Aftermergingwiththebreweryassets of Norwegian
conglomerateOrklaASAinJanuary2001 Carlsberg became the
5thlargest brewery group in the world.
Carlsberg Group has ventured into the Indian market with its
three brands Okocim Palone, a strong beer, Tuborg and Carlsberg,
in the mild-beer section.
Place: All the metros and major cities especially north and
Target Market:The Carlsberg group has majorly tried to cater to the younger
consumer and with its product Okocim Palone it hastargeted the section who likes
tohave a stronger beer.
Moreover STP and 4Ps analysis show that Indian breweries market is open
forinternational players and they can very well cash-in ontheir international brand
The scenario of India is very different from rest ofthe world. Any
company venturing into the Indian market will have to study the
Different states have different rules for liquor. Some states like
Gujratare Dry states where the sales of liquor are completely
banned. Some states have time limits i.e., after 9 the salesof
liquor are prohibited. Even theage limitfor drinking inIndia is
under discussion. Rightnow itis 25, so Carlsberg has to be very
specific when targeting its consumer.
The Carlsberg group has realized this potential and thus has
targeted only the urban cities of India in their early stage
topenetrate the market.
With the joint venture with South Asia Breweries Carlsberg has
set up four breweries in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Himachal
Pradesh and West Bengal to reduce the cost.
As the laws are different for different states, Carlsberg India has
played smart in making a social networking website so that its
purpose of marketing is also solved and it didnt cross the line of
the law as well.