Quality Management: Farhad Amin Mba (Bu)

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What is Quality

Means the degree to which the

product meet the requirement off the


to ISO quality Means the

totality of features and characteristic of
a product or services that bear on its
ability to satisfy a given need.


Process include planning

organizing, directing and controlling

Definition Quality

Management activities and functions

involved in determination of quality
policy and its implementation through
means such as quality planning and
quality assurance (including quality


It was during this time that Japan was faced with a harsh
industrial economic environment. Its citizens were thought
to be largely illiterate, and its products were known to be of
low quality. Key businesses in Japan saw these deficiencies
and looked to make a change. Relying on pioneers in
statistical thinking, companies such as Toyota integrated the
idea of quality management and quality control into their
production processes.

By the end of the 1960s, Japan completely flipped its

narrative and became known as one of the most efficient
export countries, with some of the most admired products.
The effective quality management resulted in better
products that could be produced at a cheaper price.

Significance of Quality
There are four basic Reason


To win the credibility and get repeated customer


To charge premium price


Meeting Standards


Customer Expectations


Reduce wastage

Quality Characteristics of Good and


Performance: Performance refers to a product's primary

operating characteristics. This dimension of quality involves
measurable attributes; brands can usually be ranked objectively
on individual aspects of performance.

Features: Features are additional characteristics that enhance

the appeal of the product or service to the user.

Reliability: Reliability is the likelihood that a product will not fail

within a specific time period. This is a key element for users who
need the product to work without fail.

Conformance: Conformance is the precision with which the

product or service meets the specified standards.

Durability: Durability measures the length of a products life. When

the product can be repaired, estimating durability is more
complicated. The item will be used until it is no longer economical
to operate it. This happens when the repair rate and the associated
costs increase significantly.

Serviceability: Serviceability is the speed with which the product

can be put into service when it breaks down, as well as the
competence and the behavior of the serviceperson.

Aesthetics: Aesthetics is the subjective dimension indicating the

kind of response a user has to a product. It represents the
individuals personal preference.

Perceived Quality: Perceived Quality is the quality attributed to a

good or service based on indirect measures.

Services Quality

Service quality(SQ) is a comparison of expectations

(E) with performance (P) SQ=P-E

From the viewpoint of

business administration, service quality is an achievem
ent in
customer service

Services quality can be defined from 2 prospective


User or Customer Point of View


Manufacturer Point of View

User Point Of View

A Services offering that meets the customer
need and want to his complete satisfaction is
quality services
Different Customer have different need and
want because of that it is difficult to satisfy
those needs and wants.

Manufacturer Point Of View

It emphasizes cost effectiveness and
productivity rather than customers need and

Characteristics of Services

TANGIBLES-Appearance of physical facilities, equipment,

personnel, and communication materials

RELIABILITY-Ability to perform the promised service dependably

and accurately

RESPONSIVENESS-Willingness to help customers and provide

prompt service

ASSURANCE-Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their

ability to convey trust and confidence

EMPATHY-Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its


Gaps in Service Quality




1. Consumer expectation
mgmt. perception

The service features offered dont

meet customer needs

Lack of marketing research; inadequate upward

communication; too many levels between contact personnel
and management

2. Management
perception service
quality specification

The service specifications defined do

not meet managements perceptions
of customer expectations

Resource constraints; management indifference; poor

service design

3. Service quality
specification service

Specifications for service meet

customer needs but service delivery
is not consistent with those

Employee performance is not standardized; customer

perceptions are not uniform

4. Service delivery
external communication

The service does not meet customer

expectations, which have been
influenced by external communication

Marketing message is not consistent with actual service

offering; promising more than can be delivered

5. Expected service
perceived service

Customer judgments of high/low

quality based on expectations vs.
actual service

A function of the magnitude and direction of the gap

between expected service and perceived service

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