3 (C) Explain Tools For Critical

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3 (c) Explain tools for critical and

creative thinking
• Tools for critical and creative thinking is about what we
take to think critically. Critical thinking has necessary
tools and a method for using those tools.
• There are two main activities we do all the time when
we think. The first one is gathering information or
collecting data. As humans collection of data is done
by using our five senses. The second activity we do
when we think is drawing a conclusion. However what
separates a critical thinker from a non critical thinker is
how a person evaluates both data she’s collected and
the conclusions she’s drawn. See the figure below
Non-Critical Thinker Critical thinker

Collects Collects Evaluates

information Information Information

Draws Draws
Conclusions Evaluates Conclusion
(without logic) Logical (using
conclusions logic)
• To evaluate both information and conclusions,
the critical thinker must use the most important
tools with questions. There are four tools.
 Tools for getting the facts
(Involves first three elements in analytic
 Tools for evaluating the facts
(involves the fourth to eighth element in analytic
 Drawing a conclusion (Involves questions
under elements of evaluative standards:
precision, clarity ,accuracy, depth and
 Evaluating the conclusion.(involves
questions under elements of evaluative
standards: logic, relevance, significance, and
3 (d) Barriers for critical and analytical
• Biased experiences
• Drone mentality
• Arrogance
• Group think
• Social conditioning
• Tine
• Egocentric thinking.

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