Standar Mutu Biofuel: Pusat Penelitian Surfaktan Dan Bioenergi LPPM - Ipb
Standar Mutu Biofuel: Pusat Penelitian Surfaktan Dan Bioenergi LPPM - Ipb
Standar Mutu Biofuel: Pusat Penelitian Surfaktan Dan Bioenergi LPPM - Ipb
External Market
Biodiesel, Fuel Ethanol ASTM, NYBOT, EN,
Japan, China.
Industrial Biodiesel, hydrated Ethanol Clients
Standar Biodiesel Indonesia
SNI 04-7182-2006
Parameter dan satuannya Metode Uji
Massa jenis pada 40 oC, kg/m3 850 890 ASTM D 1298
Viskos. kinem. pd 40 oC, mm2/s 2,3 6,0 ASTM D 445
Angka setana min. 51 ASTM D 613
Titik nyala (mangkok tertutup), oC min. 100 ASTM D 93
Titik kabut, oC maks. 18 ASTM D 2500
Korosi bilah tembaga (3 jam, 50 maks. no. ASTM D 130
C) 3
Residu karbon (%-b),
- dalam contoh asli maks. ASTM D 4530
- dalam 10 % ampas distilasi 0,05
Parameter dan satuannya Metode uji
Belerang, ppm-b (mg/kg) maks. 100 ASTM D 5453
Fosfor, ppm-b (mg/kg) maks. 10 FBI-A05-03
Angka asam, mg-KOH/g maks. 0,8 FBI-A01-03
Gliserol bebas, %-b maks. 0,02 FBI-A02-03
Gliserol total, %-b maks. 0,24 FBI-A02-03
Kadar ester alkil, %-b min. 96,5 FBI-A03-03
Angka iodium, %-b (g-I2/100
maks. 115 FBI-A04-03
Uji Halphen negatif FBI-A06-03
Standar Mutu Internasional Biodiesel
Parameter Unit Jerman EU Italia Perancis Czechia USA
Standar DIN 51606 prEN 14214 UNI 10635 Journal CSN 656507 ASTM D6751-
Officiel 02
Densitas Kg/m3 (15 oC) 875-900 860-900 860-900 870-900 870-900 -
Viskositas mm2/s (40 oC) 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 3,5 5,0 1,9 6,0
Destilasi o
C (95%) - - 360 360 360 360
Titik nyala o
C 110 120 100 100 110 130
C (summer) 0 5/0 0 - -5 -
Total sulfur % mass 0,01 0,001 0,01 - 0,02 0,05
CCR % mass 0,05 - - - 0,05 0,05
Bilangan 49 51 - 49 48 47
Bilangan asam mg KOH/g 0,50 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,8
Gliserol bebas % mass 0,02 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,02
Sulfated ash % mass 0,03 0,02 - - - 0,02
Titik tuang o
C (summer) - 0 - -10 -8 -
Kandungan air mg/kg 300 500 700 200 500 -
Total mg/kg 20 24 - - 24 -
Standar Mutu Internasional
Parameter Unit Jerman EU Italia Perancis Czechia USA
Standar DIN 51606 prEN 14214 UNI 10635 Journal Officiel CSN 656507 ASTM D6751-02
Kandungan % mass 0,30 0,2 0,20 0,10 - -
Kandungan % mass - 96,5 98 96,5 - -
Trigliserida % mass 0,40 0,20 0,10 0,20 - -
Digliserida % mass 0,40 0,20 0,20 0,20 - -
Monogliserida % mass 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 - -
Total gliserol % mass 0,25 0,25 - 0,25 0,24 0,24
Bilangan iod 115 120 - 115 - -
Fosfor mg/kg 10 10 10 10 20 10
1. Densitas
C 14:0 3,24
C 16:0 4,32
C 18:0 5,56
C 18:1 4,45
C 18:2 3,64
C 18:3 3,27
Kinematic viscosity
Shorter-chain FA are excluded by the relatively high
minimum value for kinematic viscosity in EN 14214.
Minimum kinematic viscosity value for biodiesel
prescribed in EN 14214 is higher than that of many
petrodiesel fuels, underscoring the feedstock-restrictive
nature of the EN 14214 limit.
Biodiesel fuels derived from used frying oils tend to
possess higher viscosity than those from most vegetable
oils, owing to their higher content of trans FA and
saturated, or less unsaturated FA.
An upper limit of 5 mm2/s for kinematic viscosity in
biodiesel standards may exclude some frying oils as
3. Flash Point
o> Ukuran daya pembakaran bahan bakar dan
parameter risiko bahan bakar selama transportasi
dan penyimpanan
o> Nilai flash point maksimum : 100 oC
o> Prosedur pengujian : EN ISO 3679
Alcohol. Flash point
The flash point specification serves to restrict the
amount of alcohol in the biodiesel fuel. The
prescribed methods, both of which use a closed-cup
flash point tester, are ASTM D 93 in ASTM D 6751
and ISO 3679 in EN 14214 and restrict methanol to
a maximum of about 0.1% in the biodiesel fuel.
Methanol content.
EN 14110, contained in EN 14214, can be applied to
mixtures containing 0.01 to 0.5% methanoland is a
GC-based method. The sample is heated in a sealed
vial at 80C and after attaining an equilibrium, a
defined amount of the gas phase is injected into the
GC. 2-Propanol serves as internal standard.
4. Kandungan Sulfur
Kandungan sulfur maksimum : 100 ppm
Sulfur berkaitan erat dengan dampak negatif
terhadap lingkungan, efisiensi dan umur pakai
katalitik oksidasi converter, daya lumas bahan
bakar, dan kekuatan pompa injeksi
Prosedur pengujian : Ultraviolet fluoresence
spectrometry/EN ISO 20846 atau wavelength-
dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry/EN ISO
D 4951 (used for the ASTM phosphorus specification), in
ASTM D 6751 it is determined by D 5453.
D 5453 determines sulfur content by UV fluorescence of
the sample during its combustion.
SO2 produced during combustion is converted to excited
SO2*. The fluorescence emitted from the excited SO2*
during its return to the stable SO2 state is detected, with
the signal indicating the amount of sulfur in the sample.
The alternative method ISO 20884 in EN 14214 uses
wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
These methods specifically mention their applicability to
biodiesel (FAME) neat (ASTM) or in blends up to 5%
Catalyst and related matters.
Sulfated ash
ASTM D 874 in ASTM D 6751; ISO 3987 in EN14214 is
designed for determining sulfated ash from lubricating oils
containing various metal-containing additives.
Metals that are covered include Ba, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Sn,
although S, P, and Cl can be present in combined form.
To carry out this test, the sample is burned fully with only
ash and carbon remaining.
This residue is treated with sulfuric acid and heated until
oxidation of carbon is complete. The ash is cooled, treated
again with sulfuric acid and heated to constant weight.
An application to biodiesel is obviously determining residual
Na or K from the catalyst.
5. Conradson carbon residue
o> Nilai maksimum residu karbon = 0,30 %(m/m)
o> Karbon akan membentuk deposit pada ujung injektor dan
bagian dalam chamber pembakaran serta berpengaruh
terhadap pembentukan polimer
o> Prosedur pengujian : distilasi/ASTM D 1160, ISO 6615
1. Density ,g/mL 0.859 0.875 0.875 0.900 0.885 0.880 0.884 0.879 0.8253
2. Kinetic Viscosity 4.3 6.3 3.50 5.00 4.20 4.40 3.05 4.08 4.84 3.16
(CSt) (400C)
3. Cloud point (0C) 13 16 -3 to 1 03 -2 to 2 -2 2 -18
5. Flash point (0C) 155 174 153 179 164 183 141 171 191 70
7. Sulfur content 0.04 < 0.01 0.004 0.01 0.01 - Max 500
8. Cetane number 50 70 49 62 45 61 45.0 54.8 51 51.5