Hksa-2 & Hksa-3
Hksa-2 & Hksa-3
Hksa-2 & Hksa-3
Kimia Komputasi
1. Optimasi Geometri
Alur perhitungan Kimia Komputasi
Pengertian Optimasi Geometri
Metode-metode Perhitungan Optimasi Geometri
2. HKSA-1
Pendahuluan HKSA
Pengertian HKSA
Teknik & Tahapan Studi HKSA
Bgm training set HKSA yg baik
Parameter Fisikokimia yg terlibat dlm studi HKSA
3. HKSA-2
Statistika dan Pengolahan Data Hingga mendapat persamaan HKSA
Validasi Persamaan HKSA
4. HKSA-3
Proses Pencarian Senyawa Baru Berdasarkan Persamaan HKSA yang ada
Pengenalan Craig Plot dan Skema Topliss,
Contoh Optimasi Senyawa Pemandu
Statistika dan Pengolahan Data Hingga mendapat
persamaan HKSA
Validasi Persamaan HKSA
Statistik dalam HKSA
a. Regresi linier
Y = aX + b
Y = aktivitas biologis (variabel tergantung)
X = parameter kimia fisika (variabel tidak tergantung)
a,b = koefisien regresi
Y = aX1 + bX2 + c
Y = aX1 + bX2 + cX3 + d
X1,X2,X3 = parameter-parameter fisika kimia 1,2, dan 3
b. Regresi non-linier
Y = a(X)2 + bX + c
Y = -a(X)2 + bX + c
Regresi linier untuk dua dan tiga parameter :
Y = a(X1)2 + bX1 + cX2 + d
Y = a(X1)2 + bX1 + cX2 + dX3 + e
Perhitungan analisis regresi dapat dilakukan dgn
menggunakan Program komputer a.l:
The structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of
bioactive compounds seem to have at least two
1. One is to obtain insight into the pharmacological modes
of action and
2. the other is to deduce possible guiding principles for
designing analogues with better bioactive profiles.
QSAR : Quantitatif approach , :
in physical organic chemistry toward the biomedicinal
(re)activity, the mode of action has been illustrated on
the (sub)molecular level in many cases.
the most effective approaches for optimizing lead
compounds and designing new drugs.
Validation of QSAR Models
Statistical Parameters
r, s and F values, confidence intervals
Topliss criteria
number of tested and included variables
Hansch-Unger criteria
meaningful parameters, statistical significance,
Ockhams razor, biophysical model
Crossvalidation: Q2 and sPRESS values
Lateral Validation
Y scrambling
External Predictions
Validasi Model Persamaan HKSA
Analisis Korelasi
Validasi Model
Analisis Korelasi
Cermati metode komputasi yang dipilih (Ab
initio, DFT, semi empirik)
Data Aktivitas biologis (Variable dependen)
turunan senyawa yg dianalisis menjadi acuan
terhadap deskriptor (variabel independen)
I r I < 0.5 tidak dipertimbangkan
Dapat menggunakan bantuan software a.l SPSS ,
MS Excell, dll
PCA: Principal Componen Analysis
PLS : Partial Least Squares
Model PLS
Model Validations
LOO = Leave One Out Cross Validations
In the LOO approach, each predicted
compound is deleted from the n compounds
and its activity is computed.
The square of LOO cross-validation coefficient
(q2) can be considered as an indicator of the
predictive performance and stability of a
model, and calculated according to the
following formula:
yi = actual activity, y is the average actual
activity, y = the predicted activity of
compound i,
which is computed by the new regression
equation obtained each time after leaving one
data point (No. i) out.
For a reliable model, the square of cross-
validation coefficient
q2 should be0.5
Parameter Statistik
n = jumlah data poin
R = koefisien korelasi
R2 = koefisien korelasi kuadrat
S reg = simpangan baku regresi
S pred = simpangan baku prediksi
F = nilai Fisher F
Q2 = square of LOO cross-validation coefficient
p= nilai kepercayaan
Contoh HKSA Model Hansch
1) Hubungan linier antara aktivitas dengan Log P
Log 1/C = aLog P + b
Hipnosis, tikus, MED barbiturat -0,55 1,80 2,10 15 0,124
Kloramfenikol -0,54 0,48 2,13 0,22 9 0,945 0,264
No R Log A Log A
(pangamatan) (Perhitungan)
1 -NO2 0,71 0,06 2,00 1,77
2 -CN 0,68 -0,31 1,40 1,47
3 -SO2(CH3) 0,65 -0,47 1,04 1,27
4 -CO2CH3 0,32 -0,04 1,00 0,89
5 -Cl 0,37 0,70 1,00 1,08
6 -NN-C6H5 0,58 1,72 0,78 0,69
7 -OCH3 0,12 -0,04 0,74 0,46
8 -NHCO-C6H5 0,22 0,72 0,40 0,76
9 -NHCOCH3 0,10 -0,79 -0,30 -0,28
Perhitungan Analisis Regresi Linier