A Presentation ON Chapter 16: Cost Evaluation

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ROLL NO.: 153670

Book Referred: Engineering Design by

George E. Dieter
Fourth Edition

Topics Covered:
16.6 Make-Buy
Decision 795
16.7 Manufacturing
Cost.. 796
16.8 Product Profit
Model 797
16.8.1 Profit
Improvement.. 801


The parts that go into a product fall into three categories related to whether they should be made
in-house or purchased from suppliers:
1)Parts for which there is no in-house process capability obviously need to be purchased from
2)Parts that are critical to the quality of the product, involve proprietary manufacturing methods
or materials, or involve a core technical competency need to be made in-house.
3) Parts other than those in the previous categories, the majority of parts, offer no compelling
reason to either use in-house manufacture or purchase from a supplier. The decision is usually
based on which approach is least costly to obtain quality parts.
Today the make-buy decision is being made not just with respect to suppliers in the vicinity of
the manufacturers plant, but in locations anywhere in the world where low-cost labor and
manufacturing skill exist. This phenomenon of offshoring is made possible by rapid
communication via the Internet and cheap water transportation with container ships.

Advantages of Outsourcing
1)Lower cost of manufacture provides lower prime costs (materials and labor),
especially with overseas suppliers.
2)Suppliers can provide special expertise in design and manufacturing that the
product developer may not have.
3)Outsourcing provides increased manufacturing flexibility due to reduction in
fixed costs. This lowers the breakeven point for a product.
4)Manufacturing in a foreign country may result in access to a foreign market
for the product.

Disadvantages of Outsourcing
1)Outsourcing results in a loss of in-house design and manufacturing knowledge that
is transferred to the supplier, and maybe to your competitors.
2)It is more difficult to improve design for manufacture when in-house manufacturing
capability is gone.
3)Possible unsatisfactory quality.
4)In offshoring, the supply chain is much longer. There is always a danger of delays
in supply due to delay in gaining entry into port, strikes on the docks, and severe
weather in transit.
5)Also, offshoring may present such issues as currency exchange, communication in
a different language and business culture, and the added expense in coordinating
with an external supplier.


A basic equation for the unit manufacturing cost of a part is:
m weight of material,
CM - cost of the material,
f - fraction of material that ends up as scrap,
CL labor cost,
n- production rate,
k -number of times the tooling must be replaced because of wear,
CT - tooling cost,
CC - cost of capital equipment, and
L- load factor
two- capital write-off time
COH overhead cost

However, when detailed cost estimates are made by aggregating the cost of operation
elements, the accuracy of predictions is greatly increased, and the equation for unit product
cost is more straightforward:

CM- material cost per unit,

CL- is the labor cost per unit, and
OHF- factory overhead

tp=t0, time to complete all operations to make

the part,
cL- direct labor wage rate,
Csu - total cost of machine setup for the process
OHL- overhead on labor cost

V- volume of the part,

cm- material cost per unit weight,
material density,
f - fraction of scrap,
OHm- material overhead to account for
the procurement, inspection, storage,
interest on this inventory, and material
handling costs,
B-purchase cost of components,
OHb -overhead on B


Product cost to produce NP units of product:
T- one-time costs for equipment and tooling,
M- marketing and sales costs,
OHC- corporate overhead costs,
CD- cost for developing the product and providing modest product updates
A simple profit model for the product can be developed as:
(1) Net sales = (number of units sold) (sales price)
(2) Cost of product sold= (number of units sold) (unit cost)
(3) Gross margin= Net sales Cost of product sold
(4) Operating expenses = tooling + marketing + corp. OH development
(5) Operating income (profit) = gross margin operating expenses
Percentage profit = (profit/net sales) 100

Cost projections for a
consumer product.

Trade-off Studies
The four key objectives associated with developing a new product are:
1) Bringing the cost of the product under the agreed-upon target cost.
2) Producing a quality product that exceeds the expectation of the customer.
3) Conducting an efficient product development process that brings the product to market,
on schedule.
4) Completing the development process within the approved budget for the product.
Typical shortfalls from plan:

A 50% cost overrun in development cost.

A 5% cost overrun in unit cost.
A 10% reduction in sales due to poor performance and customer acceptance.
A 3-month delay in introducing the product into the marketplace.

16.8.1 Profit Improvement

Three strategies commonly used to achieve increased profits are:
(1) increased prices,
(2) increased sales,
(3) and reduced cost of product sold.
Example 16.8 shows the impact of changes in these factors on the profit using
the profit model.


For more accurate cost evaluations following refinements to cost estimating methods are to be
(1) Adjustments for cost inflation,
(2) Relationships between product or part size and cost, and
(3) Reduction in manufacturing costs because of learning.
(1) Adjustments for cost inflation- Cost Indexes
Because the purchasing power of money decreases with time, all published cost data are out
of date. To compensate for this, cost indexes are used to convert past costs to current costs.
The cost at time 2 is the cost at time 1 multiplied by the ratio of the cost indexes.

Consumer Price Index, India

In India, the Consumer Price Index or CPI measures changes in the
prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services.

16.9.2 Cost-Size Relationships- economy of scale

The cost of most capital equipment is not directly proportional to the size or capacity of the
equipment. For example, doubling the horsepower of a motor increases the cost by only
about one-half. This economy of scale is an important factor in engineering design. The costcapacity relation usually is expressed by

where C0 is the cost of equipment at size or capacity L0 . The exponent x varies from about
0.4 to 0.8, and it is approximately 0.6 for many items of process equipment. For that reason,
the above relation. often is referred to as the six-tenths rule. Values of x for different types
of equipment are given in Table 16.4.

Logically, cost indexes can be combined with cost-size relationships to provide for cost
inflation as well as economy of scale:

The six-tenths rule applies only to large process or factory-type equipment. It does not
apply to individual machine parts or smaller kinds of mechanical systems like
transmissions. To a first approximation, the material cost of a part, MtC, is proportional to
the volume of the part, which in turn is proportional to the cube of a characteristic
dimension, L . Thus, the material cost increases as a power of its dimension.

Where, for steel gear,

n=2.4, for diameters (50 to 200) mm
n=3.0, for diameters (600 to 1500) mm

In another example of a cost growth law, the production cost, PC , for machining, based on
time to complete an operation, might be expected to vary with the surface area of the part,
i.e., with L2

where, p depends on processing condition:

p=2, for finish machining and grinding
p=3, for rough machining, where the depth of cut is much deeper.

16.9.3 Learning Curve- (product improvement curve)

A common observation in a manufacturing situation is that as the workers gain
experience in their jobs they can make or assemble more product in a given
unit of time. That, of course, decreases costs. This learning is due to an
increase in the workers level of skill, to improved production methods that
evolve with time, and to better management practices involving scheduling
and other aspects of production planning. The extent and rate of improvement
also depend on such factors as the nature of the production process, the
standardization of the product design, the length of the production run, and the
degree of harmony in worker- management relationships.

An 80 percent
learning curve.

The learning curve is expressed by-

y = kxn
y= production effort (expressed either as h/unit or $/unit)
k= effort to manufacture the first unit of production (time or money)
x=unit number, e.g., x =5 or x =45
n=negative slope of the learning curve (expressed as a decimal)

Standard learning
curves .

Learning curves are exponential and are linear when plotted on log-log coordinates. It can
be observed that a 60 percent learning curve gives a greater cost reduction than an 80
percent learning curve and so on.

Learning curve expressed as the cumulative average hours to make N units:

In constructing learning curves from historical data we are more likely to find records of
cumulative total hours than the hours to build each unit.
The total hours, Tc , required to manufacture a cumulative total of N units is given by:
The average time to produce N parts, Ta, is:

An approximation for above equation when N is greater than 20 is:


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