Palmoplantar Pustulosis. Power Point Newww

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Palmoplantar pustulosis

Indra Gunawan
110 206 119
A.Trisna Nurdjaja 110 208 050
Sry Wahyuni
110 208 059
dr. Junia Kirana
Supervisor :
dr. Alwi Mappiasse, Sp.KK, Ph.D, FINSDV

Palmoplantar pustulosis is a common condition
in which erythematous and scaly plaques studded
with sterile pustules persist on the palms or soles.
PPP is a kind of clinical feature from local

Epidemiology PPP has worldwide distribution. This
is a rare condition, but the exact incidence is unknown.
The prevalence of women is higher than men, with a
ratio of about 3 : 1. This disease occurs mostly between
the ages of 20 years to 60 years. This condition rarely
occurs after the sixth decade, and 10 percent of the
patients were before age 20 years


Imunologic factor
Genetic factor : family history of psoriasis
Precipitating factors : Trauma, Infections,
Hormonal, Sunray, Smoke and alcohol, Stress, Antimalarial drugs, blockers, IFN- and Lithium can
aggravate psoriasis

Clinical features
The primary lesions are pustules of nearly equal size

measuring 2 mm to 4 mm in diameter.
Crops of pustules usually arise within a few hours on the
typical-appearing palmar and plantar skin.
Involvement usually symmetric
Single lesions then become surrounded by an erythematous
Episode of new pustular eruption occur at varying intervals
and remain strictly confined to the sites of predilection

Palmoplantar pustulosis on the


Palmoplantar pustulosis on the


Examination Support
1. Histopathology

In the epidermal cavity scattered polymorphonuclear leukocytes with spongiform

changes around the epidermis. Eusinofil and increased mast cells in the skin
biopsi palmoplantar pustulosis

Laboratory Examination
a. Complete Blood Examination: increased leukocyte
b. KOH smear
c. Culture bacteria or viruses
d. Dermatopathology

1. Topikal
a. Topical Steroids
b. Preparat Ter
2. Systemic;
3. Radiotherapy

Differential Diagnosis
1. Tinea Manum

Interdigitalis dermatophyte infection in the area, and the

palmar surface of the dorsum manus
- Common causes are fungal groups Tricophyton
- Acute form of the form of vesicles on the lateral side of
the hand and palmar finger
- Vesicles desquamation, erythema picture macula covered
thick white squama

Image: Tinea Manum

2. Discoid Eczema
- Lesions is less well defined, may be exudative, crusting, a
'drip wax', and very itchy.
Lesions do not appear on the scalp, elbows and knee
extensor aspects but rather to the body and the proximal

Image: Discoid Eczema

- Palmoplantar pustulosis usually occurs in the long term.
- Spontaneous remission occurs occasionally but often
transient and permanent.
- Slow or wide spread can be refractory to treatment

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