Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry, including banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, brokerages, and investment funds. Financial services cover a wide range of traditional activities like underwriting, money market instruments, and foreign exchange, as well as modern activities like asset management, hedge funds, custody services, insurance, and brokerage. Innovation in financial services is driven by factors like competition, economic changes, customer demands, and global impacts.
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Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry, including banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, brokerages, and investment funds. Financial services cover a wide range of traditional activities like underwriting, money market instruments, and foreign exchange, as well as modern activities like asset management, hedge funds, custody services, insurance, and brokerage. Innovation in financial services is driven by factors like competition, economic changes, customer demands, and global impacts.
Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry, including banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, brokerages, and investment funds. Financial services cover a wide range of traditional activities like underwriting, money market instruments, and foreign exchange, as well as modern activities like asset management, hedge funds, custody services, insurance, and brokerage. Innovation in financial services is driven by factors like competition, economic changes, customer demands, and global impacts.
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Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry, including banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, brokerages, and investment funds. Financial services cover a wide range of traditional activities like underwriting, money market instruments, and foreign exchange, as well as modern activities like asset management, hedge funds, custody services, insurance, and brokerage. Innovation in financial services is driven by factors like competition, economic changes, customer demands, and global impacts.
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12/07/21 financial services
Introduction to financial services Financial services refer to services provided by the finance industry. The finance industry encompasses a broad range of organizations that deal with the management of money, these organizations includes banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, consumer finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds and some government sponsored enterprises. As of 2004, the financial services industry represented 20% of the market capitalization of the S&P 500 in the United States.` The finance service industry is growing at the rate of 14% p.a. Scope of financial services:- Financial services cover a wide range of activities. They can be broadly classified into two, namely : i. Traditional. Activities:- ii. Modern activities Traditional activites Fund based activities : Underwriting or investment in shares, debentures, bonds, etc. of new issues (primary market activities). Dealing in secondary market activities. Participating in money market instruments like commercial papers, certificate of deposits, treasury bills, discounting of bills etc . Involving in equipment leasing, hire purchase, venture capital, seed capital, Dealing in foreign exchange market activities. Non fund based activities . Non fund based activities
Financial intermediaries provide services on the basis of
non-fund activities also, ie.'fee based' activity. Today customers, whether individual or corporate, are not satisfied with mere provisions of finance. They include : i. Managing capital issue — i.e. management of pre-issue and post-issue activities relating to the capital issue in accordance with the SEBI guidelines and thus enabling the promoters to market their issue. ii. Making arrangements for the placement of capital and debt instruments with investment institutions. iii. Arrangement of funds from financial institutions for the clients' project cost or his working capital requirements. iv, Assisting in the process of getting all Government and ■' other clearances. Causes For Financial services Innovation Financial intermediaries have to perform the task of financial innovation to meet the dynamically changing needs of theeconomy and to help the investors cope with the increasingly volatile and uncertain market place. Low profitability : Since.there is a decline, in the profitability of traditional banking products. So, (hey have been compelled to seek out new products which may fetch high returns. ii. Keen competition : The keen competition has paved the way for the entry of varied nature of innovative financial products so as to meet the varied requirements of the investors. . Economic Liberalization : recent economic liberalization measures have opened the door foreign competitors to enter into our domestic market. Deregulation in the form of elimination of exchange controls and interest rate ceilings have made the market more competitive. Innovation has become a must for survival. Customer Service : Now a days, the customer's expectations are very great. They want newer products at lower cost or at lower credit risk to replace the existing one To meet this increased customer sophistication, the financial intermediaries are constantly undertaking research in order to invent a new product which may suit to the requirement of the investing public. vi. Global impact : Many of the providers and users of capital have changed their roles all over the world. FI have come out of their traditional approach and they arc ready to assume more credit risks. .Investor Awareness ; With a growing awareness amongst the investing public, there has been a distinct shift from investing the savings in physical assets like gold, silver, land etc. to financial assets like shares, debentures, mutual funds, etc. Merchant Banking i : A merchant hanker is a financial intermediary who helps to transfer capital from those who possess it to those who need it. Merchant banking includes a wide range of activities such as management of customer securities, portfolio management, project counseling and appraisal, underwriting of shares and debentures, loan syndication, acting as banker for the refund orders, handling interest and dividend warrants etc. Thus, a merchant hanker renders a host of services lo corporate, and thus promote industrial development in the country. Loan Syndication :-This is more or less similar to consortium financing. But this work is taken up by the merchant banker as a lead manager. It refers to a loan arranged by a bank called lead manager for a borrower who is usually a large corporate customer or a government department. It also enables the members of the syndicate to share the credit risk associated with a particular loan among themselves. Leasing :- A lease is an agreement under which a company or a firm acquires a right to make use of a capital asset like machinery, on payment of a prescribed fee called 'rental charges'. In countries like USA, the UK and Japan, equipment leasing is very popular and nearly 25% of plant and equipment is being financed by leasing companies. Mutual Funds:-A mutual fund refers to a fund raised by a financial service company by pooling the savings of the public. It is invested in a diversified portfolio with a view to spreading and minimizing the risk The fund provides investment avenues for small investors who cannot participate in the equities of big companies. It ensures low-risk, steady returns, high liquidity- and better capitalization in the long run. Factoring :- Factoring refers to the process of managing the sales register of a client by a financial services company. The entire responsibility of collecting the book debts passes on to the factor. Forfeiting:- Forfeiting is a technique by which a forfeiter (financing agency) discounts an export bill and pays ready cash to the exporter who can concentrate on the export front without bothering about collection of export bills . Venture Capital :- A venture capital is another method of financing in form of equity participation. Custodial Services :- Under this a financial intermediary mainly provides services to clients, for a prescribed fee, like safe keeping of financial securities and collection of interest and dividends : Corporate advisory services :-Financial intermediaries particularly hanks have setup specialized branches for this. As new avenues of finance like Euro loans, GDRs etc. arc available to corporate customers, this service is of immense help to the customers. Securitization:- Securitization is a technique whereby a financial company converts its ill-liquid, non-negotiable and high value financial assets into securities of small value which are made tradable and transferable. Derivative Security :- A derivative security is a security whose value depends upon the values of other basic variable backing the security. In most cases, these variables are nothing but the prices of traded securities. OTHER TYPES OF BANK SERVICES Private banking – Private banks provide banking services exclusively to high net worth individuals. Many financial services firms require a person or family to have a certain minimum net worth to qualify for private banking services. Private banks often provide more personal services, such as wealth management and tax planning, than normal retail banks. Capital market bank - bank that underwrite debt and equity, assist company deals (advisory services, underwriting and advisory fees), and restructure debt into structured finance products. Bank cards - include both credit cards and debit cards. Bank Of America is the largest issuer of bank cards. Credit card machine services and networks - Companies which provide credit card machine and payment networks call themselves "merchant card providers".
12/07/21 financial services
Foreign exchange services Foreign exchange services are provided by many banks around the world. Foreign exchange services include: Currency Exchange- where clients can purchase and sell foreign currency banknotes. Wire transfer- where clients can send funds to international banks abroad. Foreign Currency Banking- banking transactions are done in foreign currency.
12/07/21 financial services
Investment services Asset management- the term usually given to describe companies which run collective investment funds. Hedge fund management - Hedge funds often employ the services of "prime brokerage" divisions at major investment banks to execute their trades. Custody services - the safe-keeping and processing of the world's securities trades and servicing the associated portfolios. Assets under custody in the world are approximately $100 trillion
12/07/21 financial services
Insurance Insurance brokerage - Insurance brokers shop for insurance (generally corporate property and casualty insurance) on behalf of customers. Recently a number of websites have been created to give consumers basic price comparisons for services such as insurance, causing controversy within the industry. Insurance underwriting - Personal lines insurance underwriters actually underwrite insurance for individuals, a service still offered primarily through agents, insurance brokers, and stock brokers. Underwriters may also offer similar commercial lines of coverage for businesses. Activities include insurance and annuities, life insurance, retirement insurance, health insurance, and property & casualty insurance. Reinsurance - Reinsurance is insurance sold to insurers themselves, to protect them from catastrophic losses
12/07/21 financial services
Challenges Facing the Financial Services Sector Lack of qualified personnel : The financial services sector is fully geared to the task of 'financial creativity'. However, this sector has to face many challenges. The dearth of qualified and trained personnel is an important impediment in its growth, Lack of investor awareness : The introduction of new financial products and instruments will be of no use unless the investor is aware of the advantages and uses of the new and innovative products and instruments. Lack of transparency : The whole financial system is undergoing a phenomenal change in accordance with the requirements of the national global environments. It is high time that this sector gave up their orthodox attitude of keeping accounts in a highly secret manner. Lack of specialization: in the Indian sense, each financial intermediary seems to deal in a different financial service lines without specializing in one or two areas. In other countries , FI specialize in one or two areas only and provide expert service. Conclusion The Indian economy is in the process of rapid transformation. Reforms ate taking place in every field / part of economy. Hence financial services sector is also witnessing changes. The present scenario can be explained in following terms :- Process of globalization:- The process of globalization has paved the way for the entry of innovative and sophisticated products into our country. Since the government is very keen in removing all obstacles that stand in the way of inflow of foreign capital, the potentialities for the introduction of innovative, international financial products in India are very great. Moreover, our country is likely to enter the full convertilibility era soon. Process of liberalization:- Our government has initiated many steps to reform the financial services industry. The government has already switched over to free pricing of issues .the interest have been deregulated. The private sector has been permitted to participate in banking and mutual funds and the public sector undertakings are being privatized. SEBI has liberalized many stringent conditions so as to boost the capital and money markets. Project made by:- Pooja jain - 18 Aloki shah -5 Meha jain -15 Jinal shah -25 Ankita kothari- Sachin mundra- 34 s.y.bfm