Making of N - Butyl Acetate

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1. Muslela Qonaatun15030194017
2. Ika Arum 15030194046
3. Devita Diah A. 15030194053
4. Uli Hasiyana L.G.15030194089

Understanding how to make n-butyl

acetate by esterification reaction.
Prepare the equipment and
materials of this experiment
For equipment such as
:Volumetric cylinder, Separated
Funnel, Round Bottom Flask,
Pippette, Refluxs Cooling,
Erlenmeyer, Funnel, Spatula
For material : N-butanol, Acetic
acid glacial, Sulfuric acid
concentrated 98%, NaHCO3
solution saturated, and Crystal
Na2SO4 anhydrate
Put 10 mL of n-
butanol to
graduated cylinder
and move it to
round bottom flask
Add one boiling stone into round
bottom flask
Function of boiling stone is to
flatten heating process so it
becomes homogeneous at all of
part of round bottom flask
Then add 3 drops of sulfuric acid
concentrated into it.The solution
still colorless.
Function of sulfuric acid
concentrated has function as
catalyst. The catalyst is used to
increase the speed of reaction
through decrease the activation
energy. Catalyst is needed because
the esterification reaction is running
very slowly.
Add 30 mL of glacial
acetic acid into round
bottom flask.

C4H9OH(aq) +
C4H9COOCH3(l) +
Install the reflux cooling
circuit, and heated the
mixed solution to a
temperature of 90-100 C
for 2 hours.

The heating process is done

in long time enough because
longer the time of reaction,
the chance of molecules to
collision become more often
so, n-butyl acetate that
gotten more and the result is
more accurate.
After heating process about
2 hours, let solution until the
temperature is down

The heating process is done in

long time enough because
longer the time of reaction,
the chance of molecules to
collision become more often
so, n-butyl acetate that gotten
more and more and the result
is more accurate.
The result after heating
process using reflux is
blackish yellow solution

n-butyl acetate that

produced is still not pure
because there are still the
impurities like sulfuric acid
(H2SO4), the residue of
acetic acid or n-butanol, and
water so the purification
process need to be done.
Move the solution
into separating
funnel and add 30
mL of water.
Purification process
is done with displace
the compound of
heating result into
separating funnel.
Shaking the separating
funnel, wait until the
solution become 2 layer
Lower layer = colorless
Upper layer = yellow
upper layer (organic phase)
as esther product from n-
butyl acetate and bottom
layer (aqueous phase) as
well as sulfuric acid, residue
of acetic acid or n-butanol,
and water which are
homogeneously mixed.
Remove lower
layer (water) from
separating funnel
and put into

The solution in
separating funnel
only ester (yellow
Add 25 mL water into
ester solution in
separating funnel and add
7 mL saturated NaHCO3

Shaken the separating

funnel and wait until
forming 2 layer.
The solution separate into 2
layer again
Lower layer = colorless
Upper layer = yellow

Remove lower layer (water)

from separating funnel and
put into Erlenmeyer
The addition of saturated
NaHCO3 solution has
purpose to neutralizing the
residue of acids perhaps still
in organic phase
2 NaHCO33(aq) + CH33COOH(aq)
CO22 (g) + H22O (l) + CH33COONa

5 gram of Na2SO4 oven it for

a while until the water
content in that powder is
Add 5 gram
anhydrous Na2SO4
into ester solution
Its function is to
bound or lose the
water that stay
behind in ester
solution. Na2SO4solid
is insoluble in water.
After stirring evenly,
separated by Na2SO4
decantation process
Calculate the mass of
ester (n-butyl acetate)
12.6904 grams

From the calculation,

the percent value of
rendement is 44.128
1. making of n-butyl acetate via esterification that
react between acetic acid and an alcohol (n-
butanol) and sulfuric acid concentrated as catalyst.
2. From the calculation the concentration of H 2SO4
concentrated that is needed 18,4M.
3. The smell of n-butyl acetate like banana and have
rendement about 44,128%

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