03 Consumer Behaviour A
03 Consumer Behaviour A
03 Consumer Behaviour A
Consumer Buyer
Topic 3
Topic Outline
Model of Consumer Behavior
Factors Affecting Consumer
Types of Buying Decision
The Buyer Decision Process
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Model of Consumer Behavior
Consumer Buying Behavior
Buying behavior of individuals and
households that buy products for
personal consumption.
Consumer Market
All individuals/households who buy
products for personal consumption.
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Model of Consumer Behavior
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
Culture is the learned values,
perceptions, wants, and behavior
Key Factors from family and other important
Subculture are groups of people
within a culture with shared value
systems based on common life
experiences and situations.
Social Malay , Chinese, Indian, Mature
& Other consumers
Social Class societys relatively
Personal permanent and ordered divisions
whose members share similar
values, interests, n behavior.
Psychological Measured by a combination of
occupation, income, education,
wealth n other variables.
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
Key Factors Membership - Groups with direct
influence and to which a person
Reference groups that forma
Cultural comparison or reference in forming
attitudes or behavior
Opinion leaders are people within a
reference group who exert social
influence on others
Aspirational groups groups an
individual wishes to belong to
Family -Children can influence
Social roles and status are the
Psychological groups, family, clubs, and organizations
that a person belongs to that can define
role and social status
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
Perception is the process by
which people select, organize,
Key Factors and interpret information to form
a meaningful picture of the world
from three perceptual processes.
Cultural Selective attention is the tendency
for people to screen out most of the
information to which they are exposed
Social Selective distortion is the
tendency for people to interpret
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Characteristics Affecting Consumer
Learning is the change in an
Key Factors individuals behavior arising from
experience and occurs through
interplay of : Drives, stimuli, cues,
responses and reinforcement
Cultural Beliefs is a descriptive thought
that a person holds about
Social something based on: Knowledge,
opinion, and faith
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Types of Buying Decision Behavior
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The Buyer Decision Process
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The Buyer Decision Process
Process Stages
Need recognition Needs can be triggered
Information search Internal stimuli
Normal needs become
Evaluation of alternatives strong enough to drive
Purchase decision External stimuli
Postpurchase behavior Advertisements
Friends of friends
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The Buyer Decision Process
Process Stages
Consumers exhibit heightened
Need recognition attention or actively search for
Information search
Sources of information:
Evaluation of alternatives Personal family and friends
Commercial advertising, internet
Purchase decision Public mass media, consumer
Postpurchase behavior organizations
Experiential handling, examining,
using the product
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The Buyer Decision Process
Process Stages
Evaluation procedure
Need recognition
depends on the consumer
Information search and the buying situation.
Evaluation of alternatives Most buyers evaluate
multiple attributes, each of
Purchase decision
which is weighted differently.
Postpurchase behavior At the end of the evaluation
stage, purchase intentions
are formed.
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The Buyer Decision Process
Process Stages
Need recognition The act by the consumer to
buy the most preferred brand.
Information search
Two factors intercede
Evaluation of alternatives between purchase intentions
and the actual decision:
Purchase decision Attitudes of others
Postpurchase behavior Unexpected situational
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The Buyer Decision Process
Process Stages
Satisfaction or dissatisfaction that
the consumer feels about the
Need recognition purchase
Satisfaction is important:
Information search Delighted consumers engage in
positive word-of-mouth.
Evaluation of alternatives Unhappy customers tell on
Purchase decision average 11 other people.
It costs more to attract a new
Postpurchase behavior customer than it does to retain an
existing customer.
Cognitive dissonance is common.
It is the discomfort caused by a
post-purchase conflict.
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The End
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