Case Millennium TSS J v1
Case Millennium TSS J v1
Case Millennium TSS J v1
Group 4
Amit Verma MP14012
Anindya Halder MP14015
Anupam Tripathi MP14018
Prasenjit Dey MP14038 1
Vinayak Siddhi MP13067
Case Facts
Mark Levin Daniel Cohen Eric Lander Jeffery Friedman Raju Kucherlapati
-Field expertise -Genetic -Genome -Obesity Research -Medicine
-Entrepreneurial Skills Scientist Research Knowledge Knowledge
-Fund raising Knowledge
Levins Decision for forward integration was correct w.r.t. the Millennium's future
growth and ability to remain relevant in the Industry.
Internal allocation and management was unsynchronized with respect to growth
Frequent change of Vision and Mission never gave employees a stability to
commit and work towards it.
Addition of stake holders resulted in many voices in the company which were not
addressed to creating confusion.
Discipline of resource control was missing through out the process
The Interim CEO was never committed towards the company, but was always
acting as an entrepreneur.
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