Blood Pressure Regulation Mechanisms

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The key takeaways are that blood pressure is related to the force exerted by blood on vessel walls, and there are two main types of blood pressure - static and dynamic.

The two main types of blood pressure are static pressure, from the blood distending the vessel, and dynamic pressure, from the movement of blood particles along the vessel.

Blood pressure decreases along a blood vessel due to increased velocity and decreased lateral pressure according to Bernoulli's principle. Narrowing of vessels further decreases pressure at the constriction.

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

 Pressure is force on an area

 If there is a fluid in a container

we measure the pressure
on the surface area of the container.

 That pressure is related to

the number of particles that crash into
that surface area per unit time
Blood Pressure

 Pressure in the reservoir is easy

 Since there is no net flow, the force on all sides of the

reservoir is equal. Thus, measuring pressure anywhere
measures pressure.
Blood Pressure

 Pressure in a pipe is hard

 Since there is net flow, there are fewer particles hitting the
inflow area than the wall and more particles hitting the
outflow area than the wall.
Blood Pressure

 There are two types of pressure:

 Static Pressure
 Pressure from the blood distending the vessel against the
vascular smooth muscle
 LaPlace: T=Pr (tension, pressure, radius)
Blood Pressure

 There are two types of pressure

 Dynamic Pressure
 Pressure from the movement of particles along the blood
 Pitot: P=v2/2 (density, velocity)
Blood Pressure

in a tube or a blood vessel the total energy—the sum of the kinetic energy of flow and the
potential energy—is constant (Bernoulli's principle).
According to the principle, the greater the velocity of flow in a vessel, the lower the lateral
pressure distending its walls. When a vessel is narrowed, the velocity of flow in the narrowed
portion increases and in the distending pressure decreases. Therefore, when a vessel is narrowed
by a pathologic process such as an atherosclerotic plaque, the lateral pressure at the constriction
is decreased and the narrowing tends to maintain itself.
Bernoulli Pressure Lowering
The linear drop in fluid pressure is according to Poiseuille's law, but the constriction produces
an extra drop in pressure according to the BernoulliPrinciple

The liquid column height is a measure of the fluid pressure at that point in the flow
tube. The vertical tubes act as manometers. The manometers show that the pressure
is lowered at the constriction relative to what it would have been in a uniform tube.
The pressure that drives the fluid through the tube is the static fluid pressure at the
bottom of the reservoir. The resistance to flow represented by the tube causes a drop
in pressure as you proceed along the tube.
Blood Pressure

 The Total Pressure is the sum of the static and

dynamic pressures.

 This is much like Total Energy is the sum of the

kinetic and potential energies.
Blood Pressure
 From a practical standpoint…

 THE blood pressure is what we measure if we stick a

catheter into the lumen of a vessel and measure the
outflow pressure.
If a cannula is inserted into an artery, the arterial pressure can be measured
directly with a mercury manometer
Arterial Blood Pressure (BP)

= The lateral pressure force generated by the pumping

action of the heart on the wall of aorta & arterial blood
vessels per unit area.
■ Measured in (mmHg), & sometimes in (cmH2O), where
1 mmHg = 1.36 cmH2O.
■ Of 2 components:
 systolic … (= max press reached) = 110-130 mmHg.
 diastolic … (= min press reached) = 70-90 mmHg.

In normal adult  120/80 mmHg.

Arterial Blood Pressure (continued)

In normal adult  120/80 mmHg.

■ Diastolic pressure is more important, because diastolic
period is longer than the systolic period in the cardiac

■ Pulse pressure = Systolic BP – Diastolic BP.

■ Mean arterial pressure = Diastolic BP + 1/3 Pulse press.
Blood Pressure (BP): Measurements

Figure 15-7: Measurement of arterial blood pressure

Factors Controlling MAP :
The Driving Pressure for Blood Flow

Figure 15-10: Factors that influence mean arterial pressure

Factors affecting ABP:

■ Sex … M > F …due to hormones/ equal at menopause.

■ Age … Elderly > children …due to atherosclerosis.
■ Emotions … due to secretion of adrenaline & noradrenaline.
■ Exercise … due to  venous return.
■ Hormones … (e.g. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, thyroid H).
■ Gravity …  Lower limbs > upper limbs.
■ Race … Orientals > Westerns … ? dietry factors, or weather.
■ Sleep …  due to  venous return.
■ Pregnancy … due to  metabolism.
Effects of gravity on arterial and venous pressures.
Each cm of distance produces a 0.77 mmHg change.

Veins Arteries

0 100 mm Hg

190 mm Hg
Sphincters protect

VENOUS PUMP keeps PV < 25 mm Hg

Factors determining ABP:
Blood Pressure = Cardiac Output X Peripheral Resistance

(BP) (CO) (PR)

Flow Diameter of

■ BP depends on:
1. Cardiac output  CO = SV X HR.
2. Peripheral resistance.
3. Blood volume.
Regulation of Arterial Blood Pressure
Regulation of ABP:

■ Maintaining B.P. is important to ensure a steady blood

flow (perfusion) to tissues.

■ B.P. is regulated neurally through centers in medulla

1. Vasomotor Center (V.M.C.), or (pressor area):
 Sympathetic fibers.
2. Cardiac Inhibitory Center (C.I.C.), or (depressor area):
 Parasympathetic fibers (vagus).
Regulation of ABP (continued)
cardiac control centers in medulla oblongata

1. Cardiacaccelerator 2. Cardiacinhibitory
center center
(V.M.C) (C.I.C)

Sympathetic n. fibers Parasympathetic n. fibers

 Regulatory mechanisms depend on:
a. Fast acting reflexes:
Concerned by controlling CO (SV, HR), & PR.
b. Long-term mechanism:
Concerned mainly by regulating the blood volume.
Regulation of Blood Pressure
Mechanisms for controlling MAP ―

(a) Rapid/Short term BP Control/Nervous


(b) Intermediate Bp Control Mechanisms

(c) Long Term BP Control mechanisms

Rapid / Short term / Nervous
Mechanisms for controlling BP
Charactristics -
 Act rapidly - within secs. to few mts.
 Lasts for - few hrs. to few days
 Prevents - sudden rise or fall in BP
 Operates through -
(a) Baroreceptors
(b) Chemoreceptors
(c) CNS Ischemic Response
 Def. - Stretch receptors,mechanoreceptor
 Present in - walls of heart & large blood vesels
 Structure - highly branched myelinated, knobby nerve
 Stimulated by – stretching of art. wall

High BP → stretching → ↑ discharge freq.

Types of Baroreceptors
1. High Pressure baroreceptors –
Located at - carotid sinus Imp.
- aortic arch baroreceptors
- wall of LV
- root of Rt. Subclavian A.
2. Low Pressure baroreceptors –
Located at - RA, LA,
- Entrance of SVC,IVC,
- Pulm. trunk, pulm.A. & Veins
1. Baroreceptors reflex:

■ Baroreceptors are receptors found in carotid sinus &

aortic arch.
■ Are stimulated by changes in BP.
 BP

+ Baroreceptors
= V.M.C ++ C.I.C

= Sympathetic + Parasympathetic

Vasodilatation &  TPR Slowing of SA node ( HR)

&  CO
Baroreceptor Reflex
 Normally – Baroreceptors discharge at low rate
 Discharge rate - ↑ at high BP & ↓ at low BP
 Below 60 mm Hg – no discharge at all
 Above 160 mm Hg – no further rise in discharge
 i.e. baroreceptors are sensitive in the range of 60 - 160
mm Hg.
 Maximally sensitive at MAP 95 mm Hg.
 Respond more to rapidly changing BP than to a
stationary high or low levels of BP.
Baroreceptor Reflex
 Baroreceptor resetting – Baroreceptors reset
themselves in 1-2 days, to whatever they are exposed.
 So they have no role in long term regulation of BP
(only in short term control)
 Applied – Carotid sinus massage to reduce HR in
PAT (vagally mediated slowing of HR)
Baroreceptor Reflex
Atrial stretch receptors & pulm. Baroreceptors
 Present in – atria, pulm trunk & its divisions
 Imp. Role in reducing arterial pr. Changes due to
changes in blood vol.
all receptors art. Baroreceptors all receptors
intact denervated, denervated
atrial receptors intact

↑ BV → ↑ BP ↑↑ BP ↑↑↑ BP
atrial receptors make total reflex system much more potent for control of
Baroreceptor Reflex
Atrial stretch receptors & pulm. Baroreceptors

↑BV ― ↑ venous return ― ↑ discharge from atrial


↓ BP
Chemosensitive Area Nervous

Glossopharyngeal DEPRESSOR AREA

Carotid Sinus
Aortic Arch HEART
Chemoreceptors Adrenal
Carotid Bodies
Aortic Bodies Medulla

Bainbridge Reflex ( Heart Rate)

Atrial Receptors Volume Reflex ( Urinary OUTPUT)
a.  Vascular Sympathetic Tone
b.  ADH Secretion
c.  Aldosterone Secretion
Chemoreceptor Reflex
 Respond to - ↓ Po2, ↑ Pco2 ,↑ H+ conc.
 Present in – Carotid and Aortic Bodies.
 N. Supply – Sinus & Aortic N.
 Concerned mainly withResp.Regulation
 Discharge at low Normal person.
 No role in BP regulation if >60 mm.Hg.
Role of Chemoreceptors
 In Hypoxia & Hypotension(Hemorrhage)
Chemoreceptors stimulated (if BP <60mm.Hg.)

Hyper ventillation VMC +

↑ Force of contr.→ ↑ SV & SBP ↑ PR → ↑ DBP

2. Chemoreceptors reflex:
■ Chemoreceptors are receptors found in carotid &
aortic bodies.
■ Are stimulated by chemical changes in blood mainly
hypoxia ( O2), hypercapnia ( CO2), & pH changes.

Haemorrhage  BP


++ V.M.C = C.I.C
+ Chemoreceptors

+ Sympathetic = Parasympathetic
+ Adrenal
Vasoconstriction  HR
&  TPR
CNS Ischemic Response
Seen if BP falls <60mm.Hg. –max. at 15-20 mm. Hg.
↓ Blood flow to VMC → Ischemia of VMC

VMC Stimulated Accumulation of CO2

& Lactic acid
& Inotropic action

It is an Emergency art. Pressure control system.
Irreversible neuronal damage in 3-10 mts.
Intermdiate BP Control Mechanisms
 Becomes active after several minutes
 Remain active for few days to few
 By altering Blood Volume they control
Stress Relaxation
↑ Fluid load → ↑ BP ↓ BP

Stretching of vessels

↑ tone of smooth m. ↓ tone of smooth m.

Reflex ↓ in tone Reflex ↑ in tone

↓ BP ↑ BP
Capillary Fluid Shift
↑ BP ↓ BP

↑ mean cap. Pressure ↓ mean cap. Pressure

Fluid enter into IS Comp. Fluid enter into vessels

↓ BV ↑ BV

↓ BP ↑ BP
2 times more effective than barorecepters but slow.
Regulation of Blood Volume:

■ A long-term regulatory mechanism.

■ Mainly renal:
1. Renin-Angiotensin System.
2. Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), or vasopressin.
3. Low-pressure volume receptors.
1. Renin-Angiotensin System:

■ Most important mechanism for Na+ retention in

order to maintain the blood volume.
■ Any drop of renal blood flow &/or  Na+, will
stimulate volume receptors found in juxtaglomerular
apparatus of the kidneys to secrete Renin which will
act on the Angiotensin System leading to production
of aldosterone.
Renin – Angiotensin Vasoconstrictor
Main function –
(i) Control of BP
(ii)Regulation of ECF Volume
Renin – Secreted from – JG Cells
Stimulus – Low BP
Function – convert ATG to AT-I

AT-I → AT-II (in lungs endo cells)

• Renin-Angiotensin System:
 renal blood flow &/or  Na+

++ Juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidneys

(considered volume receptors)

Angiotensin I
Angiotensin III Angiotensin II
(powerful (powerful
vasoconstrictor) vasoconstrictor)
N.B. Aldosterone is the main regulator of Na+ retention.
Functions of Angiotensin-II
 Vasoconstriction → ↑ BP

 Na+ & Water retention by Kidney → ↑ BP

 Stimulate thirst → ↑ BV → ↑ BP
Functions of Angiotensin-II
2. Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), or
■ Hypovolemia & dehydration will stimulate the
osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus, which will lead
to release of ADH from posterior pituitary gland.

■ ADH will cause water reabsorption at kidney tubules.

3. Low-pressure volume receptors:

■ Atrial natriuritic peptide (ANP) hormone, is secreted

from the wall of right atrium to regulate Na+ excretion
in order to maintain blood volume.
3. Other Vasomotor Reflexes:

1. Atrial stretch receptor reflex:

 Venous Return  ++ atrial stretch receptors  reflex
vasodilatation &  BP.
2. Thermoreceptors: (in skin/or hypothalamus)
 Exposure to heat  vasodilatation.
 Exposure to cold  vasoconstriction.

3. Pulmonary receptors:
Lung inflation  vasoconstriction.

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