Final Simple Facts Summary

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Flexible AC systems (Facts)

By: MT Ihuhwa

Power transfer limits

Power flow over a transmission system is limited by one or more of the following network
• Steady-State Power Transfer Limit
• Voltage Stability Limit
• Transient Stability Limit
• Thermal Limit
• Short-Circuit Current Limit

FACTS are designed to remove such limitations and meet operators’ goals of AC transmission
Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS)

 AC transmission systems incorporating the power electronic-

based to enhance controllability and increase power transfer

 FACTS Controllers are power electronic based system & other

static equipment that provide control of one or more AC
transmission parameters.

 Purpose of FACTS : To supply the network as quick as possible

with inductive or capacitive reactive power that is adopted for
a particular requirement , while improving transmission quality
and efficiency of the AC grid.
Basic power compensation
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) Controllers

Static var compensator (SVC)

• Fixed and thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC)
• Phase-shifting transformer (PST)
• Synchronous static compensator (STATCOM)
• Synchronous static series compensator (SSSC)
• Universal power flow controller (UPFC)
Types Static var compensator (SVC)
Static VAR compensator is a set of electrical devices for providing fast acting reactive
power on high voltage electricity transmission system.
 Thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR)
• Thyristor-switched capacitor (TSC)
• Thyristor-switched reactor (TSR)
• Mechanically switched capacitor (MSC)
SVC applications
SVCs are installed to perform the following functions:
 Dynamic voltage stabilization: increased power transfer capability,
reduced voltage variation.
 Synchronous stability improvements: increased transient stability,
improved power system damping
• Dynamic load balancing
• Steady-state voltage support

 A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) also known as synchronous condenser.

 STATCOM is a regulating device used on alternating current electricity transmission networks .
 It is based on a power electronics voltage source converter.

It is installed to support electricity networks that have a poor power factor and often poor
voltage regulation

Mostly used for voltage stability

It is also provide better reactive power support at low AC voltage

The current can be maintained at rated value even down to low AC voltages
Controllable parameters

 Control of the line impedance: current and active power control

 Control of angle: current and active power control
 Series voltage injection: Current, active, and reactive power control
 Parallel voltage injection: Current, active, and reactive power control
Features of Flexible AC Transmission Systems FACTS:

 Fast Voltage regulation

 Increased power transfer over long AC lines.
 Damping of active power oscillations
 Load flow control in meshed systems, thereby significantly
improving the stability and performance of transmission

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