BirthOFstars Quasars
BirthOFstars Quasars
BirthOFstars Quasars
How Stars
are Born?
e all it takes
to cre te
STAR The Gas in Nebula consists of molecules of hydrogen
and helium. (but most nebulae also contain
atoms of other elements, as well as some
surprisingly complex organic molecules.)
The gas and dust inside Electrons are stripped off the
Gravity brings matter together
the ball bump into one atoms of hydrogen. The positively
another causing the charged hydrogen nuclei move
temperature to rise. faster and faster crashing into
one another so hard that protons
in the center or core of the nuclei
fuse (join) forming helium nuclei.
- is a very young star that is still
gathering mass from its parent
molecular cloud.
- an early stage in the formation
of a star.
What is a Quasar?
A quasar
- believed to be a supermassive black hole
surrounded by an accretion disk.
An accretion disk
- is a flat, disk-like structure of gas that
rapidly spirals around a larger object,
like a black hole, a new star, a white dwarf, etc.
Quasars appear to be a particular class ofactive galaxies,
and a general consensus has emerged that in many
cases it is simply the viewing angle that distinguishes
them from other classes, such as (quasars, blazarsand
radio galaxies). The huge luminosity of quasars is
believed to be a result of friction caused by gas and
dust falling into theaccretion disksof supermassive
black holes, which can convert about half of the mass of
an object into energy as compared to a few percent for
nuclear fusionprocesses.
Different viewpoint of Quasar
The light, radiation and radio waves from these
galaxies and stars being absorbed into a black hole
travel billions of light years through space.
Irregular Galaxies
have no regular or symmetrical structure.
Spiral Galaxies
have three main components: a bulge, disk,
and halo