PP News
PP News
PP News
With News
Kyle Cousineau, Mary Ellen Riley,
Andrea Regrut, Sarah Roti
Purpose and Goal of Study
Sampling tech.
For sampling methods we used an online tactic. Due to the
fact that we emailed the class and other people that we used a
non-random sampling method of convenience and snowball
Some of the variables that we used are age and social
media sites used.
implication - Sarah
Correlation Test:
There is little to no correlation between the numerical values of how often
millennias use social media and how often they check current events
The results show that millennias under the age of 19 use social media more often than
those over the age of 19.
Chi Test:
we cannot say that there is a difference between how lower classmen and
upperclassmen use social media for browsing or if they use it to communicate with
their friends.
our results had some correlation to the studies presented in our literature review and
along with those similarities came insightful differences as well.
Limitations/recommendations for future
Some of the limitations that we found was that it was harder than
we thought getting enough people to complete our survey