Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

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A unique disease (syndrome) of pregnant
woman in the second half of pregnancy.
Carries significant maternal & fetal morbidity
and mortality.
Two criteria for diagnosing preeclampsia
hypertension & proteinuria, in eclampsia
tonic and clonic convulsions.
The definite cure of preeclamsia &
eclampsia is delivery.
:-Defenition of preeclampsia

The presence of hypertension of at least

140/90 mm Hg recorded on two separate
occasions at least 4 hours apart and in the
presence of at least 300 mg protein in a
24 hours collection of urine arrising de novo
after the 20th week gestation in a previously
normotensive women and resolving
completetly by the sixth postpartum week .
Classification of
disorders of pregnancy
Preeclampsia / eclampsia
Chronic hypertension
Chronic hypertension with
Gestational or transient hypertension
:-Aetiology of preeclampsia
)Genetic predisposition(
)Abnormal immunological response(
)Deficient trophoplast invasion(
)Hypoperfused placenta(
)Circulating factors(
)Vascular endothelial cell activation(
)Clinical manifestations of the disease (
3% of pregnancies.
More common in primigravid
There is 3-4 fold increase in first degree
relatives of affected women.
Risk Factors for preeclampsia
Condition in which the placenta is
enlarged (DM,MP,hydrops)
Pre-existing hyertension or renal diseases .
Pre-existing vascular disease
(diabetes,autoimmune vasculitis)

Defective trophoplast invasion hypoperfused

placenta release factors (growth factors,
Cytokines) vascular endothelial cell
Vasospasm hypertension
Endothelial cell damage oedema,
proteinuria,reduced uric excretion and oligouria.
Liver,subendothelial fibrin deposition
elevated liver,hemorrhage,infarction,liver
rupture and epigastric pain.
Blood thrombocytopenia,DIC,HELLP
Placental vasospasm placental
infarction,placental abruptio&
uteroplacental perfusion IUGR.
CNS vasospasm&oedema headache,
visual symptons(blurred vision,spots,
.scotoma) hyperreflexia and convulsions
Symptoms of preeclampsia
1. Headache
2. May be symptomless
3. Visual symptoms
4. Epigastric and right abdominal pain
Signs of preeclampsia
1. Hypertension
2. Non dependent oedema
3. Brisk reflexes
4. Ankle clonus(more than 3 beats)
5. Fundal height
Urinalysis by dipstick
24hours urine collection
Full blood count(platelets&haematocrit)
Renal function(uric acid,s.creatinine,urea)
Liver function tests
Coagulation profile
1. Uss(growth parameters,fetal size,AF)
2. CTG
3. BPP
4. Doppler

Management of preeclampsia
Early recognition of the syndrome
Awarness of the serious nature of the condition
Adherence to agreed guidelines(protocol)
Well timed delivery
Postnatal follow up and counselling for future pregnancy
REMEMBER: Delivery is the only cure for preeclampsia
A Mild preeclampsia
Diastolic blood pressure 90-95mmhg
minimal proteinurea,normal heamatological
and biochemical parameters,no fetal
.compromise.Deliver at term
,B severe preeclampsia (BP>160/110MMHG
+ )urine protein 5grams 3
Abnormal haematological and biochemical
parameters,abnormal fetal findings
Control blood pressure(aim to keep . 1
) BP 90-95mmgh
agent action dose Side effect comment

Methyl central 500-4000 dpression Late onset

dopa mg 24hours

hydralazine Direct 5mg10mg ,Headache Drug of

vasodilator Flushing emergency

labetalol Beta&alpha 20mg Nausea Avoid in

blocker 40mg every Vomiting h.Failure
10m h.block b.asthma

nifedipine .5mg sub Severe For

blocker headache emergency
Transfer patient to tertiary center if her
.Condition permits
If fetus is preterm give mother 12mg
Dexamethasone im twice 12hs apart to
.enhance lung maturity
.Deliver c/s or vaginal
.Avoid ergometrine in 3rd stage
.Give anticoagulant
:-Complications of preeclampsia
HEELP syndrome
Pulmonary oedema
Adult RDS
Renal failure
Abruptio placenta
Is a life threatening complications of
preeclampsia,defined as tonic,clonic
convulsions in a pregnant woman in the
absence of any other neurological or
metabolic causes.It is an obstetric
It occurs antenatal,intrapartum,postpartum
)after delivery 24-48hs(
Management(carried out by a team)
1.Turn the patient on her side
2.Ensure clear airway(suction,mouth gag)
3.Maintain iv access
4.Stop fits(mag.sul,diazepam)
5.Control BP(hydralazine,labetalol)
6.Intake & output chart
clotting profile,cross match)
8.Monitor patient and her fetus
9.After stabilization(BPcontrolled,no
convulsions,hypoxia controlled) deliver
Drug of choice in ecclampsia
Given iv,im(4-6gr bolus dose,1-2gr
Acts as cerebral vasodilator and
menbrane stabilizer
Over dose lead to respiratory depression

and cardiac arrest

Monitor patient(reflexes,RR,urine output)
Antidote cal.gluconate 10ml 10%.
Dr.Ghada Abed Almalki
Ob/Gyne demonstrator

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