Fin MKT Chapter 7 - Futures Derivatives (New)
Fin MKT Chapter 7 - Futures Derivatives (New)
Fin MKT Chapter 7 - Futures Derivatives (New)
Learning Objectives
Describe a derivative
Describe the history of derivative
Describe the development of derivative in Malaysia
Explain the difference between forward and futures contract
Explain terms convergence, margins and marking to market
and basis risk
Explain the terms hedging, speculating and arbitraging with
Describe the contract specification of FCPO and FKLI
Know how to hedge, speculate and arbitrage using FCPO
and FKLI
Explain and understand the term single stock futures
Chapter Outline
Introduction to Derivatives
Forward and Futures Contracts
The Key Elements of in Futures Trading
Hedging, Speculating and Arbitraging with
Futures Contract
The Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) and KLCI
(FKLI) futures
Single Stock Futures (SSF)
What is a derivative?
A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent
upon or derived from one or more underlying assets.
The derivative itself is a contract between two or more
parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is
determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset.
The underlying can be share prices, prices of commodity,
indices and interest rates.
The value of the underlying assets changes every now
and then.
Why do derivative markets
Largely to facilitate hedging.
The derivative markets are largely insurance
Firms, like individuals are risk averse and
would like to protect themselves against
three main types of risk that businesses
DERIVATIVES Arbitrage is
simultaneous purchase
Futures are financial contracts
obligating the buyer to
A forward contract is a
customized contract between
two parties to buy or sell an
purchase an asset (or the asset at a specified price on a
seller to sell an asset), such future date. Unlike standard
as a physical commodity or a futures contracts, a forward
financial instrument, at a contract can be customized to
predetermined future date and any commodity, amount and
price. delivery date. A forward contract
settlement can occur on a cash
An option is a financial derivative or delivery basis. Not traded on
that represents a contract sold by stock exchnage
one party (option writer) to another A swap is a derivative contract
party (option holder). The contract through which two
offers the buyer the right, but not parties exchange financial
the obligation, to buy (call) or sell instruments. These instruments
(put) a security or other can be almost anything, but most
financial asset at an agreed-upon swaps involve cash flows based
price (the strike price) during a
on a notional principal amount
certain period of time or on a
that both parties agree to.
specific date (exercise date).
Also called the cash market or the physical market, the spot market is
where assets are sold forcash and delivered immediately.
Example: Proton buys 1 million Japanese Yen in the spot market for
currency, or it buys 100 tons of steel in the cash market for steel. MAS
buys 500,000 gallons of gasoline in the spot market.
A futures market is an auction market in which participants buy and
sell commodity and futures contracts for delivery on a specified future
Futures contracts are made in attempt by producers and suppliers of
commodities to avoid market volatility. These producers and suppliers
negotiate contracts with an investor who agrees to take on both the risk
and reward of a volatile market.
A forward contract is a customized contract between two parties to buy
or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. They are private
agreements withterms that may vary from contract to contract.
Unlike standard futurescontracts, a forward contract can be customized
to any commodity, amount and delivery date. A forward contract
settlement can occur on a cash or delivery basis.
Forward contracts do not trade on a centralized exchange and are
therefore regarded as over-the-counter (OTC) instruments. No
secondary market.
The lack of a centralized clearinghouse also gives rise to a higher
degree of default risk. As a result, forward contracts are not as easily
available to the retail investor as futures contracts
If you plan to grow 500 bushels of wheat next year, you could sell your wheat for
whatever the price is when you harvest it, or you could lock in a price now by
selling a forward contract that obligates you to sell 500 bushels of wheat to, say,
Kellogg after the harvest for a fixed price. By locking in the price now, you
eliminate the risk of falling wheat prices. On the other hand, if prices rise later,
you will get only what your contract entitles you to.
Advantage: buyer (company) and seller (farmer) gave a guaranteed price. They
are now protected from price swings in rice.
If you are Kellogg, you might want to purchase a forward contract to lock in
prices and control your costs. However, you might end up overpaying or
(hopefully) underpaying for the wheat depending on the market price when you
take delivery of the wheat.
It can be cash settled. For example, if the price of 500 bushels of wheat is
$1,000 in the spot market when the forward contract expires, but the forward
contract price is $800, then the seller can just settle the contract by paying the
buyer $200 instead of actually delivering 500 bushels of wheat and collecting a
below-market price. The seller then can sell his commodity in the spot market at
spot price
Advantages/Disadvantages of
Forward Contract
Advantage: They are very flexible and can be customized
to the needs of the parties.
There is no liquid market for forward contracts, no
secondary market.
Problem in price fixing. The party who has better
negotiating power may dictate an unfair price.
High default risk. One party may default (not fulfilling the
future obligation agreed upon earlier), resulting in losses
for the other party. This risk is known as counterparty
Requires actual delivery to complete the contract.
What is a futures contract?
A futures contract is a contractual agreement, generally made on the
trading floor of a futures exchange, to buy or sell a particularcommodity
or financial instrument at a pre-determined price in the future.
Futures contracts detail the quality and quantity of the underlying asset;
delivery date (or the expiry date) and location of delivery. They are
standardized to facilitate trading on a futures exchange.
Some futures contracts may call for physical delivery of the asset, while
others are settled in cash.
Basically to overcome 3 problems of forward contract
(1) multiple coincidence needs,
(2) unfair forward price and
(3) counterparty risk.
Advantages of futures
contracts over forward
Liquid market, lots of buyers and sellers at organized
exchanges all over the world.
Active secondary market. Contract may trade hands many
times before expiration.
Minimal risk. The futures exchange requires an initial
margin to open a position and they enforce daily settlement
of all gains and losses to avoid default. There is maximum
price movement, called daily limit, to minimize large losses.
For example, daily price limit for palm oil futures is 10%
above or below the settlement price of the preceding
business day, trading stops for the day.
Advantages of futures
contracts over forward
The counterparty risk is reduced through a clearing house
which take responsibility for ensuring the contract is brought
through without any parties defaulting in the transaction.
Cash settlement for most futures contracts, instead of
settlement in the actual commodity.
You can close your account anytime by taking an offsetting
position. If your original position is to buy (go long) a futures
contract, you can subsequently sell (go short) to close out
your position, and vice versa. You can cash out without
having to make or receive delivery.
Disadvantages of futures
contracts over forward
Less flexible since futures contracts are for fixed,
Crude Palm Oil Futures (FCPO)
Contract Specification
Daily Price Limits With the exception of trades in the spot month, trades for
future delivery of Crude Palm Oil in any month shall not
be made, during any one Business Day, at prices varying
more than 10% above or below the settlement prices of
the preceding Business Day ("the 10% Limit") except as
provided below.
Contract Months Spot month and the next 5 succeeding months, and thereafter, alternate
months up to 24 months ahead
Trading Hours First trading session: Malaysian time 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Second trading session: Malaysian time 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Final Trading Day and Contract expires at noon on the 15th day of the delivery month, or if the
Maturity Date 15th is a non-market day, the preceding Business Day.
Tender Period 1st Calender Day to the 20th Calender Day of the spot month, or if the 20th
is a non- market day, the preceding Business Day.
Contract Grade and Delivery Crude Palm Oil of good merchantable quality, in bulk, unbleached, in Port
Points Tank Installations approved by the Exchange located at the option of the
seller at Port Kelang, Penang/Butterworth and Pasir Gudang (Johor).Free
Fatty Acids (FFA) of palm oil delivered into Port Tank Installations shall not
exceed 4% and from Port Tank Installations shall not exceed 5%.
Moisture and impurities shall not exceed 0.25%.
Deterioration of Bleachability Index (DOBI) value of palm oil delivered into
Port Tank Installations shall be at a minimum of 2.5 and of palm oil
delivered from Port Tank Installations shall be at a minimum of 2.31.
Deliverable Unit a.25 metric tons, plus or minus not more than 2%.
Examples of futures contracts traded
in Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Bhd
Stock Index Futures
KLCI (FKLI) Futures
Single Stock Futures (SSFs)
Interest Rate Futures
3 Month Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate interest rate (FKB3)
Bond Futures
3-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMG3) Futures
5-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMG5) Futures
10-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMGA) Futures
Agriculture Futures
Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) Futures
Crude Palm Kernel Oil (FPKO) Futures
USD Crude Palm Oil (FUPO) Futures
The Key Elements of Futures Trading
Price Convergence
The futures price of a contract and the cash price
(spot price of the underlying) of the same
commodity tend to converge, i.e. they will come
together as the delivery month of the futures
contract approaches. On maturity date, the futures
price must equal spot price.
When futures price > spot price = contango.
When futures price < spot price = backwardation.
Determined by market forces (ss and dd)
Basis and Basis Risk
Basis is the difference between cash price
(or spot price), S and Futures price, F.
It reduces to zero at it approaches maturity
of the futures contract.
In a perfect hedge, the gains or losses in the
futures contract exactly offset the losses or
gains of the underlying asset being hedged.
If do not perfectly cancel each other out, it is
called basis risk. Due to mismatches of
quality (grade), location, maturity, qty.
Margins and Marking to
Margins and Marking to
The broker requires the investor to deposit some
Margins and Marking to
Assume that at the end of the day, the palm oil futures price
closes at RM1,850 per ton. This implies that the investor has
made a loss = 2 contract x 25 metric tons x RM150 = RM7,500
If the price for the following day closes at RM2,300 per ton, the
balance of the margin account will increase by:
2 x 25 x RM300 = RM15,000
Hence for the last two days, the margin balance has become
RM27,500 = (RM20,000 RM7,500 + RM15,000)
The investor is entitled to withdraw any balance in the margin a/c
in excess of the initial margin (IM) = RM7,500
To ensure that margin a/c does not become negative, a
maintenance margin is set (usually lower than IM).
If the balance falls < maintenance margin, the investor will
receive a margin call. He is expected to top up the difference
back to the initial margin the following day.
day Futures Daily gain Cumulative Margin ac Margin call
price (loss) gain (loss) balance
2000 20000
June 2 1850 (7500) (7500) 12500 -
June 3 2300 2250 15000 27500
An investor contact his brokeron June 5 to buy two Dec gold futures
contract on NY Commodity Exchange (COMEX). Suppose current futures
price is $400 per oz. Contract size is 100 oz. the broker will require the
investor to deposit funds in a margin account. The amount is known as
initial margin.
Suppose by end of June 5, the price has dropped to 397. the investor
has a loss of 600 (200oz x 3). The balance in margin account would
therefore reduced by 600 to 3400.
Suppose initial margin is 2000 per contract and
maintenance margin is 1500 per contract
Hedgers - Examples
Types of Hedging
1) taking a future position in anticipation of a later cash
transaction or anticipatory hedging nti
2) taking a future position opposite to the current physical
position held or hedging the current market position
An example of anticipatory hedging is the palm oil
producer who intends to sell his palm oil in 2 months
could lock in the price by selling the futures contract
An example of hedging current market position is the fund
manager with a portfolio of shares could hedge against a
fall in share prices by selling (taking a futures position
opposite to the current position of holding a portfolio of
shares) stock index futures contracts today.
Advantages and
disadvantages of trading
futures contract
Please prepare your own notes from page
Have no personal or business interest in the
commodity or currency. They are trading futures
contracts as a purely speculative investment or
For example, an investor could take a position on a
palm oil futures contract for March 2009 @ RM1,250
per metric ton, and they are not in the palm oil
business, they have no interest in actually receiving or
delivering palm oil at expiration. They are just taking a
position on the price of palm oil in the future.
Speculators can participate in futures trading because
actual delivery is not required.
If a speculator thinks that the cash price of
Speculating with Futures Contract
Speculators deal with price changes that
occurred in the market.
They are motivated by the strong desire to make
profit on the transaction.
They will buy the futures at low price and sell at
high price.
The speculative traders in the futures market
help to fulfil a very important role. They provide
the depth and volume of trading that allow
hedgers and others to enter or exit the market
Three types of speculators
The scalpers look out for minimum price fluctuations
on heavy (large) volumes taking small profits at a time.
They aim to make small profits on large volumes of
The day traders do intraday trading and on small
volumes of trade. The typical day trader would take
long or short positions of a few contracts and would
close-out their positions later in the day when the
prices have moved.
The position traders look for long-term price trends
and may hold over weeks, or months before getting
Arbitraging with Futures Contract
Arbitrage is simultaneous purchase and sale of the
same instrument in different markets to profit from the
temporary price differences or inconsistencies.
How did arbitrage ensure price convergence?
An arbitrage is a trade that involves buying in the
physical market and selling at the futures market at a
higher price.
A trader who initiate the arbitrage on observing the
prices are traded above the fair values will act on by
selling the futures where the prices are high and
pushes the price back (create supply) to the fair value
as determined in the physical market.
Provide liquidity and ensuring the price of cash and
futures converges at the expiry date of the contract.
Fair value of futures price using cost of carry model
F = futures price for a contract with maturity from time
t to T at maturity
S = cash or spot price of the underlying asset
r = annualised risk-free interest rate (a proxy for
opportunity cost)
c = annualised cost of storage (%) (inclusive of
shipping, handling, shrinkage, spoilage or damaged, etc)
y = convenience yield on the cash commodity
t = time to futures expiry expressed on yearly basis
Fair value of futures price using
cost of carry model
Please refer to example in text book page
Types of order (please read the
following from your text book)
Market order
Limit order
Stop order or stop loss.
The Clearing House
Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) Futures and
KLCI (FKLI) Futures
The Underlying Instrument of FCPO and
The Contract Specification FCPO refer to
Table 7.1 page 192
The Contract Specification FKLI refer to
Table 7.3 page 196
Using CPO Futures to Hedge
Selling Hedge - Example
Suppose in Feb, a crude palm oil producer anticipates
that he will have 200 metric tons of crude palm oil
ready for sale in two months time. He would like to lock
in the price of his crude palm oil. The current mkt price
(Feb) is RM1,250 per metric ton. April crude palm oil
futures is currently trading at RM1,265.
His exposure to risk = price may fall between now
(Feb) and the time of sale (April) = risk of price decline.
Action: Sell futures (short position) of a specific
number of contracts at a certain point in future
= 200 tons/25 = 8 contracts
Selling Hedge - Example
Assume in April the price of crude palm oil in the
spot market has dropped to RM1,245/ton. So has
the April futures (price convergence).
The producer sells the CPO in the spot market for
RM1,245 and also closes out the futures position
by buying (long position) 8 futures contracts at
Summary of the positions:
Position Today Position at Maturity Gains/Loss
Summary of the positions:
Position Today Position at Maturity Gains/Loss
Cash Mkt Mkt price = RM1,265 Mkt price = RM1,278
The refiner needs 800 met Action: buys 800 tons
tons of CPO in Sept. at RM1,278.
Total costs:
= 800 x RM1,278
= RM1,022,400 (RM1,022,400)
Futures Mkt Mkt price = RM1,270 Close its position by
Action: buy futures selling 32 futures
= 32 contracts at RM1,270 contract @RM1,278.
Total value of futures Action: sell Futures
= 32 x 25 x RM1,270 = 32 x 25 x RM1,278
= (RM1,016,000) = RM1,022,400 RM6,400 (Pft)
Net costs (RM1,016,000)
Effective price per RM1,270
metric ton (RM1,016,000)
800 tons
Using CPO Futures to Speculate
Using CPO Futures to Arbitrage
Using KLCI Futures to Hedge
Using KLCI Futures to Speculate
Using KLCI Futures to Arbitrage