329 M.H Lectures
329 M.H Lectures
329 M.H Lectures
15-19 Nov
Dr M.G.Hassan
For Dr Magdi NasrAllah
This presentation is no substitution for reading
the chapter Some information is only found in the
nondestructive techniques
Inspection is usually done by
nondestructive techniques.
This is usually known as nondestructive
examination (NDE).
The general term nondestructive
evaluation describes the various terms
used such as nondestructive inspection
nondestructive testing (NDT)
and nondestructive examination (NDEx).
particular nondestructive
the type of flaw to be detected,
the size and orientation of the flaw,
the location of the flaw in the
the size and shape of the sample
the nature of the sample.
2.2.3 Replication
This method can be used for in situ measurement of
the microstructural deterioration and damage of
materials exposed to environments in power plants
and petrochemical industries for the purpose of
determining remaining service life of components
A surface replica, using acetate, acrylic or rubber
taken from a sample is examined by a microscopic
technique such as electron microscopy
Surface cracks in boiler tubes, creep damage in power
plant components and precipitate analysis in
components subjected to high temperature and stress
have been successfully assessed by this technique
2.2.4 Radiographic
The source of radiation used in the method can
be either X-rays or y-rays emitted by a
radioactive element
The difference in intensities of radiation
absorbed by the test sample due to the internal
flaw and the surroundings devoid of flaws
produces an image of the flaw on the sensor
used, such as film.
It is important to recognize the radiation hazards
in using the technique and all precautions should
be taken in handling the instrument.
Neutron Radiography
A neutron beam is directed on the test sample and
the resulting attenuated beam falls on a conversion
screen and a radiographic image is obtained
The thermal neutron sources are radioactive isotopes
which emit neutrons,
The neutrons from the sources are moderated with
materials such as paraffin, graphite, water, heavy
water or beryllium.
Some of the radioisotopes used as sources of thermal
neutrons are: antimony, polonium, americium curium
and californium. The various sources have different
half-lives, ranging from days to years.