Othello Journey
Othello Journey
Othello Journey
Shakespeares Othello
Then must you speak
Of one that loved not wisely, but too well
Shakespeare Vocabulary
Verse vs. Prose Aside
Meter Monologue
Foot Soliloquy
Iambic Pentameter Allusion
Blank Verse vs. Free Foil
Verse Tragedy
Quatrain Tragic Hero
Couplet Tragic Flaw
A character whose personality or
attitudes are in sharp contrast to
those of another character in the
same work
Allusion: reference to an event, person,
place, or another work of literature
Venice = order,
rule of reason ?
Cyprus = disorder,
rule of passion ?
Othello: Poetic Images
Focused on the natural world
Most important pattern contrast
of light and dark, black and white
One cluster is domestic and
animal: goats, monkeys, wolves,
baboons, guinea hens, wildcats,
spiders, flies, asses, dogs, horses,
sheep, serpents, and toads
Other images include green-eyed
monsters, devils, poisons, money
purses, tarnished jewels, music
untuned, and light extinguished
Diabolic Images (64 in total)
Iago: I am not what I am Othello takes on this
biblical allusion to God: I diabolic imagery as the
am that I am Exodus
play progresses: death
Iago: The devil will make a
and damnation ~ hellish
grandsire of you
revenge ~ damns
Brabantio: damned ~ sooty
bosom ~ practices of
Desdemona to hell ~
cunning hell divinity of hell ~ spite of
Iago likens women to hell ~ O devil, ~ hellish
devils appearance ~ like a liar
gone to burning hell
Bestial Imagery
Iago: Othello:
Old black ram ~ daughter
covered with a Barbary
As Othello falls he
horse~ making the beast takes on Iagos
with two backs ~ wild cats imagery ~ foul toads ~
~ spiders webs ~ asses ~ summer flies ~ toad ~
dogs ~ monkeys ~wolves dog ~ raven ~ beast ~
crocodile ~ goats and
Meter: the pattern of stressed and unstressed
As he delivers his last lines, Othello reflects upon the span of his life and
his record of service in the Venetian army. Before he is dragged away to a
new life as a close prisoner, Othello demands audience from his captors.
In the lines that follow, he describes his transformation from proud soldier
to base murderer, highlighting the plays major themes of jealousy,
passion and racial identity.
Speak Of Me As I Am
In his final words, Othello breaks down. Though unused to the melting mood, he allows
himself to express his sadness at his own fate. He encourages Lodovico to record his tears,
then goes on to demonstrate a maneuver he perfected in the military. With his sword drawn,
he tells Lodovico how he once came upon a Turk beating a Venetian and violently killed
him. Othello insists that he is killing himself the same way; smote him, thus are the words
that precede his stab. ThroughoutOthello, characters use the name Turk, the common enemy
of all Christendom, to refer to anyone lacking in judgment, morals and character. By placing
himself in the role of the Turk as he recounts his story, Othello characterizes himself with
these same ideas. Though he began the play as far more fair than black, he has now
turned Turk, and become what he always feared Venice might make him: a true racial
Othellos final words summarize his position at the end of the play. Though he began as a
noble figure, he dies a murderer and an outcast. His last speech emphasizes the tragedy of
his downfall and perfectly encapsulates the themes of the play.