Che516 Lecture Notes
Che516 Lecture Notes
Che516 Lecture Notes
Walls coated
with catalyst;
may be porous
Thick wall
Example of Reactors for two or more changing phases.
Examples with 2 or more changing phases
- pellet with progressive poisoning by feed
impurity (gas)
- deactivation occurring during reaction (gas)
- trickle bed reactor(gas, liq. Cat coated
- slurry reactor(gas, liquid with suspended
Definition of reaction Rates (28/9)
With respect to vol of void., cat. Weight, cat surface
area, cat. Vol and total reactor vol
Vol of void in the reactor:
-rA = -(dNA/dt)/V = kCA, (molsreacted/m3void.s)
Weight of cat. Pellets:
-rA = -(dNA/dt)/W = kCA, (mols reacted/kgcat.s)
Catalyst surface area:
-rA = -(dNA/dt)/S = kCA, (molsreacted/m2cat surf.s)
Task: obtain specific rate equation
The reactor type is BATCH
t = (CAoV/W)dXA/- rA (0 to Xaf)---------- (1)
reaction is first order; use simple rate 1st order
-rA = kCA
-rA =k CAo(1-xA)/(1+AxA) where A = 0
Hence subst rA into eqn (1) and integrate:
t = (CAoV/WkCAo)[-ln(1-xAf)]
t = -(V/wk)ln(1-xAf)
a plot of t vs ln(1-xAf) is linear with a slope of V/wk
xA = (CAo - CA}/ CAo
and CA = n/V = P/RT R = 83.016 cm3. atm/gmol.k
= 62330cm3.mmHg/gmol.k
The reaction is visualized first as occurring at
the outer skin of the particle. The zone of the
reaction then moves into the solid and may
leave behind the completely converted
material and inert solid (called ash). Thus
at any time, there exists an unreacted-core of
material which shrinks in size during reaction
as shown below:
(Diagram p10)
The unreacted core model is best suitable for
a wide variety of situations and more realistic
Unreacted core model of spherical
particles of unchanging size
The above model was developed by Yagi and
Kunii in 1995.
(1) diffusion of gaseous A thro the film
surrounding the particles to the surface of the
(2) penetration and diffusion of A thro the
blanket of ash to the surface of the unreacted
(3) reaction of gaseous. A with the solid at the
reaction surface
(4) Diffusion of the gaseous product thro the
ash back to the exterior surface of the solid
(5) Diffusion of the gaseous product thro the
gas film back unto the main body of the fluid
Some of the steps may not be present in some
reactions: for example, if there is no gaseous
product steps 4 and 5 do not contribute
directly to the resistance of the reaction.
Resistance of different steps vary in effect
such that some are major and can be
considered as the rate controlling step.
Diagram (p11)
EQUATION 19/26 10 - 2011
(a) elementary irreversible reactions (steps 4
& 5 absent)
( b) spherical particles
(c) steps 1, 2 & 3 in turns are rate controlling
(A) diffusion thro gas film controls
(Diagram 12)
The concentration profile is as shown above
Rate of reaction of A depends on the rate of
transport of A thro the gas film
Beyond the gas film, reaction is instant, no
accumulation of reactant A can be seen, Cas=0
The conc. Driving force Cag- Cas is constant at all
times during reaction
The kinetic equation should be related to the
available surface the unchanging exterior
surface of the particle, Sex
A(g) + bB(s) = S(s)
dNB = bdNA From the stoichiometry:
Hence, - r = rB = b x rA
- r = -(1/Sex)dNB/dt = -b(1/Sex)dNA/dt (i)
Also, -r= -brA = -bKg(CAg CAs) [rate of
diffusion thro the gas film]
-r = bKgCAg CAs = 0 --------------------(ii)
Hence, - r = -(1/Sex)dNB/dt = bKgCAg ------------(1)
Where ext. surface area Sex =4R2
Where kg in cm/s or m/s is the mass transfer
.. density of B x vol of solid
But, NB (moles of B) = molar
NB = B x V
-dNB = -bdNA = - BdV
= -Bd(4rc3/3)
-dNB = -bdNA = -4Brc2drC ----------(2)
-dNB = -4Brc2drc -----------------(2a)
-dNB/dt = -4Brc2drc/dt -------(2b)
Subst for dNB/dt in (1),
- rA = -(1/Sex)dNB/dt = -(4B/4R2)rc2drc/ dt =
-(4B/4R2)rc2drc = bKgCAgdt -------------- (3a)
Integrating, we obtain:
t = BR/3bkgCAg[1-(rc/R). 3] -------------------------(3b)
t = f(rc)
in order to predict the time t = for end of
reaction, substitute radius of solid rc = 0 in eqn 3
= BR/3bkgCAg ------------------------------------- (4)
fraction of time left for reaction to complete is:
t/ = 1 (rc /R)3 ----------------------------(5)
Conversion of B is given by:
xB = volume reacted/total vol of particles
= (total Vol Vol Unreacted)/total Vol
XB = 1 - (4rc3/3)/(4R3/3)
XB = 1 - (r/R)3 = t/ ----------------- (6)
Try the derivation for cylindrical particle
Insert on last page Row *
But NB (flux) = rcB hence,
-drc/dt = -bCA/B [rc2 / R2 kg + (R-rc)rc/RDe + 1/ ks ]
(film) (ash) (rxn)
ASIGNMENT: Jumping the derivation step
Use of Maths Integral Table essential for good
- Part A: 10 Questions 50marks
- Part B: 1 Question 20Marks
- come up with one typed sheet of Equations
(No write-up / explanation)
- Come with all you need, No sharing permitted.
- Areas of Emphasis: Plates 21 to 63 (ie Sample
calculation to Rate of Reaction for Shrinking core