Standar Mutu Biofuel: Pusat Penelitian Surfaktan Dan Bioenergi LPPM - Ipb

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Who is responsible by the
Internal Market
Biodiesel, Biodiesel blends, Fuel ethanol
(anhydrous and hydrated) BSN, KAN,
Pertamina, LSPro
Industrial Biodiesel, hydrated Ethanol Clients

External Market
Biodiesel, Fuel Ethanol ASTM, NYBOT, EN,
Japan, China.
Industrial Biodiesel, hydrated Ethanol Clients
Standar Biodiesel Indonesia
SNI 04-7182-2006
Parameter dan satuannya Metode Uji
Massa jenis pada 40 oC, kg/m3 850 890 ASTM D 1298
Viskos. kinem. pd 40 oC, mm2/s 2,3 6,0 ASTM D 445
Angka setana min. 51 ASTM D 613
Titik nyala (mangkok tertutup), oC min. 100 ASTM D 93
Titik kabut, oC maks. 18 ASTM D 2500
Korosi bilah tembaga (3 jam, 50 maks. no. ASTM D 130
C) 3
Residu karbon (%-b),
- dalam contoh asli maks. ASTM D 4530
- dalam 10 % ampas distilasi 0,05

Parameter dan satuannya Metode uji
Belerang, ppm-b (mg/kg) maks. 100 ASTM D 5453
Fosfor, ppm-b (mg/kg) maks. 10 FBI-A05-03
Angka asam, mg-KOH/g maks. 0,8 FBI-A01-03
Gliserol bebas, %-b maks. 0,02 FBI-A02-03
Gliserol total, %-b maks. 0,24 FBI-A02-03
Kadar ester alkil, %-b min. 96,5 FBI-A03-03
Angka iodium, %-b (g-I2/100
maks. 115 FBI-A04-03
Uji Halphen negatif FBI-A06-03
Standar Mutu Internasional Biodiesel
Parameter Unit Jerman EU Italia Perancis Czechia USA
Standar DIN 51606 prEN 14214 UNI 10635 Journal CSN 656507 ASTM D6751-
Officiel 02
Densitas Kg/m3 (15 oC) 875-900 860-900 860-900 870-900 870-900 -
Viskositas mm2/s (40 oC) 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 1,9 6,0
Destilasi o
C (95%) - - 360 360 360 360
Titik nyala o
C 110 120 100 100 110 130
C (summer) 0 5/0 0 - -5 -
Total sulfur % mass 0,01 0,001 0,01 - 0,02 0,05
CCR % mass 0,05 - - - 0,05 0,05
Bilangan 49 51 - 49 48 47
Bilangan asam mg KOH/g 0,50 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,8
Gliserol bebas % mass 0,02 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,02
Sulfated ash % mass 0,03 0,02 - - - 0,02
Titik tuang o
C (summer) - 0 - -10 -8 -
Kandungan air mg/kg 300 500 700 200 500 -
Total mg/kg 20 24 - - 24 -
Standar Mutu Internasional
Parameter Unit Jerman EU Italia Perancis Czechia USA
Standar DIN 51606 prEN 14214 UNI 10635 Journal Officiel CSN 656507 ASTM D6751-02
Kandungan % mass 0,30 0,2 0,20 0,10 - -
Kandungan % mass - 96,5 98 96,5 - -
Trigliserida % mass 0,40 0,20 0,10 0,20 - -
Digliserida % mass 0,40 0,20 0,20 0,20 - -
Monogliserida % mass 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 - -
Total gliserol % mass 0,25 0,25 - 0,25 0,24 0,24
Bilangan iod 115 120 - 115 - -
Fosfor mg/kg 10 10 10 10 20 10
1. Densitas

o> Batasan nilai densitas biodiesel = 850 890 kg/m3

o> Nilai densitas mempengaruhi nilai pembakaran (heating
value) dan konsumsi bahan bakar
o> Nilai densitas berbanding terbalik dengan panjang rantai dan
berbanding lurus dengan jumlah ikatan rangkap
o> Prosedur pengujian : Glass hydrometer, oscillating U-tube

Densitas beberapa alkil ester asam lemak

FAME Densitas [kg/m3] FAME Densitas [kg/m3]
C 6:0 889 (15) C 16:0 884 (20)
C 8:0 881 (15) C 18:0 852 (38)
C 10:0 876 (15) C 18:1 974 (20)
C 12:0 873 (15) C 18:2 894 (15)
C 14:0 867 (20) C 18:3 904 (15)
Berbagai jenis asam-asam lemak
2. Viskositas kinematik
o> Batasan nilai viskositas kinematik = 2.3 6.0 mm2/s pada 40
o> Viskositas kinematik berpengaruh terhadap atomisasi bahan
bakar, kesempurnaan pembakaran, injeksi bahan bakar, dan
umum digunakan sebagai indikator kualitas biodiesel selama
o> Nilai viskositas kinematik dipengaruhi oleh panjang rantai
asam lemak dan alkohol, jumlah ikatan rangkap, dan
Viskositas kontaminan
kinematik pada 40oC beberapa alkil ester asam lemak
o> Prosedur
FAME pengujian : Glass
Viskositas capillary viscosimeter, dynamic
viscosity [mm /s]

C 14:0 3,24
C 16:0 4,32
C 18:0 5,56
C 18:1 4,45
C 18:2 3,64
C 18:3 3,27
Kinematic viscosity
Shorter-chain FA are excluded by the relatively high
minimum value for kinematic viscosity in EN 14214.
Minimum kinematic viscosity value for biodiesel
prescribed in EN 14214 is higher than that of many
petrodiesel fuels, underscoring the feedstock-restrictive
nature of the EN 14214 limit.
Biodiesel fuels derived from used frying oils tend to
possess higher viscosity than those from most vegetable
oils, owing to their higher content of trans FA and
saturated, or less unsaturated FA.
An upper limit of 5 mm2/s for kinematic viscosity in
biodiesel standards may exclude some frying oils as
3. Flash Point
o> Ukuran daya pembakaran bahan bakar dan
parameter risiko bahan bakar selama transportasi
dan penyimpanan
o> Nilai flash point maksimum : 100 oC
o> Prosedur pengujian : EN ISO 3679
Alcohol. Flash point
The flash point specification serves to restrict the
amount of alcohol in the biodiesel fuel. The
prescribed methods, both of which use a closed-cup
flash point tester, are ASTM D 93 in ASTM D 6751
and ISO 3679 in EN 14214 and restrict methanol to
a maximum of about 0.1% in the biodiesel fuel.
Methanol content.
EN 14110, contained in EN 14214, can be applied to
mixtures containing 0.01 to 0.5% methanoland is a
GC-based method. The sample is heated in a sealed
vial at 80C and after attaining an equilibrium, a
defined amount of the gas phase is injected into the
GC. 2-Propanol serves as internal standard.
4. Kandungan Sulfur
Kandungan sulfur maksimum : 100 ppm
Sulfur berkaitan erat dengan dampak negatif
terhadap lingkungan, efisiensi dan umur pakai
katalitik oksidasi converter, daya lumas bahan
bakar, dan kekuatan pompa injeksi
Prosedur pengujian : Ultraviolet fluoresence
spectrometry/EN ISO 20846 atau wavelength-
dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry/EN ISO
D 4951 (used for the ASTM phosphorus specification), in
ASTM D 6751 it is determined by D 5453.
D 5453 determines sulfur content by UV fluorescence of
the sample during its combustion.
SO2 produced during combustion is converted to excited
SO2*. The fluorescence emitted from the excited SO2*
during its return to the stable SO2 state is detected, with
the signal indicating the amount of sulfur in the sample.
The alternative method ISO 20884 in EN 14214 uses
wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
These methods specifically mention their applicability to
biodiesel (FAME) neat (ASTM) or in blends up to 5%
Catalyst and related matters.
Sulfated ash
ASTM D 874 in ASTM D 6751; ISO 3987 in EN14214 is
designed for determining sulfated ash from lubricating oils
containing various metal-containing additives.
Metals that are covered include Ba, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Sn,
although S, P, and Cl can be present in combined form.
To carry out this test, the sample is burned fully with only
ash and carbon remaining.
This residue is treated with sulfuric acid and heated until
oxidation of carbon is complete. The ash is cooled, treated
again with sulfuric acid and heated to constant weight.
An application to biodiesel is obviously determining residual
Na or K from the catalyst.
5. Conradson carbon residue
o> Nilai maksimum residu karbon = 0,30 %(m/m)
o> Karbon akan membentuk deposit pada ujung injektor dan
bagian dalam chamber pembakaran serta berpengaruh
terhadap pembentukan polimer
o> Prosedur pengujian : distilasi/ASTM D 1160, ISO 6615

ASTM D 4504 in ASTM D 6751; ISO 10370 in EN 14214) is

designed to indicate the coking tendency of the sample.
The amount of carbon residue formed after evaporation and
pyrolysis of the weighed petroleum sample is determined.
The results correspond to the Conradson Carbon Residue test
(ASTM D 189).
For an expected test result of less than 0.10%, the sample can
be distilled to give a remaining 10% of the original sample,
which is the material then to be tested.
6. Bilangan Setana
Bilangan setana minimum : 51
Bilangan setana berkaitan erat dengan nyala bahan bakar, waktu
antara injeksi bahan bakar dan pembakaran, dan emisi yang
Bilangan setana ester asam lemak meningkat dengan
meningkatnya rantai karbon dan jumlah group ester.
Prosedur pengujian : Engine test (EN ISO 5165), Cetane index (CI)

The cetane number (CN) is based on two compounds, hexadecane,

with a CN of 100, and heptamethylnonane, with a CN of 15.
The longer the fatty acid carbon chains and the more saturated the
molecules, the higher the CN.
The CN of biodiesel from animal fats is higher than those of
vegetable oils
Bilangan setana beberapa ester asam lemak
Parameter C C C C C C C C
10:0 12:0 14:0 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3
Metil ester asam lemak
Bilangan 47,9 60,8 73,5 74,3 75,7 55,0 42,2 22,7
Etil ester asam lemak
Bilangan - - - - 76,8 53,9 37,1 26,7
1-propil ester asam lemak
Bilangan - - - - 69,9 55,7 40,6 26,8
2-propil ester asam lemak
Bilangan - - - 82,6 96,5 86,8 - -
The cetane number is a dimensionless descriptor of the
ignition quality of a diesel fuel. It is related to the ignition
delay time a fuel experiences on injection into the
combustion chamber.
The higher the cetane number, the shorter the ignition delay
time is and the higher the propensity of the fuel to ignite.
The minimum cetane numbers prescribed in ASTM D 6751
and EN 14214 exceed those in petrodiesel standards.
Both ASTM D 6751 and EN 14214 specify methods using a
cetane engine, an engine specifically modified for testing
cetane number.
Alternatives to the cetane engine such as ASTM D 6890
exist, although not for the same range of cetane numbers.
7. Kadar Abu sulfat
o> Nilai maksimum = 0,02 %(m/m)
o> Komponen ini dapat mengalami oksidasi selama proses
pembakaran membentuk abu dan dapat membentuk deposit
dalam mesin
o> Prosedur pengujian : ISO 3987
8. Kadar Air
o> Kadar air maksimum adalah 500 ppm
o> Air dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dan
dapat menyebabkan sumbatan filter dan aliran bahan bakar
pada mesin. Air berasosiasi dengan reaksi hidrolisis ester
asam lemak membentuk asam lemak bebas dan dapat
menyebabkan penyumbatan pada filter dan korosi logam
kromium dan seng pada injektor. Air mempersulit proses
pencampuran biodiesel dengan diesel.
o> Prosedur pengujian : Titrasi menggunakan Karl Fischer
9. Total Kontaminan
o> Total kontaminan didefinisikan sebagai komponen
tidak larut yang tertahan setelah proses
penyaringan. Co. sabun dan sedimen
o> Batas total kontaminan 24 ppm
o> Kontaminan dapat menyebabkan penyumbatan
pada filter dan pompa injeksi
10. Copper strip corrosion
o> Kecenderungan biodiesel untuk menyebabkan korosi
pada logam tembaga, seng, dan perunggu dalam mesin
dan tangki penyimpanan ditentukan oleh nilai Copper
strip corrosion
o> Prosedur pengujian : EN ISO 2160
Copper strip corrosion
ASTM D 130 in ASTM D 6751; ISO 2160 in EN
Consists of dipping a strip of copper into the fuel
for a specified time and defined temperature and
observing the corrosive action of the fuel.
It is a test for corrosive sulfur compounds in the
fuel. The corrosive action of these sulfur
compounds does not necessarily relate to the
total sulfur content as described above. The
degree of tarnish on the corroded strip correlates
to the overall corrosiveness of the fuel sample.
Traces of phosphorus, resulting from phospholipids, can
remain in vegetable oils after refining.
Phosphorus can poison catalysts used for reduction of
exhaust emissions. D 4951 (in D 6751) and EN 14107
(in EN 14214) both use ICP atomic emission
spectrometry; EN 14107 specifies 178.3 nm or 213.6
nm. D 4951 suggests these wavelengths, as well as
177.51, 214.91, and 253.40 nm for phosphorus.
In the literature, the limit of detection for phosphorus
was 32 (177.500 nm) and 67 (178.287 nm) mg kg-1
when using argon-oxygen mixed-gas ICP-OES (32).
11. Stabilitas Bahan Bakar
1) Stabilitas oksidasi : stabilitas terhadap pengaruh oksigen
dan udara; 2) Stabilitas panas : pengaruh suhu pada kondisi
ada oksigen; 3) Stabilitas penyimpanan : pengaruh lama
dan kondisi penyimpanan.
Prosedur pengujian : 1) Stabilitas oksidasi : Rancimat
procedure EN 14112, Ol stability index AOCS, pressurized
differential scanning calorimetry; 2) Stabilitas panas : -; 3)
Stabilitas penyimpanan : HPLC
12. Karakteristik Bahan Bakar pada Suhu Rendah
o> 1) Cloud point : suhu dimana bahan bakar mulai
membentuk kristal ketika didinginkan, 2) Pour point : suhu
terendah ketika bahan bakar didinginkan, bahan bakar masih
dapat mempertahankan bentuk caira-nya, 3) Cold filter
plugging point (CFPP) : kemampuan bahan bakar tersaring
pada suhu ambien, 4) Low-temperatur flow test (LTFT) : sama
dengan CFPP, dan 5) Crystallization onset temperature (Tco) :
suhu paling rendah dimana bahan bakar secara utuh masih
berbentuk cairan
o> Prosedur pengujian : 1) Cloud point : EN 23015, 2) Pour
Melting : ASTM
point D 97,
beberapa 3) ester
metil Cold asam
filter plugging point (CFPP) : EN
116, Low-temperatur flow test (LTFT) : ASTM D 4539 dan 4)
CrystallizationC 12:0
14:0 C 16:0 C(Tco)
18:0 :Cmelting
18:1 C 18:2 C 18:3 C 22:1
Melting point (oC) +5 +19 +30 +39 -20 -35 -46 -1

Melting point biodiesel murni dipengaruhi oleh panjang rantai

carbon asam lemak dan jumlah ikatan rangkap
13. Kandungan Bahan Tidak Tersabunkan
o> Jenis bahan tidak tersabunkan : steroid, terpen,
hidrokarbon, dan fattyalkohol
o> Bahan tidak tersabunkan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah
alkil ester asam lemak, stabilitas bahan bakar,
pembentukan deposit dalam mesin, dan boilling point
bahan bakar.
o> Prosedur pengujian : Titrasi, GC, dan HPLC
Glycerol and glycerol esters. Free and total glycerol. Ester
Both GC and HPLC analyses and combinations : generally higher
accuracy in quantifying minor components. Accuracy of GC analyses
can be influenced by baseline drift, overlapping signals, and aging of
standards and samples.
HPLC analysis was applied to some ethyl, isopropyl, 2-butyl, and
isobutyl esters of soybean oil and tallow (7).
Quantification of individual compounds in biodiesel is not necessary,
but the quantification of classes of compounds is. For example, for the
determination of MAG, DAG, or TAG (in EU standards), it does not
matter which FA is (are) attached to the glycerol backbone.
The specifications regarding glycerol esters are analyzed by GC using
an FID in both ASTM D 6751 and EN 14214. ASTM D 6751 uses ASTM D
6584, whereas there are several specifications in EN 14214 using GC-
based methods.
Methyl heptadecanoate is a common standard for FA components,
although the stability of standard solutions is an issue (8); freshly
prepared solutions should be used, and pyridine may be more suitable
as solvent than heptane.
ASTM D 6584 and EN 14105 are use high-temperature (up to 400C)
capillary columns. ASTM D 6584 specifies (5%
phenyl)polydimethylsiloxane columns of 10 or 15 m length with 0.32
Restrictions on the FA
(i) Linolenic acid methyl ester content.
The content of methyl linolenate is restricted in EN
14214 because of the propensity of methyl
linolenate to oxidize. However, the limit (12%) is
set so as not to exclude high-oleic rapeseed oil, the
major biodiesel source in Europe, as feedstock.

(ii) Content of FAME with 4 double bonds.

This specification serves to eliminate fish oil as
biodiesel feedstock. With their even higher content
of methylene-interrupted double bonds, fish oil FA
are even more prone to oxidation
Restrictions on the FA
(iii) Iodine value (IV).
IV is a measure of total unsaturation of a lipidic
material. The standard method EN 14111 in the
European biodiesel standard is based on the classic wet
chemical method (Wijs) for determining the IV.
It purportedly serves a similar purpose in EN 14214 as
do the restrictions on methyl linolenate and fish oil
The IV of 120 in EN 14214 can serve to restrict certain
vegetable oils as biodiesel feedstock, notably soybean
oil or sunflower oil. However, the use of the
IV is problematic because of the great number of FA
compositions giving the same IV. IV restrictions can be
overcome by the use of higher esters, such as ethyl or
propyl, although the FA profile remains unchanged.
FFA and acid value
The acid value is contained in ASTM D 6751 using the method
ASTM D 664 and in EN 14214 using the method EN 14104.
However, D 664, a potentiometric method, possesses
mediocre reproducibility, a problem mentioned in the method
itself. The problem is likely due to the variability of electrodes.
ASTM D974 is a nonaqueous titration using KOH in
isopropanol with p-naphtholbenzoin as indicator and is
suitable even for colored samples.
EN 14104 is also a titration; however, it uses a dilute
ethanolic KOH solution with phenolphthalein as indicator.
Other literature related to the acid value includes titration
methods for determining the neutralization number (NN) of
Oxidative stability
Content of esters of linoleic and linolenic acids, whose bis-allylic methylene
positions are especially susceptible to oxidation.
The Rancimat method, described in EN 14112, has been included in the
European biodiesel standards. It is nearly identical to the AOCS Oil Stability
Index (OSI) method Cd12b-92 (35).
Both methods are automated and involve heating the sample to a specified
temperature (usually 110C) and bubbling air through the sample, which in
turn sweeps volatiles from the sample into water. The conductivity of the water
is measured as it changes when volatile acids are contained in it. Generally,
oxidation is slow initially.
The point at which the rate of oxidation increases is the induction period
(maximum change of rate of oxidation; second derivative of the conductivity
with respect to time) and is the time measured by Rancimat or OSI.
These methods are also suitable for investigating the effectiveness of
The temperature generally used for the Rancimat or OSI method (110C) may
be considered rather high and not necessarily reflecting real-world conditions.
It may also be argued that, with the inclusion of the oxidative stability
specification in EN 14214, the iodine value is not necessary in EN 14214.
Parameter Palm Rapeseed Sunflower Soybean Jatropha Diesel
. seed

1. Density ,g/mL 0.859 0.875 0.875 0.900 0.885 0.880 0.884 0.879 0.8253

2. Kinetic Viscosity 4.3 6.3 3.50 5.00 4.20 4.40 3.05 4.08 4.84 3.16

(CSt) (400C)
3. Cloud point (0C) 13 16 -3 to 1 03 -2 to 2 -2 2 -18

5. Flash point (0C) 155 174 153 179 164 183 141 171 191 70

6. Calorie, LHV 37-38 37.2 35.34 37.69 37.1 38.1 37-38 41


7. Sulfur content 0.04 < 0.01 0.004 0.01 0.01 - Max 500
8. Cetane number 50 70 49 62 45 61 45.0 54.8 51 51.5

Sumber : Mittelbach and Remschmidt (2004)

Massa jenis Visk. kinem. Hc, Angka CFPP, Angka iodium,
Ester Metil 15 oC, kg/liter 40 0C, cSt setana o
C. g-I2/(100 g)
Kelapa 0,869 2,7 30,80 63 8,0 10
Sawit 0,874 4,40 32,40 63 16,0 52
Minyak goreng 0,880 4,20 32,80 49 -5 +8 60 120
Jarak pagar 0,879 4,20 32,80 51 95 106
Kanola 0,882 4,20 32,80 49 -12 114
Bunga matahari 0,885 4,00 32,80 47 -4 129
Kedelai 0,885 4,05 33,50 46 -4 131
Linseed 0,891 3,70 33,0 53 (?) 183
Diesel No. 2 0,8400 2,7 37,08 47,0 -15,0 -33,0
Sumber : Mittelbach, M., 15 Years of Biodiesel Experience in Europe, hal. 132 136 dalam G.M. Gbitz, M.
Mittelbach dan M. Trabi (ed), Biofuels and Industrial Products from Jatropha curcas, Dbv-Verlag fr die
Technische Universitt Graz, Graz, Austria, 1997; M. Mittelbach dan C. Remschmidt, Biodiesel : The
Comprehensive Handbook, Martin Mittelbach Publisher, Graz, Austria, 2004.
Spesifikasi biosolar (Pertamina 2006)
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