HVAC Training

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10/15/09 HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division


What is a HVAC system ?

HVAC is an acronym for Heating, Ventilation and Air


HVAC is a historical term that is commonly known today as

air conditioning.

A HVAC system maintains and controls the conditions of

the inside
Siemens sans environment.
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HVAC system
sans italic delivers comfort, health and well being in the
siemensworkplace or home,or controls conditions for
sans italic bold
siemens sans black and industrial processes.
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A HVAC system comprises air conditioning plant, air and water
reticulation, and controls.

10/15/09 HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division


What affects a HVAC system design ?

HVAC systems are designed to overcome the outside environment

and building design.

HVAC systems are designed to maintain comfort conditions for

the building occupants.

HVAC systems are designed to maintain stringent conditions for

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HVAC systems are designed to meet energy costs and reliability

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from an owners point of view.

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What are the main processes carried out by a

HVAC system ?

Ventilation - the process of exchanging air between the

outdoors and the conditioned space.
Air movement - the process of circulating and mixing air
through conditioned spaces.
Cleaning - the process of removing particles and biological
contaminants in the air.
Heating - the process of adding thermal energy (heat) to the air
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in the conditioned
siemens sans bold space.
Cooling - the
siemens sans italic process of removing thermal energy (heat) from
the siemensair in italic
sans the bold
conditioned space.
siemens sans black- the process of adding water vapor (moisture) to
the air.black italic
Dehumidifying - the process of removing water vapor
(moisture) from the air.

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Refrigeration Process

Refrigeration is the process of removing heat at a low

temperature level & rejecting it at a relatively higher
temperature level.

Refrigerant is nothing but heat carrier i.e. heat carrying

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Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

High Pressure/
High Temp

Hot Gas Line Cold Gas
Low Pressure/
Low Temp

Siemens sans
siemens sans bold Evaporator
siemens sans italic Absorbed
High Pressure/ Heat
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Low Temp Rejected
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Cold Liquid Line Expansion Cold Liquid Line
Low Pressure/
Low Temp

10/15/09 HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division


Types of Systems

Direct Expansion (DX System).

1. Window Airconditioner
2. Split Units.
3. Packaged Unit.
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siemens sans italic Chilled Water System (DW System)
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10/15/09 HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division


Unitary Air Conditioning Units. (Package

Units.DX System)
Unitary A/C units are self contained with
fan, refrigeration compressor, condenser,

Individual room units are designed to fit

inwindows or a wall mounted consoles.

Split systems are where the fan and coil

are mounted inside and the condensing
unit Siemens
is mounted
sans remote.
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Vertical selfsans
siemens contained
italic air conditioners are
mounted external
siemens and
sans italic air is ducted to the
Outside air Room air
siemens sans black
siemens black italic Window Unit.
Roof top units are weatherproof units and 1. Outside air 2. Exhaust air 3. Supply
the air is ducted to the space below. 4. Return air 5.Outside & room fans
6. Evaporator 7.Compressor 8. Condens
9. Exp. valve 10.Refrig. Pipe 11. Air filter
12.Grille 13.Condensate collector
14. Casing 15. Window 15. Room

10/15/09 HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division


Unitary AC Units. (Split systems. DX System)

As the name implies, the air conditioner is

split into two parts, refrigeration and
ventilating parts.

The refrigeration part consists of a

compressor and an air cooled condenser.

The ventilating part consists of a fan and

an evaporator to cool or heat the air.
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condensing unit is mounted outside
sans bold
which assists
siemens sanscondenser
italic heat dissipation
and siemens
noise in bold
italic the room.
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The fan coil unit can be mounted in the Split System.
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room or in a remote position with duct to
1. Outside air 2. Exhaust air 3. Supply
the room. air 4. Return air 5. Room 6. Evaporator

7.Compressor 8. Condenser 9. Exp.

valve 10.Refrigerant pipe 11. Condensing
unit. 12.Fan coil unit. 13.Ventilation grid
14. Filter

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DX System

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In-Direct System

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Sample Screens - Water Cooled Chiller

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Sample Screens-Air Cooled Chillers

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Sample Screens- Chillers

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Sample Screens- Cooling Tower

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Sample Screens-Basic AHU

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Sample Screens-Basic AHU

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Sample Screens-Treated Fresh Air Unit

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All - Water Systems. ( 2-pipe fan coil unit

Two water pipes are led to each fan coil unit,
cold water is pumped in summer,
hot water in winter.

Thus only cold water or hot water is available at the

fan coil units at any one time.
It is not possible to cool a room and
simultaneously heat an adjacent room on
the samesans
Siemens water zone.
This system
siemens sansis bold
most successful in
summer anditalic
siemens sans winter when the outside
conditions areitalic
siemens sans steady
bold and predictable. 1. Hot or cold water flow.
2. Hot or cold water return.
This system
siemens is less successful in
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3. Fan coil units with one coil.
italic when low ambient 4. Different rooms. 5. Supply air.
temperature and solar loads require zones to 6. Boiler. 7. Chiller.
need cold water and others to need hot water.

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HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Characteristics of VAV

Air distribution equipment

Mainly used in buildings where single AHU serves many


Optimizes power consumption while maintaining

thermal comfort
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Ideally suited
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Full cooling
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full heating take place about 20 % of the
siemens Rest of the time systems operate at less than full
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The VAV box adjusts the amount of air that enters the
space or room to maintain temperature

HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Ventilation & Air-conditioning System -

Air only systems
Variable air Volume System

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Fig. 57
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Control of individual room temperature

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HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Types of VAVs
Shut-off type VAVs

Pressure Controller

Pressure Sensor

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HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Types of VAVs

VAV with volumetric flow control

Variable Frequency Drive Pressure Controller

M Pressure Sensor

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HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Types of VAVs

By - pass type VAV

To False ceiling

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From AHU
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To conditioned Space
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HVAC Presentation SYNERGY E L V Division

Sample Screens-Exhaust Fans

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HVAC system in a building

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Siemens sans THANK YOU

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