Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Polytechnic University of the

College of Arts and LettersMabiniCampus, Sta. Mesa Manila

Use strategies for providing authentic opportunities

For English language learners to use the English language for
communicative purposes.

Prepared by: Barredo, Samantha Mei Jo

Course yr and section: ABE 4-3
Professor: Xavier Aquino Velasco
Meaning-based Context
and Universal Themes
Content Knowledge
1. Introduce new concepts through familiar resources,
prompts, visuals, or themes.
2. Use associated types of realia meaningful or familiar
to students to affirm the appropriate context for using
new language.
3. Sustain motivation to learn challenging concepts by
linking ideas to resources or contexts that reflects
students interests and sociocultural or linguistic
Academic Language
1. Use methods listed above for introducing academic
vocabulary, sentence structures, and language uses.
2. Link ongoing language practice or tasks both
school-based and community-based.
3. Respectfully compare and analyse language use,
and meanings to other cultures or context, to
promote metacognition.
Sample Activities
- Quick-write responses or recording student responses to visuals.
- Current event stories
- Real-life models
- Video clips
- Teacher read-alouds
- Thematic prompts
- Role-play
- Comparing language uses for similar contexts
Modeling, Graphic
Organizers, and Visuals
Content Knowledge
1. Model how to complete tasks
2. Provide graphic organizers and meaningful visuals to
support students recognition of essential information
3. Use graphic organizers to support understanding of
specific uses of academic language.
4. Use advanced organizers to support metacognition, and
overall comprehension.
Academic Language
1. Use methods listed above with the addition of
word banks, word walls, and modelling the use of
graphic organizers appropriate to ELD level.
2. Appropriately modulate language delivery, i.e.,
speed and enunciation, when modelling language
forms or presenting content; repetition helps.
Sample Activities/Resources

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