2-FFT-based Power Spectrum Estimation

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DSP Power Spectral Estimation

The purpose of these methods is to

obtain an approximate estimation of the
power spectral density yy (e ) of a
given real random process { yn }

Professor A G Constantinides 1
DSP Autocorrelation
The autocorrelation sequence is
yy [m] E{ y[m n] y[n]}
The pivot of estimation is the Wiener-
Khintchine formula (which is also known
as the Einstein or the Rayleigh formula)

j jm
yy (e ) yy [m]e

Professor A G Constantinides 2
DSP Classification
The crux of PSD estimation is the determination of
the autocorrelation sequence from a given process.
Methods that rely on the direct use of the given
finite duration signal to compute the autocorrelation
to the maximum allowable length (beyond which it
is assumed zero), are called Non-parametric
Methods that rely on a model for the signal
generation are called Modern or Parametric
Personally I prefer the names Direct and Indirect

Professor A G Constantinides 3
DSP Classification & Choice

The choice between the two options is

made on a balance between simple and
fast computations but inaccurate PSD
estimates Vs computationally involved
procedures but enhanced PSD estimates

Professor A G Constantinides 4
DSP Direct Methods & Limitations
Apart from the adverse effects of noise,
there are two limitations in practice
Only one manifestation { y [ n]} , known

as a realisation in stochastic processes, is
Only a finite number of terms, say 2 N 1 ,
is available

Professor A G Constantinides 5
DSP Assumptions
Assume { y[n]} to be
Ergodic so that statistical expectations can
be replaced by summation averages
Stationary so that infinite averages can be
estimated from finite averages
Both of these averages are to be derived
{ y [n]}

Professor A G Constantinides 6
DSP Windowing
Thus an approximation is necessary. In
effect we have a new signal {x[n]} given
x[n] w[n] y [n]

where w[n] is a window of finite

duration selecting a segment of signal
from { y [n]}.

Professor A G Constantinides 7
DSP The Periodogram
The Periodogram is defined as
N 1 2
I N (e j ) x[ n ]e jn
N n 0
j1 N 1 jn
N 1
I N (e ) x[n]e x[r ]e
N n 0 r 0
Clearly evaluations at
k k
are efficiently computable via the FFT.
Professor A G Constantinides 8
DSP Limited autocorrelations
N 1 m
xx [m] x[n m ]x[n]
n 0

which we shall call the autocorrelation

sequence of this shorter signal.
These are the parameters to be used
for the PSD estimation.

Professor A G Constantinides 9
DSP PSD Estimator
It can be shown that

j 1 N 1 jm
I N (e ) xx [ m ]e
N m ( N 1)
The above and the limited autocorrelation
expression, are similar expressions to the
PSD. However, the PSD estimates, as we
shall see, can be bad.
Measures of goodness are the bias and
the variance of the estimates?
Professor A G Constantinides 10
DSP The Bias

The Bias pertains to the question:

Does the estimate tend to the correct
value as the number of terms taken
tends to infinity?
If yes, then it is unbiased, else it is biased.

Professor A G Constantinides 11
DSP Analysis on Bias
For the unspecified window case
considered thus far, the expected value
of the autocorrelation sequence of the
truncated signal is
N 1 m
E{ xx [m]} E{ x[n m ]x[n]}
n 0
N 1 m
E{w[n m ] y[n m ]w[n] y[n]}
n 0

Professor A G Constantinides 12
DSP Analysis on Bias
N 1 m
E{ xx [m]} ww [m] yy [m]
n 0

j 1 N 1 jm
E{I N (e )} E { xx [ m ]}e
N m ( N 1)
1 j j 2
yy (e ) * W (e )

Professor A G Constantinides 13
DSP Analysis on Bias
The asterisk denotes convolution.
The bias is then given as the difference
between the expected mean and the
true mean PSDs at some frequency.
j k j k
B E{I N (e ) yy (e )
yy (e ) * W (e ) yy (e jk )
j j 2
Professor A G Constantinides 14
DSP Example
For example take a rectangular window
then ,
j 2 sin( N / 2)
W (e )
sin( / 2)
which, when convolved with the true
PSD, gives the mean periodogram, ie a
smoothed version of the true PSD.
Professor A G Constantinides 15
DSP Example

Note that the main lobe of the window has a

width of 2 / N
and hence as N

j j
we have lim E{I N (e )} yy (e )

at every point of continuity of the PSD.

Professor A G Constantinides 16
DSP Asymptotically unbiased

Thus NI ( e ) is an asymptotically
unbiased estimator of the true PSD.
The result can be generalised as

Professor A G Constantinides 17
DSP Windows & Estimators
For the window to yield an unbiased
estimator it must satisfy the following:
1) Normalisation condition

N 1
w [ n] N
n 0

2) The main lobe width must decrease

as 1/N

Professor A G Constantinides 18
DSP The Variance
The Variance refers to the question on
the goodness of the estimate:
Does its variance of the estimate
decrease with N? ie does the
expression below tend to zero as N
tends to infinity?
j j j
var{I N (e )} E{( I N (e )) } ( E{I N (e )})
2 2

Professor A G Constantinides 19
DSP Analysis on Variance
If the process is Gaussian then (after
very long and tedious algebra) it can be
shown that
var{I N (e j )} ( E{I N (e j )}) 2 A
1 j j ( ) j ( )
yy ( e )W ( e )W *
( e )d
Professor A G Constantinides 20
DSP Analysis

Hence it is evident that as the length of

data tends to infinity the first term
remains unaffected, and thus the
periodogram is an inconsistent
estimator of the PSD.

Professor A G Constantinides 21
DSP Example
For example for the rectangular window
taken earlier we have
j j
var{I N (e )} ( E{I N (e )}) C


sin ( N m )
N 1
C yy [m]
m ( N 1) N sin

Professor A G Constantinides 22
DSP Decaying Correlations
If yn has yy 0 for m m0
then for N m0 we can write above

j j sin N
var{I N (e )} yy (e ) 1

N sin
From which it is apparent that
yy (e ) 0,

var{I N (e )} j
2 yy (e ) elsewhere

Professor A G Constantinides 23
DSP Variance is large

Thus even for very large windows the

variance of the estimate is as large
as the quantity to be estimated!

Professor A G Constantinides 24
DSP Smoothed Periodograms
Periodograms are therefore inadequate for
precise estimation of a PSD.
To reduce variance while keeping estimation
simplicity and efficiency, several modifications
can be implemented
a) Averaging over a set of periodograms of
(nearly) independent segments
b) Windowing applied to segments
c) Overlapping the windowed segments for
additional averaging
Professor A G Constantinides 25
DSP Welch-Bartlett Procedure
Typical is the Welch-Bartlett procedure as
Let yn be an ergodic process from which we
are given M data points for the signal y[n] .
1) Divide the given signal into K M / N
blocks each of length N .
2) Estimate the PSD of each block
3) Take the average of these estimates

Professor A G Constantinides 26
DSP Welch-Bartlett Procedure
Step 2 can take different forms for
different authors.
For the Welch-Bartlett case the
periodogram is suggested as
N 1 2
j 1 jn
IN (e ) xr [m]e
N n 0

Professor A G Constantinides 27
DSP Welch-Bartlett Procedure
where the segment xr [n] is a
windowed portion of yn
xr [n] w[n] y[n r ( N N0 )]

And N0 is the overlap.

(Strictly the Bartlett case has a
rectangular window and no overlap).

Professor A G Constantinides 28
DSP Comments
FFT-based Spectral estimation is limited by
a) the correlation assumed to be zero beyond the
measurement length and
b) the resolution attributes of the DFT.
Thus if two frequencies are separated by
then a data record of length
N 2 /
is required.
(Uncertainty Principle)

Professor A G Constantinides 29
DSP Narrowband Signals
The spectrum to be estimated is some cases
may contain narrow peaks (high Q
resonances) as in speech formants or
passive sonar.
The limit on resolution imposed by window
length is problematic in that it causes bias.
The derived variance formulae are not

Professor A G Constantinides 30

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