Indonesian Values and Ideology: Course Outline
Indonesian Values and Ideology: Course Outline
Indonesian Values and Ideology: Course Outline
To understand the values and ideology of Indonesia and the changes that
occur can be seen from the history of a place in Indonesian society over
time, including changes in the system of the Indonesian government after
independence. The change of Indonesian values also influenced by
culture with its elements that cause the formation of the culture. The
existence and practice of negative values cause many problems in society
and government as an authoritarian system of government, corruption,
collusion and nepotism, separatism, anarchism, criminal actions and
Therefore to prevent the existence of negative values is then subject
Indonesian values and ideology directed to Civic education. Civic
education is one of the compulsory course for all Students on
undergraduate programs.This course has purpose to equip and enrich the
knowledge and ability of the students about economical, political and
legal system in Indonesia, the relationship between citizens and the state
as well as a preliminary national defense education in order to be a
civilized citizen who love his country.
After following this course students are expected to have an insight and a
high national consciousness, able to act intelligently, global-minded,
patriotic spirit, respect to human rights comprehensively thought-integral
based on four pillars of national and state the philosophy of Pancasila, the
1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia, national unity to achieve
goals and national objectives.
Standards of Competency:
Students who take the course are expected to:
Having understanding about the history of Indonesia society after
its independence
Having understanding that change the values of Indonesia also
influenced by culture with its elements
Having understanding about the existence and practice of negative
values cause many problems in society and government
Having knowledge about the importance of Citizenship Education
for students
Has the attitude and behavior in accordance with human rights
Have awareness of rights and obligations as a citizen
Have the awareness to defend the country
Have awareness of democracy
Have an overview of the national Indonesian insights
Have the motivation to participate for achieving Indonesias
Have the motivation to participate in realizing Politics and National
History of Indonesian society after its
Indonesian values influenced by culture
Negative values caused some problematic in
Economic System in Indonesia
MIDLE TEST 28th October 8th November 2013
Understanding 4 Pillars Stateless (Pancasila,
Constitution of 1945, Unity in Diversity, NKRI)
Rule of Law and Democracy
Indonesia Customs and Religion
Geopolitics and Geostrategy of Indonesia
FINAL TEST 13 17 January 2014
Sources of material:
Eko Riyadi (ed.), Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia, Yogyakarta: PUSHAM-UII, 2008.
Pimpinan MPR dan Tim Kerja Sosialisasi MPR Periode 2009-2014, Empat Pilar
Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara, Sekretariat Jenderal MPR-RI, 2012.
Constitution of Republic of Indonesia Year 1945
The Act Number 39 Year 1999 about Human Rights
The Act Number 26 Year 2000 about Human Rights Court
Learning contract
Sub Topics:
Post Revolution
New Order (Orde Baru)
Indonesia in Transition (1998-1999)
Reformation Era (1999-nowdays)
Since 1999, people also wanted the state respect, guarantee and fulfill to
human rights of citizen. Legislative body has released the Law Number 39
Year 1999 about Human Rights, and the Law Number 26 Year 2000 about
Human Rights Court and some International Human Rights conventions has
been ratified.