CO - Change Management
CO - Change Management
CO - Change Management
Aikya CO Team
Common Changes
Internal Orders
Profitability Analysis
Funds Management
Common Changes
Monthly MIS report is compiled by collecting data from Data will flow from various modules in the system in to the
various departments in an excel sheet. Controlling Module where by MIS reports will be online.
Integration and reconciliation of MIS with accounting was Since CO is integrated with other modules like FI, MM, PM
not observed. and PS, reconciliation is done in real time.
Period End process is a lengthy and time consuming Period end process is simplified with Schedule Manager
exercise. and maintenance of allocation cycles.
Common Changes
Data flows from various modules viz. FI, MM, PM, SD, PS
through real time integration facilitating the preparation of MIS on
Cost Center Accounting
Cost Center Accounting is not done at the time when the Cost Center Accounting will be done in real time from the
transactions are entered in to the system. It is done offline in point of origin of financial transactions.
an excel sheet.
The identification of expenses to the responsible centers is
To identify expenses to the responsible centers, various done thru cost centers there by reducing the number of GL in
ledgers are maintained in the legacy system. the system.
Allocation and distribution of overhead is done thru excel Allocation and distribution of common overhead will be
sheet . done thru distribution and assessment cycles.
Cost Center Planning is done outside the system. Cost Center Planning is done within the system.
Cost Center Accounting
Profitability of each operational unit is calculated in an excel The data flows from various modules to Profit center as and
sheet as a periodic activity or as per requirement. when transactions occur. Profitability of each operational unit is
available in real time basis.
Order creation is totally new concept. Costs of special event / Internal orders are created to capture costs of a special
activity are maintained in excel sheet as and when required. event/ activity.
Planning for such event is done in excel. Planning and Budgeting is possible at Internal Order Level.
Various costs for production, maintenance etc. or maintained Internal orders will be created for capturing Assets under
by the concerned dept. in excel sheet. Construction, Production, Maintenance Orders, Investment
At the end of the period, costs are allocated to respective
assets / cost centers manually. At the end of the period, settlement of internal orders are
done by executing the settlement run.
Internal Order
At present profitability analysis is being done Cargo wise With the help of CO-PA, profitability analysis will be done
and party wise in excel sheet. on various dimensions such as Berth, Import/Export, Cargo ,
Activity , Asset , Customer etc.
Planning is done in excel sheet.
Planning will be done within the system.
Overhead allocation is done in excel sheet.
Overhead allocation will be done thru assessment cycle in
Till now budget has been prepared for planning / information With FM module, expenditure will be controlled as per Budget.
purposes. If budget is exceeded, the system will stop the transaction till the
supplement is provided.
Thank You