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The key takeaways are that extraction is a process used to separate a substance from a mixture by using a solvent. It involves dissolving the desired substance in a solvent and separating it from the other components in the mixture.

The main steps involved in the extraction process are solution of the solvent with the solute, separation of the solid solute, and washing of the solid to remove unwanted substances.

Factors that influence the extraction rate include particle size, solvent choice, temperature, and mixing of the fluids. Smaller particle size, suitable solvent, higher temperature, and better mixing can increase the extraction rate.


The Extraction
Extraction is the separation of a
substance mixed with a substance
solute division between the two
solvent which can not be mixed to
take the substance solute from one
solvent to another solvent.

Often a mixture of solid and liquid

materials can not be separated or
exacting method with mechanical or
thermal separation that have been
For instance, because the components are
mixed with each other very closely, is
sensitive to heat, different physical attributes
too small, or in concentrations that are too
low. In such a case. that, extraction is often
the only process that can be used or that may
be most economical.

As an example of making ester (essence) for

the odor syrup or in making perfume, the
caffeine from tea leaves, coffee beans or
cacao bean and can be seen that day-to-day is
solution components using coffee with hot
water from the coffee beans that have been
burned or grinding
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
The terms in the general
Material extraction: Mixed material

solvent (extraction medium): a fluid used

to perform extraction

Extract: Materials separated from the


solvent extracts: solvent processes

extracts after
Refined (extraction residue): Material
taken after extraction

Extractor: extraction tool

solid-liquid extraction: Extraction,

from the solid material

liquid-liquid extraction (solvent

extraction with solvent extraction =):
Extraction of the liquid extraction
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Kinetics of extraction
It is important to investigate the rate at
which the solute is transferred between
the two phases, in some cases by an
alteration of the contact time it is
possible to alter the selectivity of the

For instance, the extraction of palladium

or nickel can be very slow because the
rate of lagan exchange at these metal
centre is much lower than the rates for
iron or silver complexes.
Aqueous completing agents
If a completing agent is present in
the aqueous phase then it can lower
the distribution ratio.

For instance, in the case of iodine

being distributed between water
and an inert organic solvent such as
carbon tetrachloride then the
presence of iodide in the aqueous
phase can alter the extraction
Instead of being a constant it
becomes =

This is because the iodine reacts

with the iodide to form I3-. The
I3- anion is an example of a
anion which is quite common.

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An organic MTBE
solution is extracted
with aqueous sodium
bicarbonate solution.
This base removes
benzoic acid as
benzoate but leaves
non-acidic benzil
(yellow) behind in the
upper organic phase.
Simple laboratory-scale
extraction apparatus
Tools of the laboratory-scale
extraction column
Small-scale industry extraction
The process of extraction
In the extraction does not occur immediately
from the separation of materials that will be
obtained, (extracts), but initially only going
collection extract (in solvent).

After the extraction process is complete, is

often required other stages. In the solid-
liquid extraction can be pre-processing
(diminution) material extraction or
processing of information refined (with the
goal of getting back remains of solvent).
Extraction steps
mix the material with the solvent
extraction and leaving mutual contact. In
this case, the mass movement occurs with
the diffusion in the field of the interface
material and solvent extraction. Thus
happens to the actual extraction, the
extracts solution.

Separating solvent extracts from

refined, most with a cleaning or filtration.
extracts from the isolate solution
extract and recover solvent, is generally
carried out with solvent vapor.
Preparing materials to be
extracted and solvent
Selectivity Because almost
Solubility no solvent that
Separating meets all the
ability with each requirements
other above, then for
each extraction
Density process must be
Reaktivity sought the most
Boiling point suitable solvent.
Solvent can soluble extract only the
desired, not the other components of
In practice, especially in the extraction
of natural materials, often also other
materials (such as fat, resin) be
involved together with the extract as
In the case of the solvent extracts
tercemar that must be cleaned, for
example, that is extracted again with
the second solvent.
Wherever possible solvent
has the ability to extract
large melarutkan (needs
less solvent).
Ability is not mixed with each

In the liquid-liquid
extraction, solvent can not
(or only a limited) dissolved
in the material which being
Especially in the liquid-liquid extraction,
there are considerable differences in
density between the large and solvent
This meant that the second phase can
be easily separated again after the
mixing (separation with gravity).
When different density small, often a
separation must be done by using the
centrifugal force (in centrifugal
In general, solvent should not
cause chemical changes in the
components material extraction.
Conversely, in the things required
of a specific chemical reaction
(such as the formation of salt) to
obtain a high selectivity.
Extraction is also often
accompanied by chemical
In this case the material will
be separated absolutely
must be in the form of a
solution. Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Boiling point
Because the solvent extracts and
usually must be separated with the
evaporation, distillation or
rectification, the second point.
Material that can not be too close, and
they do not form azeotroph. Reviewed
in terms of the economy, will benefit
if the process of extraction solvent
boiling point is not too high (as was
the case with the evaporation of a low
Other Criteria

Wherever possible should be solvent

Available in large numbers - not toxic
Unable to burn
No explosive when mixed with air -
not corrosive
Not cause terbentuknya emulsion -
have a low viskositas
Stable in chemical and thermal.
Organic acid and inorganic
Saturated hydrocarbons
Carbon disulfida,
Hydrocarbons containing chlor,
Multistage extraction
Extraction akan more beneficial if
implemented in a number of stages
that many. Each stage uses a little
loss are: the concentration of
solvent extract the longer the
lower, and the total amount of
solvent needed to be large, so that
the solvent to get back into high
Solid-liquid extraction
In the solid-liquid extraction, one or
more components that can be
separated from the dissolved solid
material with the help of solvent.
This process is technically used in
large scale, especially in the field of
industrial and natural foods.
For example, to obtain the active
ingredients from plants or organs -
organs of animals for
pharmaceutical, sugar from tubers,
oil from seeds, and coffee from the
coffee beans
Tools continuous extraction is not usually
continuous and is part of a complete
installation, consisting of:
Tools for early processing (size
diminution, drying) material extraction
Extractor the actual
Equipment to separate (with the
cleaning or filtering) from the solvent
extract refined (often integrates with
Tools to isolate or extract to increase
the concentration of solvent extract and
recover solvent (with the evaporation).
Extractor Basket
In extractor basket (basket
turn rotary extractor), the
extraction constant is inserted
in the cells in the segment
(sector) of a rotor that rotates
slowly encircle axis.
The bottom of the cells is
closed by a sieve plate.
During a round, solid material
from the opposite direction
drabble by solvent or solvent
extracts of concentration

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Solvent or solvent is pumped
from cell to cell and sprinkle
to the top of the solid
material. Finally, the material
is removed and the entire
process take place automatic.

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Belt extractor
In this extractor, material
extraction is fed continuously
above the belt around the sieve.
Along the belt drabble by solvent
or solvent extracts increased
with the concentration and flow
the opposite direction.
Once the material is removed
from ekstrakor.
Liquid-liquid extraction
In the liquid-liquid extraction, one or
more of the components of an
inseparable mixture with the help of
This process is technically used in
large scale such as to obtain the
vitamins, antibiotics, materials odor,
oil product and salt-salt. metal.
The process used to clean the very
day of waste water and solvent
extracts of solid liquid extraction.
Liquid-liquid extraction is used
especially when the separation of the
mixture with distilation ways not
possible (for example, because the
formation isotropy or kepekaannya
because of the heat) or not
As the liquid-solid extraction, liquid-
liquid extraction always consist of at
least two stages, is intensively mixing
the materials with solvent extraction,
and separation of the second liquid
phase that may perfect

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Batch liquid-liquid extractor
Materials repeatedly
extraction liquid is mixed with
fresh solvent in a tank mixer
(preferably with the outlet at
the bottom).
Solvent extracts generated
each time separated by a
rarefaction (the influence of
The construction process more
profitable for the mixing tank and
separation is that the lower taper
(which is equipped with a gear
mixer, under the distributor, and
glass visual spread on the entire
Tools not continuous as simple as it
used to prepare material for
example in small large, or if only
occasionally performed extraction.
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Continuous liquid extractor

Operation in continuous liquid-liquid

extraction can be carried out with
simple, because not only solvent, but
also the extraction liquid can be
flowed easily with the help of pumps.
In this material extraction repeatedly
mixed with the solvent or solvent
extract in the opposite direction of
concentration constantly increasing.
Extraction Column
Similar as known in the rectification or
adsorption, in a vertical column extraction
of solvent extraction and liquid mutual
conducted with the opposite flow direction.

With the help of pumps, liquid that is

lighter is inserted from the bottom, and a
heavy liquid from the top of the column

In a column in a process that occurs

repeatedly, the mixing between the
intensive. second liquid mass movement
that happens.
Events that followed as much as
possible with a perfect
separation of the second phase.

However, in the field, this

process is the extraction and
often no longer can be

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Field phase boundary
between heavy and light
phase is located on the top
edge or bottom edge (known
through the experiment).

Position maintained by a
constant the higher the
surface, controlling the
discharge of the heavy phase.
Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Caring Extractor
Care of equipment for the
extraction will be influenced by
several factors related to the
extraction rate.
If the diffusion of liquids to be
taken (solute) on the solid
particles is the controlling factor,
particles should be small, so that
the distance berdifusi substances
solute to be small.
Factors influence extractor care

1. Size particles
2. Solvent substances
3. Temperature
4. Mixing of fluids
Particle Size
Size of particles affect the extraction
rate in some cases.
The small size, the larger the
surface of solid wide & liquid;
transfer so that the rate becomes
With in other words, the distance
to berdifusi experienced by
substances in solute solids is
Solution that would be used as a solvent
substances should be the best choice of
solvent and low viscosity to circulation
Usually, the solvent pure oxygen will be
used initially, but after the extraction
process ends, the concentration of oxygen
solute will extraction pace up and down,
because the first
Find and concentration will be reduced
because the two substances solution
become more viscous.
In many cases, oxygen
solubility solute (in the
extracted particles) in the
solvent will increase along
with increase in
temperature provide for
the extraction rate is
Mixing of fluids
Mixing on oxygen because
the solvent is shelter will
increase the process of
diffusion, so that the
transfer of material from
the surface particles to
solvent oxygen.
Care for equipment "leaching"
There are three processes that need to
be at the time of treatment equipment
leaching occurs:
Solution between solvent substances
with substances solute
Separation of solid substances solute
Washing solid to separate
substances-substances that do not
want or to get results as much as

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