What is Drama?
The abridged Oxford Dictionary defines drama as a composition in
Drama does not however, need a stage, nor does it need costume,
time. The actors and spectators move between real time and
imaginary time, from existential reality to dramatic reality.
A World-Wide Show
(A Dramatic Entertainment)
tell the very real story authentically and as the music was
resolutely western despite its echoes of the Orient, they
needed Asian voices that could sing western music. This
world-wide search took them 10 countries including the
Philippines where they found the majority of their original
London cast. It is here that Miss Lea Salonga of the Philippines
became the first star of the show.
Development of Drama
1. Ancient Drama
Among the Egyptians of about 2000 B.C.E., drama existed in
2. Medieval Drama
There was gradual development of the three kinds of medieval
Mystery play- based on the Holy Scriptures, dealt with the life
lawyers , the merchant, the student, the young wife, and the
old foolish husband.
3. Renaissance Drama
With the rediscovery of classical literature during this period, the
Greek and Roman dramatists were imitated first in Italy and later,
with the spread of humanism, in France, Germany, and England.
meaningless, but the commedia dell arte was original and lifelike.
It was an unwritten impromptu drama, produced on platforms on
the streets by strolling players. Masks and costumes
conventionalized with time, told the audience what o expect of the
characters, all of whom were popular types, used again and again.
The most brilliant 16th century drama was from the English chiefly
Elizabethan drama died out under the Puritan regime and did
not return until near the end of 18th century.
religious influences.
German drama came to maturity much more slowly than did the
was Hans Sachs, who wrote formal comedies and tragedies and
popular carnival plays.
5. Modern Drama
Credit should be given to Ibsen, a Norwegian dramatist, for
Oriental Drama