World War 2 Lesson 6
World War 2 Lesson 6
World War 2 Lesson 6
Lesson Goal:
To outline how World War 1 came to a close, the sanctions on
Germany in the Treaty of Versailles and how this led to the rise of
Hitler, his Nazi Party and the start of World War 2.
Last lesson
Major battle: The Battle of the Somme, one of the largest battles of
the First World War.
Fought between July 1 and November 1, 1916 near the Somme River
in France.
The British suffered more than 57,000 casualties on the first day, and
by the end of the campaign the Allies and Central Powers would lose
more than 1.5 million men.
Other major battle?
The end of World War I
The Treaty of Versailles
Part 1
32 countries had come together in Paris in January 1919 to hold a
conference which would make peace after the First World War. It
would be dominated by the big three: - David Lloyd George,
representing Britain, Georges Clemeneau representing France
and Woodrow Wilson representing the USA.
Part 2
The terms of the Treaty of Versailles can be divided into three
Territorial, military, and financial & economic.
End of WWI
Treaty of Versailles:
Germany stripped of its stolen territories.
Germanys military restricted to a maximum of 100 000 men, no
air force.
Forced to accept responsibility for the war and all damages.
Faced a large economic penalty 269 billion gold Deutsche Marks
(roughly scales to $655 billion Australian in todays money.
What do we know?
The start of WWII
Causes of World War 2