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ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos
(custom or habit)

is concerned with questions of how people ought to act, and

search of right conduct and good life

Is a practical science that guide us in our actions that we may live

rightly and well


Latin word mos meaning custom

Principles or habits with respect to right or wrong

conduct. While morals also prescribe dos and donts,
morality is ultimately a personal compass of right or


What are they?

The rules of conduct

recognized in respect to
a particular class of
human actions or a
particular group or

Where do they
come from?

Social system - External

Why we do it?

Because society says it

is the right thing to do.

Ethics are
dependent on others

for definition. They tend

to be consistent within a
certain context, but can


Principles or habits with

respect to right or
wrong conduct. While
morals also prescribe
dos and don'ts, morality
is ultimately a personal
compass of right and

Individual Internal
Because we
believe in
something being
right or wrong.
Usually consistent,
although can change if
an individuals beliefs




Ethics are governed by

professional and legal
guidelines within a
particular time and

cultural norms

Ethics compared to other sciences


Ethics is the study of

correct action or doing,
while logic studies the
process of correct and
organized thinking.

Doing follow thinking

Ethics and Psychology

Psychology studies how man
behaves, while ethics studies how
man ought to behave.
Psychology is not interested in the
morality of human behavior, while
ethics is concerned with mans moral
obligation or the result of his
Psychology on the other hand is the
scientific study of mental and
behavioral characteristics associated
with a particular kind of behavior.

Ethics and
Sociology deals with the study of
social order while ethics deals
with the study of moral order in
the society. There is no social
order if there is no moral order.
Therefore, the foundation of any
society depends on the moral
values of people and their
perspective concept of what is
good and bad in human

Ethics and Economics

Economics as a science deals with
the study of wages, labor,
production, and distribution of
wealth. These involves
relationship among individuals
At the heart of these behavior
are moral norms and moral
values that should guide people
behavior as they relate with

There are three ways in which ethics enters


1. Economist have ethical values that help

shape the way they do economics.

Economic actors (consumers, workers,

business owners) have ethical values
that help shape their behavior.
Economic institutions and policies
impact people differentially and
thus, ethical evaluation, are

Ethics and Law

Ethics deals with morality,
and when we speak
morality, we mean
primarily the moral law.
Law may be define as
crystallized ethics.
Laws are intended to regulate the
external actions of man while
ethics investigates and probes
the internal disposition of man,
such as his motivations and his

Ethics and Religion

Ethics is a discipline on set of oral

principles and values governing an
individual or institution behavior.
Religion generally refers to the
service and worship of God (or
some other object) and is typically
expressed as a personal or
institutional set of beliefs,
attitudes, and practices
Ethics and Religion have the same end or
purpose- that is the attainment of mans
happiness in this life and beyond, lastly,
Ethics and Religion prescribe right living as
the means of attaining the goal of man in
this world.

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