Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
A unique disease (syndrome) of pregnant
woman in the second half of pregnancy.
Carries significant maternal & fetal morbidity
and mortality.
Two criteria for diagnosing preeclampsia
hypertension & proteinuria, in eclampsia
tonic and clonic convulsions.
The definite cure of preeclamsia &
eclampsia is delivery.
:-Defenition of preeclampsia
Management of preeclampsia
Early recognition of the syndrome
Awarness of the serious nature of the condition
Adherence to agreed guidelines(protocol)
Well timed delivery
Postnatal follow up and counselling for future pregnancy
REMEMBER: Delivery is the only cure for preeclampsia
A Mild preeclampsia
Diastolic blood pressure 90-95mmhg
minimal proteinurea,normal heamatological
and biochemical parameters,no fetal
.compromise.Deliver at term
,B severe preeclampsia (BP>160/110MMHG
+ )urine protein 5grams 3
Abnormal haematological and biochemical
parameters,abnormal fetal findings
Control blood pressure(aim to keep . 1
) BP 90-95mmgh
agent action dose Side effect comment