Altium Designer Intermediate Guide Glen Mercier
Altium Designer Intermediate Guide Glen Mercier
Altium Designer Intermediate Guide Glen Mercier
Glenn Mercier
[email protected]
Research Engineer, TBE-B311
University of Las Vegas, Nevada
Part 1: Beginning Guide
This guide is a beginners guide to
PCB design using Altium Designer
and is geared towards the following
Many people
skip this step
and just
create a
file. This a
huge mistake!
everything in
Designer is
based on
project files
Project Name
We need to save our project and rename the project to
something more meaningful.
Right click on PCB_Project.prjPCB and save the project as
PROJECT- EE495 to a new folder (preferably on a flash drive)
called EE495 Project inside a root folder called EE495
FT232 USB.pdf
Project Documentation
Specifications are often given or required for components, You should
check and double check each meets the project specifications.
The 0805 specification for the LED are actually dimensions of the
chip component itself (Size Code).
Split up the numbers to 08 05, These are the dimensions in
The Length of the chip diode is 0.08 = 80 mils
The Width of the chip diode is 0.05 = 50 mils
Therefore, the larger the numbers, the larger the chip device:
Larger chip sizes can handle more power
Smaller chip size can handle higher frequencies (ideally)
Chip Sizing Information
1) Tantalum Capacitor (A-Case)
2) Tantalum Capacitor (D-Case)
3 & 4) Electrolytic Capacitor
5) 0805 Ceramic Capacitor
6) 1206 Ceramic Capacitor
7) 1210 Ceramic (Same length, but
Chip Sizing Information
1) 1218 (1 Watt)
2) 1206 (1/4 Watt)
3) 0805 (1/8 Watt)
4) Potentiometer (Bottom & Top)
Chip Sizing Information
1) 20 Pin DIP Package
2) SOIC20, Wide
3) SOIC8, W/Power Tab
4) SOIC8, Standard
5) SSOP20
Placing Parts
We have now added all the
necessary libraries for the
project, now we need to draw the
Follow the menu sequence below
to place a part
Placing Parts
Afterclicking place
part from the
previous screen,
you will have an
option to place
from standard
libraries or
database libraries.
Keep this on
standard libraries
Clickthe button to
the right of the
History button to
bring up a list of
available libraries.
Creating a Schematic
At the top of the screen, there is a dropdown box which lists available
schematic and integrated libraries (but not PCB footprint libraries). For the
highlighted library, in this case Miscellaneous Devices, there will be a list of
the parts inside that library in the bottom left.
Creating a Schematic
Select the Atmel
Library and
navigate down to
Atmega8. Notice
there are many
options for the
same chip. This is
because although
the device is the
same, there are
many different
packages that
this chip comes
Atmega8 costs
about $3.50
Creating a Schematic
Add the ATmega8-16AC
Looking at the datasheet for the ATmega8, we can see exactly what the
-16AI stands for.
Supports up to a 16 Mhz clock
Commercial grade fabrication (Temperature ranges from 0C to 70C
Creating a Schematic
Here are the three
common packages
for the ATmega8
To Pan Left/Right/Up/Down
Wheel Mouse and Shift Key
Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow (Small Pan)
Shift Key and Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow (Larger Pan)
Pin Functions
Pins can be setup for the following functions:
Input, Output, I/O
Open Collector, Passive, HiZ, Emitter,
Depending on how the pin is set, will determine how the DRC
(Design Rule Check) Interprets the Pin and what connections are
Add the USB-B Connector
It seemed obvious which library contained the Atmel
Atmega8, but now we need to add a USB-B connector.
An easier method than searching each component and
each library is to search the libraries.
Click the Find button to the right of the library
(It doesnt matter which library is selected/active)
Add the USB-B Connector
Type in the
keyword you are
looking for
We are looking for
connector, For
now lets just
search for USB
and narrow down
the search after
NOTE: Using
wildcards * before
and after allow for
words such as
xxxUSBxxx to be
Add the USB-B Connector
The search can take
a while depending on
how many libraries
you are searching
We are searching
through only the
libraries we added to
the project, so it
should happen very
The result of this
search came back
negative, That
means there are no
USB items in any of
our project libraries.
Click the Search tab
in the top right
Add the USB-B Connector
Change the scope
of the search from
available libraries
(available to the
project) to ALL
libraries in the
The path will
automatically be
entered for the
default library
location in Altium
* make sure
subdirectories is
Click the search
Add the USB-B Connector
USB is a very common term, so very quickly the list fills up
Expanding the box to read the description helps with
identifying what each part is (in case names such as 1-
353576-1 mean nothing to you)
We are looking for a SINGLE Through Hole, Right Angle,
USB-B Receptacle socket, which is located at the 8th row
Add the USB-B Connector
Select the 1-
1470156-1 and click
You will get a
message stating that
the library is not
available to the
project, but Altium is
willing to install it for
you, click yes
Click OK again to
add the part
Add the USB-B Connector
The library AMP Serial Bus is added automatically to the
Installed libraries, NOT the project libraries
For ease of future design, it is a good idea to move libraries
added by this method to your ever-growing list of libraries
You can do this by copying the AMP Serial Bus USB from the
path given in the available libraries below
C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Library\Amp
to your custom library in your flash drive
X:\EE495 Altium\EE495 Project\Altium Libraries
Add the USB-B Connector
AMP makes several different libraries, so be sure to copy the
correct one!
Rotating Parts
The easiest way to rotate
parts is to select the item
and hold the left mouse
button down, and tap the
space button, this will rotate
90 degrees each tap.
Another method is to double
click the component to open
up the component properties
window, and in the bottom
left corner you can set the
NOTE: the mirrored tab will
flip the component about its
Component Properties
In the top left corner of the
component properties, you can
set comments, descriptions,
designator values and library link
NOTE: Unique ID is a unique
value which links the schematic
part with the PCB document.
Although there
are three
matches for the
FT232, We are
actually looking
for the FT232RL
as we will see
on the next
FTDI Chip- FT232
Like all aspects
of PCB layout,
you must pay
attention to
every detail on
The datasheet
states that the
FT232RL is a 28-
pin SSOP
Since this
footprint is not
available, we
must create the
part in a custom
FTDI Chip- FT232
Follow the
menu sequence
shown to the
right to create a
new PCB library.
This library will
house ALL of
FTDI Chip- FT232
The new library is
automatically added
to the project.
Fill out the rest of the values, you should get the numbers below
NOTE: Watch as you enter values, the graphic on the right will
dynamically change
FTDI Chip- FT232
Accept the automatically entered values for the next few slides until you get to the slide below
Uncheck the use suggested values and change the name to FT232RL
Click Finish and the part will be added to your library
FTDI Chip- FT232
Your library will automatically open with your new
part included.
Notice how there are two yellow dots , those are pin
1 indicators so the board is assembled properly
You can now be confident that the FT232RL chip will
fit on this footprint
FTDI Chip- FT232
Click the Projects tab on
the bottom left to return
back to the project file
Shown to the
right is the pinout
of the device
obtained from
the datasheet
Creating a Schematic Part
Create a Schematic
library like we
created a PCB
footprint library
Rename the library
to EE495, and
save in the same
directory as the
rest of your
Double click the
schematic library
to open the library,
and then view the
library by clicking
the SCH Library
tab in the bottom
left of the screen
Creating a Schematic Part
The large portion of the screen is for creating your schematic
drawing, the top left part contains all the parts in the library, the
towards the bottom left is the pins and associated function/name
Creating a Schematic Part
Double click the component and enter the values as shown
Creating a Schematic Part
Your component should have a descriptive component name and description such as the one below
This type of
device is
called a
Sparkfun sells
many decent
that are cheap
Programming Interface
If you want,
you can see
the schematic
of the
and integrate
it onto your
As you can
see, this is a
simple device
which would
only add a few
to your project
Programming Interface
Thespecification for
the 2x5 header,
spaced 0.1 apart
perfectly matches
the connection for
the programmer.
Good Bad
Using Net Labels
Ourprogramming connector
now exactly matches the
pinout of the programmer
we selected to buy
Using Net Labels
Make the same net labels on the microcontroller as you did on the
programming connector
Connect the Power and Ground nets as shown below.
The programmer is now electrically connected to the microcontroller
Using Net Labels
Make the same net labels on the microcontroller as you did on the
programming connector
Connect the Power and Ground nets as shown below.
The programmer is now electrically connected to the microcontroller
Reset Pin
The reset pin on the microcontroller is an active low pin,
indicated by the bar above the name
This means the device functions normally as long as the
reset line is held high, and will go into reset mode when
brought low (like rebooting a computer)
Looking at the datasheet, we can see characteristics on
each pin and how it works.
Passive Components
Now we need to add capacitors, resistors, and the LEDs.
Place a part, select the Miscellaneous Devices library, and
scroll down to CAP
Place this part (Dont worry that the footprint isnt SMD
Passive Components
Change the comment to =Value, and
uncheck the visible
Change the value to 0.1uF
Passive Components
Inthe footprint
section, click the
add button to add
our 0805 footprint to
this capacitor
Passive Components
Click browse and make
sure any PCB library is
Select the Chip
Capacitor library, and
choose CC2012-0805
NOTE: This
step is
working with
or PCB Layout
Finished Schematic
Smart PDF
I have included a Smart PDF of
the schematic for this
development board in the
downloads section of the website.
In this PDF file you can select and
zoom in to see parts, nets, etc
Compiling the Project
Compiling the project is fancy
terminology for error checking.
sure your settings
can be fabricated at
a reasonable price
before setting these
Creating the PCB
The wizard is now complete and your PCB is created based on
the values you have given.
Creating the PCB
Right click
on the PCB
Click Board
Creating the PCB
Uncheck Display Sheet (this has a use, but for now we want
to reduce clutter)
Change the markers from lines to dots and click OK.
NOTE: The snap grid and component grid are very important,
we will get into this later though.
Creating the PCB
The PCB has been added to
the list of documents, but
has NOT been added to the
project (Notice it is listed as
a free document)
You will see a second row of green check boxes when you
execute the changes. Again, check for errors by checking the
Only show errors
Creating the PCB
NOTE: Every time you perform an ECO, the results are saved
in a text file in your project directory
Creating the PCB
Export the NETLIST following the menu sequence below (You
must be on the PCB document, not the schematic document
This will export the Netlist to your project directory
Creating the PCB
The Netlist contains information such as
parts, footprint, and value (as shown
Creating the PCB
Italso contains connection
information as shown to the
Each Netlabel (either assigned
by you or the software, every
net has a netlabel) shows which
component and pin number
connects to that node
Obviously a connection like GND
will have many connections, and
netlabels such as MISO might
only have a few (3 in this case)
Creating the PCB
Netlist Connections for Net MISO:
P3 pin 9
P1 pin 5
U1 pin 16
A quick look at the schematic
shows that this net is properly
Creating the Netlist
Fortunately, Altium handles the Netlist
transparently to the end user, but it is important
to at least be familiar with the term and how the
schematic is transferred to the PCB and vice
is called a
Special String
Creating the PCB
Notice how all the parts are placed inside a colored
rectangle box called Main. This is called a ROOM.
Rooms are used to group common circuit types. A
room is created for each schematic page we have
Since we only have one page, called MAIN, there
is only one room
Creating the PCB
Rooms are like borders for your parts. An item inside a
room cannot escape without an error message.
Since we only have one room, we can delete the room
without affecting our layout at all.
Click anywhere in the room and hit the DEL key
The room will disappear and the components will remain
NOTE: You can disable the use of rooms in project options
Creating the PCB
Ifyou hit the L key on the PCB page, it will
bring up the following prompt.
Change the option under mechanical layers
that says Used Layers Only
Creating the PCB
Notice the different tabs at the bottom of the screen.
The selected layer will look different than the others (in
this case, top layer)
Unlike a schematic, which is 2D, a PCB is a 3D entity
with a whole bunch of layers on top of each other.
These layers are all combined to form your PCB.
NOTE: These layers are all color coded!!!!
Creating the PCB
Ifwe zoom in, notice that U2 (The FT232 chip)
has several green pads, and several red pads.
The red pads represent something on the top
layer. But why are some of the pads green ??
Creating the PCB
If we type L again,
it will bring up the
board layer lists.
Since the layers are
color coded, we can
quickly look for the
green one and
notice that this is a
DRC error marker
(Design Rule Check)
For some reason
Altium has a
problem with our
FT232 Chip
Check the boxes for
pad holes and via
Creating the PCB
If we put the mouse over one of the green pads, it will tell us information
about the pad, most importantly it will tell us what the error is
For these pads, there is a clearance constraint error between a pad on the
top layer, and another pad on the top layer
NOTE: It is up to you to decide is this is a real error, or an improperly set
Creating the PCB
Like the schematic, there are rules we need to set.
Click Design > Rules (or) Rules wizard to create/modify
NOTE: The software only creates errors based on your
rules. It is up to you to know if something is OK or not. If
you tell the software that 2 mil traces are OK, the
software will enforce that.
Creating the PCB
expects a
nets of 8
Creating the PCB
Make the following rule changes (from top of list down):
Max Trace Width= 200 mils
Minimum Via Size = 15 mils, Min Via diameter = 30 mils
Maximum Via size = 50 mils, Max Via diameter = 80 mils
Minimum hole size = 15 mils, Max hole size = 200
Creating the PCB
Tryusing trial and
error and change the
setting to 7 mils and
youll notice the error
markers go away.
ThePCB inspector
shows two objects are
PCB Inspector
Change the layer from TOP to
BOTTOM, and all selected objects are
immediately changed to the bottom
This change moved the component
pads from the top of the board to the
bottom of the board and mirrored
PCB Inspector
We can now place R14 and C10 underneath the
USB connector and make the connection from
the bottom of the board.
Repeat this
process with
the bottom
pink line
The board should look something
like this.
Shift and click to select all four pink
Design > Board Shape > Define from selected objects
The board should now be resized
to the new dimensions
Change P1 to PORTB
Change P4 to PORTD
Change P2 to PORTC
Change P3 to ISP (In
circuit serial
Change D9 to TX
Change D10 to RX
Follow the
sequence to
obtain the NC
Drill files first
PCB Complete!
Leave these
values as
default unless
you know what
you are doing
Click OK
PCB Complete!
Leave these
values as
default unless
you know what
you are doing
Click OK
PCB Complete!
A PCB with
only holes in it
should appear.
These holes
match the
holes of your
Go back to the
PCB Complete!
Follow the
sequence to
create the
output Gerber
PCB Complete!
Leave the
values intact
under the
General tab
PCB Complete!
Under the
Layers tab, click
Plot Layers and
you can either
choose ALL ON
If you choose
should manually
check the
bottom two
layers called
GPT Top Pad
GPB Bottom Pad
PCB Complete!
Under Drill
Drawing (This
is different
than NC Drill
files) check the
plot all used
layer pairs in
the two
locations at
the left
PCB Complete!
Under Apertures
make sure
Apertures are
selected (RS274X)
NOTE: Before
RS274X, there was
RS274D, which did
not contain the
Apertures, most
everyone requires
RS274-X format
Ignore the
Advanced tab and
click OK
PCB Complete!
Again, depending
on the complexity
of the design and
the capabilities of
your computer, this
could take hours.
Double click on the text you placed to get the following menu
Special Strings
Shown to the right are all
the available Special
Strings that can be placed
in PCB Entry.
NOTE: This list usually
changes with each
Part 2: Intermediate Guide
Thisportion of the guide contains
more advanced features as is
geared towards:
Hardware Engineers
Signal Integrity Issues
Advanced Altium Designer features
Theimage you want to create a logo out of MUST
be saved as a MONOCHROME BITMAP file. This
can be done by opening the file in MS Paint and
saving the file as shown in the box below
The most requested feature people
want to know is how to implement
a logo in their design. There is a
script located in this directory
C:\Program Files\Altium Designer 6\Examples\
Scripts\Delphiscript Scripts\Pcb\PCB Logo Creator