Conflict Transformation
Conflict Transformation
Conflict Transformation
To describe the nature of
Identify peaceful approaches
to resolving conflicts
Engage in actual dialogue
Apply the peaceful steps in the
conflict transformation
Conflicts are inherent in Human Relationships. As such, we cannot go away
with them.
Conflict is an interactive process manifested in incompatibility,
disagreement or dissonance within or between social entities. (Rakhim)
Rakhim also notes that a conflict may be limited to one individual, who is
conflicted within himself (the intrapersonal conflict).
To take another definition of conflict, Michael Nicholson defines it as an
activity which takes place when conscious beings (individuals or groups)
wish to carry out mutually inconsistent acts concerning their wants, needs
or obligations.
Conflict is an escalation of a disagreement, which is its common
prerequisite, and is characterized by the existence of conflict behavior, in
which the beings are actively trying to damage one another.
In a Negative sense, conflict can be:
Disagreeing with another Matching of wills
Difference of opinion with another An anger producing event
Complaints about our performance A threat to our security
Criticism of our behavior or attitude Taking a risk
Negative evaluation of our Speaking out of our beliefs
performance Risking the loss of acceptance
Fighting with another A time when no one is communicating; whether
people are angry silently our yelling at one
Stress inducing event in which we are another
confronted in a negative way
Someone acting in direct apposition to our
A test of our power request
A threat to our control Defending our rights when they are being ignored
In a Positive sense, conflict can be:
A process by which feelings ultimately can be aired openly and
A time of growth for the parties involved A compromise that will leave all parties involved in a winning
A time in which problems can be solved creatively by
looking together at a variety alternatives A breath of fresh air in a stagnating relationship
A chance to evaluate our performance objectively A moment of honesty, which can result in lifetime of improved
A time for us to increase our knowledge of one another
An opportunity to draw close to one another in intimate self-
A chance to reveal our unique ways of thinking, acting, disclosure
and feeling
A way in which we recognize our deficiencies and brainstorm
A chance to show understanding, respect, and alternatives to correct them
acceptance of the unique ways in which others think, act,
and feel A challenge to growth
A chance to be devils advocate in regard to our A chance to problem solve, creating more productive
position, attitudes, and beliefs environment
An opportunity to clarify our roles and functions in A time to talk and communicate openly and honestly, reducing
certain situations hostility, anger, or misunderstanding in relationship
An opportunity to clarify and define the rules of A time to clarify our expectations of others; a time to modify
interaction in an attempt to strengthen our relationship existing rules or sanctions based on our expectations
It assumes that conflicts are
It implies that conflict is long term possesses that often
bad. Hence, something cannot be quickly resolved, but
that should be ended. It the notion of they were
physical objects. In addition, the It dos not suggest that we
also assumes that conflict
notion of management suggests simply eliminate or
is a short-term
that the goal is the reduction or control conflict, but
phenomenon that can be
control of volatility more than rather recognize and
resolved permanently
dealing with the real source of work with its dialectic
through mediation or
the problem. nature
other intervention
NEGOTIATION is a process by which two parties with opposing needs seek to meet those needs
DIALOGUE is a peaceful confrontation and conversation between two parties develop friendly
relations among each other to have one common aspiration
MEDIATION is a form that involves a neutral third party who can
help opposing people or groups to focus on the problem, understand
each other, communicate and come up with a decision which will
benefit both groups
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