction should be relatively high
• Each element of the analysis model should add to an overall understanding of
software requirements and provide insight into the following
– Information domain, function, and behavior of the system
• The model should delay the consideration of infrastructure and other non-
functional models until the design phase
– First complete the analysis of the problem domain
• The model should minimize coupling throughout the system
– Reduce the level of interconnectedness among functions and classes
• The model should provide value to all stakeholders
• The model should be kept as simple as can be
Domain Analysis
• Definition
– The identification, analysis, and specification of common, reusable capabilities
within a specific application domain
– Do this in terms of common objects, classes, subassemblies, and frameworks
• Sources of domain knowledge
– Technical literature
– Existing applications
– Customer surveys and expert advice
– Current/future requirements
• Outcome of domain analysis
– Class taxonomies
– Reuse standards
– Functional and behavioral models
– Domain languages
Analysis Modeling Approaches
• Structured analysis
– Considers data and the processes that transform the data as separate
– Data is modeled in terms of only attributes and relationships (but no
– Processes are modeled to show the 1) input data, 2) the transformation
that occurs on that data, and 3) the resulting output data
• Object-oriented analysis
– Focuses on the definition of classes and the manner in which they
collaborate with one another to fulfill customer requirements
Elements of the Analysis Model
Object-oriented Analysis Structured Analysis
Scenario-based Flow-oriented
modeling modeling
Use case text Data structure diagrams
Use case diagrams Data flow diagrams
Activity diagrams Control-flow diagrams
Swim lane diagrams Processing narratives
Class-based Behavioral
modeling modeling
Class diagrams
State diagrams
Analysis packages
Sequence diagrams
CRC models
Collaboration diagrams
Flow-oriented Modeling
Data Modeling
• Identify the following items
– Data objects (Entities)
– Data attributes
– Relationships
– Cardinality (number of occurrences)
Data Objects
A data object is a representation of composite information that must be understood
by software.
can be an external, a thing ,an occurrence or event, a role ,an organizational unit, a
place ,or a structure .
Data Attributes
Data attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different
characteristics. They can be used to
(1) name an instance of the data object,
(2) describe the instance, or
(3) make reference to another instance in another table.
Data objects are connected to one another in different ways.
Data Flow and Control Flow
Diagram Layering and Process
Context-level diagram
Level 1 diagram
Process Specification
Scenario-based Modeling
Writing Use Cases
• It is effective to use the first person “I” to describe how the actor
interacts with the software
• Format of the text part of a use case
Use-case title:
Description: I …
Notify customer that
food and drink are ready
ent er passw or d
and user ID
selec t spec if ic
selec t c amer a ic on
c amer a - t humbnails
pr ompt f or
anot her v iew
Allows the
ent er pas s w ord
modeler to and us er ID
represent the
flow of activities valid p asswo r d s/ ID
in valid
use-case and at o t h er f u n ct io n s
m ay also b e
prom pt f or reent ry
in p u t t r ies
n o in p u t
r em ain
involved in a
specific use- s elec t s pec if ic
c am era - t hum bnails
s elec t c am era ic on
case) or analysis
class has generat e v ideo
responsibility for out put
described by an exit t h is
activity rectangle f u n ct io n
an o t h er
cam er a
Class-based Modeling
Identifying Analysis Classes
1) Perform a grammatical parse of the problem statement or use cases
2) Classes are determined by underlining each noun or noun clause
3) A class required to implement a solution is part of the solution space
4) A class necessary only to describe a solution is part of the problem space
5) A class should NOT have an imperative procedural name (i.e., a verb)
6) List the potential class names in a table and "classify" each class according
to some taxonomy and class selection characteristics
7) A potential class should satisfy nearly all (or all) of the selection
characteristics to be considered a legitimate problem domain class
Potential classes General Selection
classification Characteristics
(More on next slide)
Identifying Analysis Classes
• General classifications for a potential class
– External entity (e.g., another system, a device, a person)
– Thing (e.g., report, screen display)
– Occurrence or event (e.g., movement, completion)
– Role (e.g., manager, engineer, salesperson)
– Organizational unit (e.g., division, group, team)
– Place (e.g., manufacturing floor, loading dock)
– Structure (e.g., sensor, vehicle, computer)
Defining Attributes of a Class
• Attributes of a class are those nouns from the grammatical parse that
reasonably belong to a class
• Attributes hold the values that describe the current properties or state of a
• An attribute may also appear initially as a potential class that is later
rejected because of the class selection criteria
Defining Operations of a Class
• Operations define the behavior of an object
• Four categories of operations
– Operations that manipulate data in some way to change the state of an object
(e.g., add, delete, modify)
– Operations that perform a computation
– Operations that inquire about the state of an object
– Operations that monitor an object for the occurrence of a controlling event
• An operation has knowledge about the state of a class and the nature of its
• The action performed by an operation is based on the current values of the
attributes of a class
• Using a grammatical parse again, circle the verbs; then select the verbs
that relate to the problem domain classes that were previously identified
Example Class Box
Class Name Component
+ componentID
- telephoneNumber
Attributes - componentStatus
- delayTime
- masterPassword
- numberOfTries
+ program()
+ display()
Operations + reset()
+ query()
- modify()
+ call()
Association, Generalization and
Dependency (Ref: Fowler)
• Association
– Represented by a solid line between two classes directed from the source
class to the target class
– Used for representing (i.e., pointing to) object types for attributes
– May also be a part-of relationship (i.e., aggregation), which is represented by
a diamond-arrow
• Generalization
– Portrays inheritance between a super class and a subclass
– Is represented by a line with a triangle at the target end
• Dependency
– A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of one
element (i.e., the source or supplier) may cause changes to the other element
(i.e., the client)
– Examples
• One class calls a method of another class
• One class utilizes another class as a parameter of a method
Example Class Diagram
Accountant Auditor Record
Error Log Input Handler Account Account List
Behavioral Modeling
Creating a Behavioral Model
1) Identify events found within the use cases and implied by the
attributes in the class diagrams
2) Build a state diagram for each class, and if useful, for the whole
software system
Identifying Events in Use Cases
• An event occurs whenever an actor and the system exchange
• An event is NOT the information that is exchanged, but rather the fact
that information has been exchanged
• Some events have an explicit impact on the flow of control, while
others do not
– An example is the reading of a data item from the user versus comparing
the data item to some possible value
Building a State Diagram
• A state is represented by a rounded rectangle
Example State Diagram
pop / set n to 0; return error push [n – 2 < max]
push [n = 0]
Empty Partially pop [n > 1]
Stack Filled Stack
pop [n = 1]
Full Stack
CRC Models
• Class-responsibility-collaborator (CRC) modeling provides
a simple means for identifying and organizing the classes
that are relevant to system or product requirements.
Ambler describes CRC modeling in the following way:
Class: FloorPlan
Description: Collaborator:
Responsibility: Collaborator:
Responsibility: Collaborator:
Responsibility: Collaborator:
defines floor plan name/type
manages floor plan positioning
scales floor plan for display
scales floor plan for display
incorporates walls, doors and windows Wall
shows position of video cameras Camera
Class Types
• Entity classes, also called model or business classes, are
extracted directly from the statement of the problem (e.g.,
• Boundary classes are used to create the interface (e.g.,
interactive screen or printed reports) that the user sees and
interacts with as the software is used.
• Classes fulfill their responsibilities in one of two ways:
– A class can use its own operations to manipulate its own attributes,
thereby fulfilling a particular responsibility, or
– a class can collaborate with other classes.
• Collaborations identify relationships between classes
• Collaborations are identified by determining whether a class can
fulfill each responsibility itself
• three different generic relationships between classes:
Analysis Packages
• Various elements of the analysis model (e.g., use-cases,
analysis classes) are categorized in a manner that packages
them as a grouping
package name
+Building RulesOf TheGame
+Scene +RulesOfMovement
Charact ers
Elements of the Analysis Model
Object-oriented Analysis Structured Analysis
Scenario-based Flow-oriented
modeling modeling
Use case text
Data flow diagrams
Use case diagrams
Control-flow diagrams
Activity diagrams
Processing narratives
Swim lane diagrams
Class-based Behavioral
modeling modeling
Class diagrams
State diagrams
Analysis packages
Sequence diagrams
CRC models
Collaboration diagrams