CS/SS G514 Object Oriented Analysis and Design: 9-Aug-17 Ooad 2
CS/SS G514 Object Oriented Analysis and Design: 9-Aug-17 Ooad 2
CS/SS G514 Object Oriented Analysis and Design: 9-Aug-17 Ooad 2
9-Aug-17 OOAD 2
Todays Agenda
Course Administration
9-Aug-17 OOAD 3
Course Administration
Instructor Incharge: Dr. Yashvardhan Sharma
Email : [email protected]
Chamber : 6120-I (Visit any time after dropping an email)
Chamber consultation Hour :Thursday 4:00-5:00pm
Course website : http://nalanda.bits-pilani.ac.in
Text Book: Blah, Michael & James Rambaugh,Object Orientd Modeling
and Design with UML,Pearson Education, 2nd e., 2005
Evaluation Components
Mid Sem Test (25%) TBA Closed Book
Research Paper (G) (15%)
Problems/Exercises (I) (10%)
Project (G) (10%)
Comprehensive Exam (40%) 05/12(AN) Partly Open
9-Aug-17 OOAD 4
What is Analysis and Design?
Analysis - investigation of the problem (what);
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What is OO analysis and design?
Essence of OO analysis - consider a problem domain from the
perspective of objects (real world things, concepts)
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OO Analysis - in the case of library information systems, one
would find concepts like book, library, patron
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Example - contd.
Representation in
Domain concept analysis of concepts
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Digression: OO Concepts-Objects
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Why we use objects ?
We deal with objects in everyday life the
world is full of objects
With object-oriented programming, data and
the methods that act on the data are nicely
packaged together (encapsulation)
Commonalties between objects can be
captured with a common base class
(inheritance), while their differences can be
preserved (polymorphism)
9-Aug-17 OOAD 12
The problem: How do we find
objects ?
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What are business processes?
First step - consider what the business must do; in the case of a
library - lending books, keeping track of due dates, buying new
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Roles in the organization
Identify the roles of people who will be involved in the
business processes.
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Who does what? Collaboration
Business processes and people identified; time to
determine how to fulfill the processes and who executes
these processes.
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In Summary...
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