Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (A.R.T.)
Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (A.R.T.)
Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (A.R.T.)
Whether Pre-implantation Genetic (PGD) is the
appropriate method for Kapoors to use it as
assisted reproductive technologies.
Genetic testing such as reimplantation genetic diagnosis
(PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) can
help detect known genetic diseases or chromosomal
Identifies abnormal embryos, preventing unhealthy
embryos from being transferred to uterus.
Reduces multiple pregnancy risk by identifying healthy
embryos for implantation.
Decreases risk to couples or individuals with serious
inherited disorders of having children affected with
same problem.
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990.
- Had been updated and modernise where it is
known as human fertilisation and Embryology
Act 2008.
- guidelines on fertility treatment for all clinics.
Laura Riley, director of Progress Educational
Trust, commented that the House of Lords
decision 'should be applauded', but said that
'unfortunately for the Hashmis themselves, their
attempts to have a healthy child who could also
help save the life of their son Zain have been
severely hampered by pro-life group Core's
efforts, over the last two and a half years, to deny
the legitimacy of this procedure.
Under the civil laws, there are no legislations,
which directly governs either the act of surrogacy
or the status of a child resulting from such an
arrangement. The relevant legislation which
governs family matters amongst the non-Muslim
population in Malaysia is the Law Reform
(Marriage and Divorce) Act 0f 1976 whilst the
Muslims are bound by the Shari`ah law either
those which had been legislated or not.
UKs Court of Appeal have overturn the decision
in Hashmis case.
Thus allow PGD to be practise in UK.
In UK position, Kapoors is allowed to do PGD.
Because Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor are non-muslim, applying Section
87 of Law Reform Marriage Act 1976, they are married couple
who take the defected gene from the same embryo of the mother.
Their designed child are still their valid child because the gene
are origin from the Mrs Kapoor, only being treated to obtained
disease-free gene and perfected the blood match to cure their son
If Kapoors are Muslim or mamak, it is prohibited to them to use
PGD as treatment merely to get perfect hindustani son.
However, because their son Devs life are threatened and in
dangerous situation, they may use PGD as alternative to save Dev
based on Shariah Law ruling.
PGD is the most suitable treatment because the
method used is detecting the defected genes and
prevent them from being transferred into the uterus.
This method can be apply to the newborn baby to
ensure the genes in the embryo did not contained
any disease and provide perfect blood match of
tissues to be transferred to Dev to save his life.
The blood transfusion can be done by creation of
such perfect embryo in favour of Mr and Mrs.
Kapoors Devs need
PGD are the best method to provide cure for Mr. and
Mrs. Kapoors son, Dev, where it will be done to obtain a
perfect blood match for Dev.
In UK position, it was allowed for Kapoors couple as the
decision are based on pro life procedure which require
method to save the childs life.
In Malaysia position, the designed child are still treated
as a valid child of Kapoors because it was treated from
the mothers embryo.
Madam cakap
Focus on Adam Nash case
Application sekalikan UK/Malaysia just apply
If the question used non-Muslim, no need
Muslim law on PGD
Benefits and risk/harm of PGD not necessary
just focused on Legal/ethical issue
Muhsin hebat