The Financial System of The Philippines: and Selected Items of Monetary and Fiscal Policies

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The Financial System

of the Philippines
and selected items of monetary
and fiscal policies
What are Financial
The 'financial system' is a term
used in finance to describe the
system that allows money to go
between savers and borrowers.
Elements of a Financial
Financial Institutions
These are organizations that offer financial services.

Financial Market
The system that allows people to buy and sell goods
and services to each other.

Financial Instruments
These are assets belonging to a person or company.
This can include cash, bonds, or other assets; such as
property or items of value.
Financial Services
These are offered by financial institutions.
include such things as banking, insurance
loans andPractice
mortgages, as well as pensions.

A sort of guideline around how the

financial institutions should operate their
Financial Transactions
These are the actual exchange of assets for
goods or services - paying for a new car, or
a loan, for instance.
These six elements work together
to create a healthy financial
system, which in turn builds a
strong economy. No one element
is more important than the others
- they simply represent different
mechanisms within the system
that allow it to function.
Components of
Philippine Financial
1. Banks
2. Non-bank
The major types of financial
institutions in the Philippines are
the commercial banks, rural
banks, thrift banks, specialized
government financial institutions,
offshore banks, insurance
companies and non-bank financial
The first four types of financial
institutions take deposits from
public. Because of this, the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Monetary Policy and
the Financial System
Monetary Policy refers to the
manipulations of the money supply to
affect the economy of the country as
a whole. It largely impact interest
Money Supply Short term Interest Rates

= encourages investments and consumptions

Money Supply Short term Interest Rates

= encourages saving and reduces spending

Among the tools of monetary
policy are money supply, open
market operations, reserve
requirement on bank, discount
rate, interest rate, credit control,
among others.
Fiscal Policy and the
Financial System
Fiscal policyis the means by which a
government adjusts its spending levels and
tax rates to monitor and influence a
nation's economy. It is the sister strategy to
monetarypolicythrough which a central
bank influences a nation's money supply.
Public Spending or Taxes

= encourages investments and consumptions

Public Spending or Taxes

= reduces spending

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