Obstetrics Study Guide 2: in The Name of God
Obstetrics Study Guide 2: in The Name of God
Obstetrics Study Guide 2: in The Name of God
1- All India Medical Pre PG. Fetal maturity &length of foetus. 2007.
See: www.aippg.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33005
2-Brinholz J. Gestational age.American Journal of Roentgenography. 1984. 142 (4): 849
3- Cunningham G, Gant N, Leveno K, et al. Williams Obsterics. 22nd Ed . New York : Mc
Graw Hill, 2005.
4- Durham J .Transition to Parenthood: How accurate is your due date. 2004
see: www.transitiontoparenthood.com/ttp/parented/pregnancy/duedate.htm and
5- Friedman E. Obstetrical Decision Making. Harvard Medical School. 1981
6- Military Obstetrics and Gynecology. BrooksidePress. Estimating Gestational age.
See: www.brooksidepress.org/.../Pregnancy /estimating_ gestational_age.htm
7-Mitchell P. A Comparison of Gestational Age Information Derived from the Birth
Certificate, 1990 1998 . Alaska Vital Sign.2000. 8 (1):1-7
See: www.hss.state.ak.us/dph/bvs/PDFs/vitalsigns/avs_0801.pdf
8- Mittendorf R, Williams M, Berkey C, Cotter P. . The Length of Uncomplicated Human
Gestation. Obstetrics & Gynecology.1990 . 75(6):929-932
Pictures and material on Breech and C/S are adapted from emedicine e-
Journal with permission:
9-Fischer R. Breech Presentation.emedicine.2006
10- Sehdev H. Cesarean Delivery. emedicine. 2005
Gestational Age
1- Ngeles Rule
This was developed in the 1850s by Dr. Ngele.
To calculate this, one should add 7 days, and
then subtract 3 months from LMP.
((LMP + 7 days) - 3 months) = Expected Date
of Delivery
Example: ((the LMP on 1st April + 7 days) - 3
months) = January 8
This rule doesnt take into account the fact
that many women are uncertain of the date of
their last menstrual period, not all women have
28 day cycles, and not all women ovulate on
day 14 of their cycle.
2- Mittendorfs Rule
To calculate Mittendorfs Rule, one
should add 15 days for first time
Caucasian women, or add 10 days if
non-white or this is not the first baby.
Then subtract 3 months.
((LMP + 15 days) - 3 months) =
Expected Date of Delivery for first time
pregnant Caucasian women
Example: (( LMP on 1st April + 15 days)
- 3 months) = January 16
3- Ultrasound:
Nagele Rule
Gathering other data:
1-Date of intercourse
Matches clinical 2- Date of positive
gestational age Pregnancy test
3-Signs of pregnancy
4-First heard FHR
6-Rate of uterine growth
Doesnt match with
clinical gestational age
Sample Chorioamnionitis
General: condition/position/diet=NPO
Lab: CBC diff, MP, WW, B/C X2, U/A ,
IV : 1000cc Ringer +10 units of oxytocin
start at
2 drops /min, add 2 drops every 15 min if
FHR and contractions are normal
Amp ampicillin 2gr iv qid +gentamicin im 80mg
stat then 60 mg TDS
AMP clindamycin 900 mg iv TDS for allergic
women to penicillin(continue antibiotics after
delivery until the mother is a febrile
OTHER: Control of vital sign hourly
Induction Indications
1) Membrane rupture without
spontaneous onset of labor
2) Maternal hypertension
3) Nonreassuring fetal status
4) Postterm gestation
5) Elective induction for the
convenience of mother or the
practitioner is not recommended.
Induction contraindications
1) Classical incision or uterine surgery
2) Placenta previa
3) Appreciable macrosomia,
Mal presentations
1) Non reassuring fetal status
2) CPD
3) Active genital herpes in mother
E2 gel (dinoprostone)
Intracervical gel(Prepidil ):2.5 mL/0.5
Vaginal insert(cervidil) 10 mg
The insert provides slower release of
E2 administration
An observation period ranging from
30 minutes to 2 hours for uterine
activity and FHR may be prudent.
Oxytocin induction should be delayed
for 6 to 12 hours.
Cautions in patients with glucoma,
severe hepatic or renal impairment,
or asthma are needed.
E1 misoprostol(cytotec)
Oral , intravaginal but not
Possibly superior to E2 gel
25 mcg intravaginal dose
100 mcg oral
Bishop Scoring System
max=13, min=0
Scor dil ef St. Cervical Cervic
e consiste al
ncy positi
0 Close 0-30 -3 Firm Posteri
d or
1 1-2 40-50 -2 Medium Mid
2 3-4 60-70 -1 Soft Anterio
Oxytocin contraindications
1) ab fetal presentations
2) marked uterine over distension
3) Six or more previous pregnancies
4) Previous uterine scar and a live
5) CPD
Oxytocin regimens
Low dose: start with 0.5-1 mu/min (one drop)
add 1 mu/min every 30-40 min up to 20
Low dose: start with 1-2 mu/min (two drops)
add 2 mu/min every 15 min up to 20 mu/min
High dose: start with 6 mu/min (12 drops)
add 6 or3 or1 mu/min (according to the
presence of recurring hyperstimulation)every
15-40 min up to 42 mu/min.
When hyperstimulation occurs the infusion
rate is halved.
Mean half life 5 min,
10-20 units (10000 to
20000 mu) mixed into
1000 mL of lactated Ringer
solution which makes a 10-
20 mu/mL.
Indication for forceps or
vacuum delivery
Classification of forceps
or vacuum
Outlet: scalp is visible at the introitus
without separating the labia
Low: leading point of fetal skull is at
station=>+2cm and not on the pelvic
Mid forceps: station above +2cm but
head is
High: not included in the classification
Contraindication for
vacuum delivery
1) Nonvertex presentations
2) Extreme prematurity
3) Fetal coagulopathies
4) known macrosomia
5) Above zero stations
6) Lack of experienced operator who
would abandoned the procedure if it
does not proceed easily or if the cup
pops off more than three times.
Vacuum technique
The center of the cup should be over the
sagittal suture and about 3 cm in front of the
posterior fontanel.
The full circumference of the cup should be
palpated both prior to as well as after the
vacuum has been created and prior to traction.
The suction should be increased to a negative
pressure of 0.8 kg/cm .
Traction should be coordinated with maternal
expulsive efforts.
Breech Presentation
Pictures and material are adapted
from :
Fischer R. Breech
with permission
Breech presentation occurs in 3-4%
of all deliveries.
25% of births prior to 28 weeks'
7% of births at 32 weeks' gestation
1-3% of births at term
Predisposing factors
1) Fetus to AF ratio(prematurity,
2) Intrauterine space(uterine
malformations or fibroids, placenta
previa, multiple gestation)
3) and fetal abnormalities (eg, CNS
malformations, neck masses,