JIT Update

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Just-In-Time Systems

History and Philosophy of Just-

A philosophy that seeks to eliminate all types of waste,
including carrying excessive levels of inventory and
long lead times.
Takes its name from the idea of replenishing material
buffers just when they are needed and not before or
Developed by Toyota Motor Company in mid-1970s
Best applied to a production system, such as
automobile assembly, that would be considered
repetitive, such as a flow shop.
History and Philosophy of Just-In-
Three Tenets
minimize waste in all forms: avoid waste of materials, space, and labor.
They pay significant attention to identifying and correcting problems that
could potentially lead to such waste. Operation and procedures are
constantly being improved and fine-tuned to increase productivity and
yield, further eliminating waste (Overproduction, waiting time, unnecessary
transportation, processing waste, inefficient work methods, product defects, waste of
continually improve processes and systems: JIT is considered not simply a
means of converting the transformation system from a sloppy, wasteful
form to an efficient, competitive form, but also as producing continuing
improvements throughout the system to keep the firm competitive and
profitable in the future
maintain respect for all workers: equal respect is paid to all workers, and
the trappings of status are minimized so that respect among all can be
Characteristics of Lean Systems:
Pull method of materials flow
Consistently high quality
Small lot sizes
Uniform workstation loads
Standardized components and work methods
Close supplier ties
Flexible workforce
Line flows
Automated production
Preventive maintenance
JIT Means
Keeping work flows moving
Eliminating inventories
Reducing travel distances
Eliminating defects and scrap
Maximizing usage of space
Here the customer starts
the process, pulling an JIT Demand-Pull Logic
inventory item from
Final Assembly
Then sub-
assembly work is Fab Vendor
pulled forward by
that demand Sub
Fab Vendor

The process continues Sub Fab Vendor

throughout the entire
production process and
supply chain Fab Vendor
Just-In-Time Production

Attacks waste
Management philosophy
Exposes problems and bottlenecks
Pull system though the plant
Achieves streamlined production


Employee participation
Industrial engineering/basics Stable environment
Continuing improvement
Total quality control
Small lot sizes
Traditional Systems
Compared to JIT
Accept all customer orders
Provide a large number of options from which
customers may order
low cost/high quality within limited market
Transformation System

Employing Kanban (Toyotas materials management system)

Pull system: System for moving work where a workstation pulls
output from the preceding station as needed (control-based
systems that signals the requirement for parts as they are
needed in reality).

Push system: System for moving work where output is pushed

to the next station as it is completed (planning-based systems that
determine when workstations will probably need parts if
everything goes according to plan)
Sequential Production System
with Two Machines
Kanban: Card or other device that communicates demand for
work or materials from the preceding station
Kanban is the Japanese word meaning signal or visible
Paperless production control system
The idea behind this system is to authorize materials for
production only if there is a need for them.
Through the use of Kanban authorization cards, production is
pulled through the system, instead of pushed out before it is
needed and then stored.
Kanban Process
corrective maintenance, repairing a machine when it breaks
done by experts who do nothing but repair broken
equipment run fast
preventive maintenance, conducting maintenance before the
machine is expected to fail, or at regular intervals.
done by equipment operators
equipment run slow (minimizes their chance of breakdown
while maximizing their output)
Value Stream Mapping
A qualitative lean tool for eliminating waste that
involves a current state drawing, a future state
drawing, and an implementation plan.
Typical Benefits of JIT
Cost savings: inventory reductions, reduced scrap, fewer defects,
fewer changes due to both customers and engineering, less
space, decreased labor hours, les rework.
Revenue increases: better service and quality to the customer.
Investment savings: less space, reduced inventory, increased the
volume of work produced in the same facility.
Workforce improvements: more satisfied, better trained
Uncovering problems: greater visibility to problems that JIT
allows, if management is willing to capitalize on the opportunity
to fix these problems.
Potential Problems Implementing
Applicable primarily to repetitive operations
Requires discipline
Based on cooperation and trust
Requires change of philosophy
Interaction of JIT Elements

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