62 AND 63 Tools of Ecommerce
62 AND 63 Tools of Ecommerce
62 AND 63 Tools of Ecommerce
Site Search for eCommerce - Supercharge the searching and browsing experience by allowing
your customers to filter and sort results off of product facets
Category Navigation - Allow shoppers to drill down through a hierarchy of navigational items
and at the same time filter those results
Automated SEO - Automatically create landing pages for your sites most popular long-term
search keywords/phrases
Site Search for Mobile - Deliver your catalog as a separate mobile site that is auto-generated
and powered by Intellisuggest
Merchandising - Take advantage of your sites real-estate and drive promotion awareness by
creating and managing campaigns
World wide web - The Web, or World Wide
Web (W3), is asystem ofInternet
documents. The documents are formatted in
a markup language calledHTML(HyperText
Markup Language) that supports links to
other documents, as well asgraphics,
audio, and videoFILES...
This means you can jump from one
document to another simply
byclickingonhotspots. Not all Internet
servers are part of the World Wide Web.
There are several applicationscalledWeb
browsers that make it easy toaccess World
Wide Web, for egFIREFOXand MICROSOFT
Electronic mail or e-mail-it is a method of
exchanging digital messages from one
author to one or more recipients Typically
the messages are notes entered from
thekeyboard .Mostmainframes
have an emailsystem. It is now vital as a
method of communicating internally and
externally with customers, suppliers and
partners. E-mail can be outbound and
inbound mail,inbound mails are sent from
customer to company requesting
information such as product specifications
and quotations ,outbound mails may be
used on an ad hoc basis or as a part of
Blogs blogs are
online journals
that can be used
to share
information within
an organization in
an efficient and
dynamic style .In a
company ,blogs
can be used to
inform the
colleagues about a
new product or
methods of using
new technology. A
blog can have a
single author or
allow for multiple
contributors. A
feedback can also
be invited on your
Really simple
known as Rich Site
Summary,RSS is a
format for delivering
regularly changing
web content. Many
news related sites,
online publishers
syndicate their
content as an RSS
feed to those people
who regularly use the
web ,allowing them
to stay informed by
retrieving the latest
content from
interested sites.
Yahoo search engine
Emerging tools of e-
Mobile access devices-the Interactive digital television- In
mobile web refers to the use the technology oriented era ,
of world wide web from a television is used as a content
handheld mobile device, such delivery channel. Digital
as a smartphone or a feature broadcast applications and
phone connected to a mobile interactive internet services
network or wireless are converging to interactive
network ,laptops and tablets multimedia services for a broad
offering audience. The ITV content
Ease and convenience to evolved from video on
consumers demand , enhanced
TV,personalised TV news
Privacy ,personalised advertising
Location based services with ,interactive TV games and
the aid of GPS shows and many more facilities
But there are some drawbacks too Popular examples are Dish TV
such as and Tata Sky
Small screen size
Lack of windows (however bill
gate's Microsoft company has
overcome this drawback by
launching windows phone)
Slow speed
Broken pages
Latest tools of e-
Google analytics-A free Zendesk Zendesk
service from Google that builds software for
enables Webmasters and
site owners to freely bettercustomer
access Web analytics data. relationship. It
Google Analytics tracks empowers
visitors through your site organizations to
and also tracks of the improvecustomer
performance of your
marketing campaigns. It engagementand
helps the e-commerce better understand
users in identifying their customers. It is
conversion tools within one of the best
the analytics knowing solutions for
about conversion process
customer support by
offering the company
facilities for customer
services at an
affordable price with
lowest plan of
$1/month. It is an
Search engine-Search engine
optimization, or SEO, has become a
major marketing tool for small online
companies in the early 21st century.
SEO is the development of a website
that achieves high results in popular
search engines such as Google and
Yahoo. Typically, Web search engines
work by sending out aspider to fetch
as many documents as possible.
Another program, called
anindexer,then reads these
documents and creates anindexbased
on the words contained in each
document. Each search engine uses
aproprietary algorithmto create its
Wibiya Toolbar is a LiveChatis an online
multipurpose bar which customer service
appears at the bottom software with live
of the web page and support, help desk
provide lot many software andweb
options to the visitors. analytics
On a blog, it provide capabilities.Companie
separate boxes for s use LiveChat as
Translation,facebook asingle point of
fan page, Recent Posts, contact to manage
Twitter updates and from one software
then options to share allcustomer service
the post on different and online sales
social networking or activities that normally
bookmarking sites. are provided using
Wibiya Toolbar let the different channels
users free those (chat, email and social
spaces for other media) and multiple
purposes and tools. It also offers :
accommodate these real-timewebsite
boxes in single bar traffic monitoring,
ZopIMis a singularly
effective tool online
retailers can use to
personalize customer
experience by
engaging them in
quick chats.
It is easy to install
and once done, e-
tailers can talk to
their customers
anytime and from
anywhere over live
To take things to the
next level, ZopIM
comes with Google
It is one of the best
MailChimp is an intuitive
tool known for its ease-of-
use. You can use it to send
bulk emails and also track
orders that are generated
by your email campaigns.
Insights from these can
help you to better
segment the newsletters
and modify your content
strategy accordingly.
MailChimpis the market
leader when it comes to
email marketing software.
It has established itself as
elsechoice for online
retailers. According to the
MailChimps Holiday
Survey 2014, around
73% of its usersare from
Abandon Aid will save you time and make
you money. A personalized email to
prospective customers is highly effective in
recovering orders and best when sent in a
timely manner.